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发表于 2007-8-15 16:02:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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5 E% \1 r9 `* }& ?Universitatsbibliothek Munchen ( Germany ) # a) ]7 ^; P7 t4 ?6 }% h0 A
http://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/perl/advsearch 1 @4 w: D  U! T3 ~6 u2 U9 [
: j! f: J- D1 Q, @7 g
University of Campinas Faculty of Education * R7 k: L2 Q) X- x- W) z
http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/uchsc/main ; w4 q# ^4 l$ l% u; g
5 L" J, z3 S4 i& U
http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/ 6 B  B! U6 Q& G
  b1 L( j9 E) }4 z* a+ N2 _
University of Florida
' q8 z" R2 L' l; n0 M; e# ]8 ohttp://web.uflib.ufl.edu/etd.html
- V: W) N9 R4 p9 F
1 g3 R* w) b  C" [University of Georgia Electronic Theses and Dissertations (Summer 1999 to present)
  r9 V, C2 l; fhttp://dbs.galib.uga.edu/cgi-bin ... on=search&_cc=1
, {8 }2 c4 V! D) I7 b! |
- ?# T1 C2 ]+ l7 h6 `Australian Digital Theses Program 7 U- U& P% M8 p( Y7 g" b2 D7 e
http://adt.caul.edu.au/ 3 x- T$ N, O, s' u( ~' \/ t9 a3 z% I

+ M+ s# k! e9 DUniversity of New Orleans 5 n" w  k8 X) H5 I
. \. K4 P# o/ N7 r) {7 A, ~" l* a& F9 o- m: A3 X
University of Pretoria : Electronic Theses and Dissertations & m4 s6 b+ _  z7 _: y
) U4 E6 l6 @# X5 U3 v
: X! X/ I/ p2 f* m5 H9 [+ HUniversity of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
; A( Z& [& Y# i6 xhttp://grad.uprm.edu/tesisdigitales.htm   G0 b% J5 g3 W4 @
& d: s( }' t5 q5 |$ L0 g$ }( b1 O: Q
University of Tennessee, Knoxville * I- m% N$ s$ H+ B, g2 j8 x
http://www.lib.utk.edu:90/cgi-perl/dbBroke...er.cgi?help=148 / p2 k1 o' C  V: m! o  [- o

; F4 s' Q) J* j, g+ J5 ?University of South Florida
/ {5 z: b# t0 X( {5 {" d) A5 lhttp://www.lib.usf.edu/cgi-bin/ETD-db/ETD-...D-search/search 9 F+ F* n" ?! ~4 e8 z8 {
! G5 Z3 U$ X$ h9 V' D& B/ m
University of Texas - Austin 1 g' [4 E, |3 K
$ e- \! D3 b) M  v8 A6 i
1 r& p* ?4 |2 E" M4 W; q  g8 ZUniversity Utrecht(Electronic Theses and Dissertations) : ?" x; z' y$ s; Y& `6 ]
http://laurel.library.uu.nl/cgi-bin/mus212...server?DB=da_en 3 r6 U( D1 T/ W+ B, }. K
, _6 @: W7 ]7 d: Y$ H) i8 t. U
UW Electronic Thesis Database ( r$ ~0 R5 ~: T. T: ~
0 Z" M" g2 F% C  ~5 H, u/ N5 n9 O  P4 X) [9 h/ e. I8 M- Q3 |
Uppsala Universitiet 6 V) A1 Z- Q2 j+ M7 Z  l7 q
http://publications.uu.se/theses/ ( f. g+ R7 k  I5 y
2 P7 x: H" |! d6 l; h* b
Virginia Commonwealth University
  K) K4 b1 j- x# r( B4 i& hhttp://etd.vcu.edu/ETD-db/ETD-search/search
7 p6 Y; |+ h1 |  ?% m2 C' h. D: }- O$ m! L3 }+ n
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
3 w/ O2 B  J' Uhttp://www.wpi.edu/ETD-db/ETD-search/search : {+ T" a0 K, ]. j" a9 D( S$ ^

3 s. w7 X  v4 w( {( EYale University Library 3 N: R: W1 ^9 K# C/ f
" w: J! Y6 m3 W  f, M9 [) f4 a- F+ C/ [: G! ?5 G" m
The George Washington University
) P# D  g1 W/ bhttp://etd-gw.wrlc.org/ETD-db/ETD-search/search   L& L# r2 `+ j2 t9 z5 D

4 M4 B# V0 Z4 F- b  g5 _The Pennsylvania State University’s electronic Theses and Dissertations Archives
9 o4 M' s: t, _$ Shttp://etda.libraries.psu.edu/ETD-db/ETD-search/search
+ g3 Z: s! h2 o) s' S% ?0 P1 l
4 ?9 S8 q* |1 nNorth Carolina State University $ o7 E8 E8 L' |# t3 `" t; J
http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/ETD-db/ETD-search/search ( i) ~% ^( `0 B! J8 M" ]

& o4 i7 B1 w/ J' r; m$ G( N5 K2 kThe New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Electronic Theses & Dissertations # L% c: f7 [% V
! k' _9 I6 V. |" [+ U7 \$ |6 k! L' [- @% ^2 {6 o/ H* X- w: M5 @
Naval Postgraduate School Theses
, X4 s8 a; k7 Y9 h- w: P9 j4 Uhttp://library.nps.navy.mil/home/theses.htm
" h+ |2 `! h0 j: b1 _; b7 r8 X& L( f* C
National Taiwan Normal University 0 G& n& {" c1 U$ T# |0 a* R
: d+ A8 [6 _0 o! S9 u
( ~; ~5 G0 t) jUniversity of Mississippi Rowland Medical Library # E& x2 S  P8 H- @$ i, z
http://library.umsmed.edu/free-e_res.htm#Journals 5 n$ V' _( R4 V, n5 ^- ?% s
- k* C9 J. `2 P% ]6 t4 y+ I
http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/ETD-db/ETD-search/search 9 ^; U$ U1 ~: v8 {- b2 D0 y

6 N& s" P: {7 {$ q  Ehttp://etda.libraries.psu.edu/ETD-db/ETD-search/search 5 d6 Z  P; X, @6 [9 N8 V
- ~& e2 q3 I0 H. i& C
! T- M9 m$ R/ @
8 E2 ?3 [$ @& ~( H! Z' m! c1 nhttp://library.wustl.edu/subjects/life/books.html + }( _, ^  d7 S& ]; V2 G/ g$ r3 V
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' C8 l: T4 S$ Q; a* [: q. g/ b9 F5 e3 v7 M0 X
) b, H  n: s7 I, c" i0 I# m; d& x6 `http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/main.jsp ( L2 X* B  K. p+ j1 u  l, |0 ~; x1 a
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