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发表于 2007-12-8 12:15:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者:张振兴 来源:http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-FYZA200302001.htm

【作者单位】:中国社会科学院语言研究所 北京
  壹汉语的语序问题 语序指的是词、词组和短语作为句子成分时的线性排列顺序,其中最主要的是主语(S)、谓语(v)和宾语(O)的排列顺序。从理论上说,这个顺序有SVO、SOV、VSO、VOS、OSV、OVS等六种,但是我们不知道世界上的语言是否都可以归纳到这六种形态顺序中去,也不知道世界上的语言有没有超出这六种形态顺序的。语言学家Greenberg最早研究了世界上若干种语言的语序,并且提出了著名的语序普遍性理论,他(1966)认为一般的情况下,能够成为支配性的语序只有三种,这就是SvO、Sov和vSO。 关于汉语的语序似乎不成为一个问题,一般都认为是S…
  An Investigation of Word Order across Chinese Dialects
  Zhang Zhenxing
   This paper investigates word order across Chinese dialects, including the order of the subject, predicate, and object, and the order of a head and its modifier. The investigation results in two hypotheses regarding the origin of Chinese. These hypotheses are gronded in the typological variations between the northern and southern Chinese dialects, and are further supported by the data from classical Chinese and minority languages.
【Keyword】:Word order, Chinese dialects, Classical Chinese, minority languages
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