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发表于 2006-7-30 19:27:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
主要是供大家开阔眼界,打开思路,可以看看国外的博士论文答辩内容。# s; G  F, D8 C( C& l* B; [

" g( e& Y( j  _5 S1 a7 R- |  @  i. g10多篇(压缩后27M)国外(主要是美国的)近几年的博士论文答辩ppt供准备论文答辩的人参考。主要是理工科的(含数学,计算机,物理,化学,材料和生物医学等)。& }' G9 w9 p3 A
发表于 2006-7-31 05:09:25 | 显示全部楼层
PHD defence.rar内容如下:! Z" D) ~( o7 G% `  T0 M3 R4 Y) |

& F' {: x& [/ K, [, |. r7 wPh_D defense.ppt
% f( l4 J* q: pEdge-based Inference, Control, and DoS Resilience for the Internet1 k  v, z# l2 |! f6 X- a7 L% |9 E, m

, C% p3 {5 q4 q9 R' X6 c- _Ph_D defense (2).ppt
) u7 L; G3 g" V5 J# J1 W- U. uFoundations of Inter-Domain Routing
& Q. z* w9 n. p  v1 ?
+ V0 N4 R0 H/ o: zPh_D defense (5).ppt
5 l+ f3 |, i6 H- m% dÉtude des systèmes de communication multi-antennes ; capacité de canal et détection itérative& V3 r4 p6 R/ ^# I# u& v8 P
  H9 H# q% \2 D! b
Ph_D defense (7).pdf# @* O  S& `7 X, Q" v0 |# r
Why a Ph.D.? (NB. in computer science)
; Q( _2 V1 T  _# ?4 K" Z0 @
0 k: `- y4 R: {" N# V9 dPh_D defense (8).pdf
. f  S! f) }' v  F% o# A4 `2 _; z4 y* s) O4 ~* B6 z" R' K' S. z( b
Ph_D defense (9).pdf
& V: C5 h" u5 Q+ h+ Z9 E$ }Spatial Computation - A model of general-purpose computation based on Application-Specific Hardware.
+ P8 z3 Y; D2 C2 e* s0 V. w/ C
7 o) k" w# U2 ]Ph_D defense (10).ppt
7 B, T+ ~$ @; @4 qIdentified Particle Production in p+p and d+Au Collisions at RHIC Energies
/ `% u7 F) B6 v4 `2 Z  ^  ~2 I: B5 V. h/ ^  q1 Y
Ph_D defense (11).ppt
9 D1 P$ i8 T% g" C1 ^) gUsing Hierarchical Scheduling to Support Soft Real-Time Applications in General-Purpose Operating Systems
; y9 X. M' E' P, A% |5 N. m6 D/ r' B2 ~2 J" E1 h2 z+ B. ^3 R! }
Ph_D defense (12).pdf8 `: p: z8 b+ B6 f( p% L
Video Communications over Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks
/ t5 I8 B0 _* V& n9 c' q$ u& Y7 Z9 }; r0 r+ u
Ph_D defense (13).ppt* h9 o; c. h# j7 E) ~
Approximation Algorithms for VLSI Routing
. b" e# h9 l/ \8 I3 ?; V* v( Z0 j: R/ `. w
Ph_D defense (14).ppt, S* w+ S( J3 b+ ^8 ^; c/ o
Hardware Architectures to Support Low Power Natural I/O Applications4 K! y  _" O3 H

4 ?) c: l5 w' c0 ]' l% `0 ~1 iPh_D defense (15).ppt
  ?8 ~2 t  a) ?# ]1 R+ HLoad-Balancing and Parallelism for the Internet% m7 x& R8 t# X# a

9 H* x& Z9 r/ g3 H8 t( s0 @  NPh_D defense (16).ppt9 g1 g+ g0 _, _
Stopping in central (SNN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC
& x$ b7 C) ?* O4 r5 h5 C; m4 W5 N+ ^
Ph_D defense (17).pdf/ w: t  F8 Q8 w1 |
A Biomechanics-based Articulation Model for Medical Applications* u4 u8 O- X/ s' O$ Q) g- r
2 L" B; p% i: X  E" A$ W, S8 O/ _
Ph_D defense (18).ppt
: c7 \3 T6 [. }8 U) `- c/ sAn Environment for Comprehending the Behavior of Software Systems5 ?6 y5 p5 @' y! k3 W, p0 A  F
5 s2 j3 M' H: r  R' n
Ph_D defense (19).pdf3 c! W. Z1 d( ~- S) d' T$ C
Authenticated Group/ O* ?1 F; r9 ~# c/ d
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: Theory and Practice
$ [  y2 z; h1 T5 t# H) I$ ~
% V0 i; t) S! w( tPh_D defense (20).ppt" t  F( X% z6 `- o2 ^
Multiple Parton Interactions In Dense QCD Matter Via The Reaction Operator Approach1 v: b5 Y2 _, U6 H' @5 |

* I0 F& ]/ o9 v" NPh_D defense (21).pdf! o3 P3 d; V$ t3 q5 ]% P2 `" g
Angular-momentum-dominated electron beams and flat-beam generation
3 x5 T6 F( Y# x) C4 R6 ], _& J3 x4 @. r1 Q+ g, J# n7 N% l8 ~" D- V5 d
Ph_D defense (22).ppt0 u6 ~5 F5 C( U
Domain-Specific Modeling
: e- s" U; G1 h$ D$ cOr, how I learned to stop worrying and love the metamodel.: k  K% V7 e7 c/ H/ t$ u( `
- `. @  F" }- l% I- C: X
Ph_D defense (23).ppt
2 c9 Y9 C% ~9 j- }) A$ H. O$ DGroup Key Agreement - Theory and Practice
- ^- m7 z' ?% L0 j( T) M% e
" ]$ O! @7 u* D5 U5 G; q! w; N8 wPh_D defense (24).pdf$ I% W, J2 X/ G  R, G* T- {. T
Pattern Discovery for Hypothesis Generation in Biology
+ T3 t( r! O/ K+ }2 J" z, @- o+ _' R/ d
Ph_D defense (25).pdf% ]6 ^7 m2 W. t1 p: J. R5 v
Stochastic Evaluation of Fair Scheduling with Applications to Quality-Of-Service in Broadband Wireless Access Networks
发表于 2006-7-31 08:30:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-8-2 03:41:30 | 显示全部楼层
: i9 W- b- ^4 h8 X$ z% M7 A
; Q* n: P1 Z4 h7 ^我第一个反应是觉得太专业,无法翻译的。现在勉为其难,目的是趁机学习一点中文科学名词。我自小转读法文,连最简单的中文科技名词都不熟悉的。所以一定要请大家指正。- s1 J1 c3 p9 M; b% Y4 O/ `. ?
/ `1 }4 \. s! M
Ph_D defense.ppt
9 V. r. L0 \; JEdge-based Inference, Control, and DoS Resilience for the Internet$ h( ]: B% _5 r' ~
# l+ T, {. }4 @- j
1 }! x; G" v. G# F2 _Ph_D defense (2).ppt* S2 a' T" a  x7 d& G
Foundations of Inter-Domain Routing
: E9 L# `0 f6 o% R9 Q1 b/ m建立領域和領域之间的路线' v* a5 O$ _! J. s4 f
& g6 o9 g  m; m; ]0 |6 `( l. [
Ph_D defense (5).ppt/ q4 d  f; V  k5 c. _
Étude des systèmes de communication multi-antennes ; capacité de canal et détection itérative
5 L3 u2 a8 r( j多天线系统━频道容量和重复侦测方式" u3 }6 l, z/ Q8 l! J4 F, @' [* S

) q5 m0 F! G, A# fPh_D defense (7).pdf7 n  F5 j; W* B+ H
Why a Ph.D.? (NB. in computer science)
0 f6 O  k* L# U: t+ p* v为什么考(计算机科学)博士学位. ~3 E; Y3 {, [9 b" y/ Y, L
; n9 t3 f3 p# t, v  e  v
Ph_D defense (8).pdf
& w: `" e1 c! q2 v4 c5 m这个我留在最后,不过不得不放弃了,因为实在太专业,也没有了那种心情。( {% c/ e8 q- b* L: R4 L9 E

! `* L$ j! N8 Y' QPh_D defense (9).pdf7 \$ Z! H* ~9 ^; g
Spatial Computation - A model of general-purpose computation based on Application-Specific Hardware.
+ C, @: y; U6 R2 J, _" a. b- U立体计算━利用专用硬体作普遍计算的模式3 Y. [* c# w( {0 O6 t3 H+ Q

& o, e7 D: |, a6 K' @& |) APh_D defense (10).ppt9 t5 B+ I# p! g; T4 q. D2 {* {5 u( M
Identified Particle Production in p+p and d+Au Collisions at RHIC Energies
( S% f/ b$ L* o% SRHIC能区中p+p和d+Au碰撞产生的粒子2 C/ T0 v. @. U- x

% ?9 t2 j5 F; D. m$ T- U3 d& _Ph_D defense (11).ppt0 d5 B) r4 r( L3 p  C1 W2 F
Using Hierarchical Scheduling to Support Soft Real-Time Applications in General-Purpose Operating Systems! h; k: b/ |  [! J! r4 g, Q- E* S
" W- k9 H5 ?/ l# c! ?4 U! i0 o5 e, K3 e) s( ]$ @
Ph_D defense (12).pdf
! u9 @7 z9 A/ |% O. L9 F5 gVideo Communications over Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks
3 K  C. Z, V. [* j' A随意网路上的视频通讯
5 d6 @& B$ B1 g9 P& O
  z/ ?. v; }* Y/ j/ p, j5 U! fPh_D defense (13).ppt
2 v* R& |7 f& d" T+ fApproximation Algorithms for VLSI Routing0 R  O0 j. P& _9 w) {3 g
用近似算法计算超大型集成电路& X. u( R5 K% ~9 S) J" m

# U  C; e. K' mPh_D defense (14).ppt
/ K1 P  W4 G+ V. vHardware Architectures to Support Low Power Natural I/O Applications4 Q0 W$ c5 J0 |4 u' A$ n
1 B, D# c, ?+ }% a  H
+ L% C, \( p- L+ {7 _Ph_D defense (15).ppt- e. {0 a, t: `# l( [. P
Load-Balancing and Parallelism for the Internet# z" W. o3 K& l* W
5 r$ x2 U+ o: Q6 {
% Q: `1 c' x- G% B+ C2 \! Q# B. _- P9 BPh_D defense (16).ppt
+ k, m6 B2 V- T. IStopping in central (SNN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC
) ?; O0 n* h6 D/ WRHIC能區中Au+Au碰撞導致的重子能量損失
$ w) C4 d" d2 b1 w1 z2 w& o
. Z9 g  C. I% y- y. o8 fPh_D defense (17).pdf
7 Y% n- G* _; V5 lA Biomechanics-based Articulation Model for Medical Applications& b5 u- q) F: v$ |
基於生物力学的医学用关节模型! e" _* y  U& R- {( `% i
# S0 t/ Z. o/ M0 @1 I* Z
Ph_D defense (18).ppt/ Z" B& l$ N( d8 j$ S$ K
An Environment for Comprehending the Behavior of Software Systems: `( y) s  b1 e0 \0 I, G
理解软件性能的环境, ^. T! I0 p8 Z
! x3 T; _( g, ]  p5 h6 J
Ph_D defense (19).pdf" l: f9 V6 Q1 I1 ?
Authenticated Group! B* g5 c2 ]0 @" O$ X% u1 L2 G
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: Theory and Practice
4 M; G+ Z! L! G. L' Y$ ?/ @群体鉴别
5 y2 \6 q: C0 I' }' E) k, Y6 ~Diffie-Hellman金钥协议:理论和实务
4 x5 D4 X& O$ C
0 F6 F: G( ]% ~* U$ S! iPh_D defense (20).ppt4 C, N: G( g5 k2 ], A4 Y7 s4 K
Multiple Parton Interactions In Dense QCD Matter Via The Reaction Operator Approach
) A6 I* Y: g$ s0 u  L& p  \以反应算子方法讨论部分子在重QCD物质中的交互作用
6 ~. A: S/ p2 }: S
8 g/ V6 q9 Y# j0 O9 a: y- v$ VPh_D defense (21).pdf" t) |' A7 ~* D; y" z: q+ n6 H7 X
Angular-momentum-dominated electron beams and flat-beam generation9 T5 d- s2 i% a/ a1 G
由角动量电子束到平顶光束7 m! o% K8 [) W' z

% Q9 _5 G7 N1 GPh_D defense (22).ppt0 z" U; a% _" Y% M1 r
Domain-Specific Modeling+ N1 C1 M; E; u4 y! b* ?
Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the metamodel.% S) r8 z% T0 h$ {* c
9 j9 o/ `* E4 Y我怎样学会不再烦恼并喜爱元建模
0 {3 d$ k1 e# ^, u* u6 |4 P; D% i( k9 b% F! Y2 T
Ph_D defense (23).ppt
1 o& i' C) M# b: b) f1 e2 w/ VGroup Key Agreement - Theory and Practice% K* l$ o4 A7 }2 B0 Z
) D4 n4 y% S% ^, ~8 O. e$ @& B) c' w
; d) q2 g0 t- r7 V) _  W# D/ HPh_D defense (24).pdf9 U, ?  Y, r; O  D$ u
Pattern Discovery for Hypothesis Generation in Biology$ |. @2 l; E% ?5 [; K
* L% o, B% P1 g: o% |( |! {
) |/ V3 P0 X5 v  R0 @+ x; T1 EPh_D defense (25).pdf
2 _. y2 M7 j: C; c- O5 A: a1 ~8 WStochastic Evaluation of Fair Scheduling with Applications to Quality-Of-Service in Broadband Wireless Access Networks1 k8 X2 W" j1 N$ e7 C5 M2 t- k% ~
对公平排程随机评价━应用於无线宽频网路的服务品质/ M: ?8 {3 ~4 ^1 ]) Q% p, q
7 n: }9 u. o/ ?, p6 u: {
发表于 2006-12-1 17:33:36 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-12-2 16:49:47 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-12-3 16:03:57 | 显示全部楼层
/ S) S7 n+ j- l+ B①逐篇找:我用Google找过“phd defense,Edge-based Inference”和“phd defense,foundations of inter-domain routing”,都找到了。
0 |9 A& L4 i+ L- s' G②我还保存那些论文,必要时可以提供。
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