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央视《见证. 纪录者》8月18、19日看点:《生活三部曲》之《乡村生活》

发表于 2003-8-16 01:48:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CCTV-1《见证》栏目8月18日-19日   (星期一    星期二)     23:25播出





 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-19 09:01:56 | 显示全部楼层



The Secret of My Success

Color/75mins/ Digital BETA /CHINA/2002


导  演

摄  影      段锦川

剪  辑

录  音      陈敏

制片人      马克 诗梅 段锦川

出  品:China Memo Films.2002

A Decameron Films Production in association with China Memo Films for BBC/ARTE France in association with TV2/Danmark, YLE, NRK and SVT.






2002荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际纪录电影节  银狼奖(最佳纪录短片奖)

Lu Guohua is the Officer for Planned Birth Control in Fansheng village. This post is not an easy one, and often attracts the vengeful acts of villagers. Many of his co-workers have their straw and firewood burnt, but Lu Guohua, during his fourteen years in his post, due to his reputation and capabilities, has never run into any trouble other than the occasional fist fight. In 2001, however, Lu runs into a spot of trouble, as a family under his ward gives birth to a third child, thus violating the strict rules he is to uphold. Because of this, his previously excellent relation with the head of the village, Li Zhongqin, rapidly sours. That year happens to be election year in Fansheng village, but a few tricks from Lu’s part soon put an end to Li’s reelection hopes for a fourth term in office
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