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发表于 2006-7-11 22:51:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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上古漢語的構詞問題——評Laurent Sagart : The Roots of Old Chinese[1](丁邦新)

中文题名: 上古漢語的構詞問題
英文题名:  A Review of The Roots of Old Chinese by Laurent Sagart
作者:  丁邦新
作者单位: 香港科技大学
中文摘要: 最近有好几位学者讨论上古汉语的构词问题,并且拟测了不同种类的词缀。我觉得在讨论构词问题之前,应该考虑先设定几条通则,作为讨论的基础,以下是个人的一些想法。
㈢先秦传世古籍相当不少,在讨论词缀时,希望至少能有一个用例,例如《尚书汤誓》:“时日曷丧,予及汝偕亡。” “丧”是“亡”的使动式,上古音“丧”是smangh,“亡”是mjang,而“丧”是有词头的,等于“使亡”的意思。意思是“这个太阳什么时候才能使它死亡,我愿意跟你一起死亡。”我把这个原则称为“词缀用例原则”。当然这是一个理想的情形,如果没有用例,至少有谐声字、词族的说明。问题是谐声字、词族的说明有时难免人言人殊,不容易成为定论。

英文摘要: Recently several scholars have discussed morphological issues in Archaic Chinese and reconstructed various types of affixes. Here I would like to review Sagart’s books. I propse to set up three general principles as a foundation for further discussion.
1. Each Chinese Character Basically Represents One Syllable
This statement can be easily validated by the fact that most of the poems in the Shijing(《诗经》) are composed of four-character lines and each character therefore represents one syllable. It would be difficult to imagine that one stanza could be composed of a number of four-character lines in which one of the characters actually represents more than one syllable. Therefore, any lexeme represented by one character should by monosyllabic. If one character represents a root with an affix, this affix must be proclitic or enclitic in nature and belong to the same syllable. I call this principle the Monosyllabic Principle.
2. Every Affix Must Its Meaning
When we discuss an affix, we should always indicates its meaning whether grammatical or rhetorical. For example, the grammatical function of a prefix may derive a causative verb from its original form, or the rhetorical function of an infix may emphasize the connotation of a word. I call this principle the Meaningful Affix Principle.
3. The Usage of An Affix Must Be Exemplified in Pre-Qin Texts
Many pre-Qin texts are preserved today. When we discussed a particular affix, it would be preferable if we could quote at least one example from the texts to demonstrate its usage. I call this principle The Affix Usage Principle.
On the basis of these usage principles, I will discuss the methodology that Sagart applies in his 1999 book, as well as other issues.

—— (1998b):《福州方言词典》,江苏教育出版社,江苏。
—— (1993):《厦门方言词典》,江苏教育出版社,江苏。
李方桂(1971):上古音研究,《清华学报》新九卷第1、2期合刊, 1-61页。
Baxter, William H. III(1992):A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Chao, Yuen Ren(趙元任 1968):A Grammar of Spoken Chinese, University of California Press.
Gong, Hwang-cherng (龔煌城 1980):A Comparative Study of Chinese, Tibetan, and Burmese Vowel Systems, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 5103:455-490。
Li Fang-kuei(李方桂 1951):Review of Nationalism and Language Reform in China, International Journal of American Linguistics 17.4:255-257.
Mei, Tsu-Lin(梅祖麟 1989):The causative and denominative functions of the s- prefix in Old Chinese. Proceedings on the Second international Conference on Sinology, Academia Sinica, section on Linguistics and Paleography. 33-51. Taipei.
Pulleyblank, Edwin G.(1973):Some New Hypothesis Concerning Word Families in Chinese, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 1.1:111-125.
——(2000):Morphology in Old Chinese, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 28.1:26-51.
Sagart, Laurent(1999):The Roots of Old Chinese, Amsterdam Studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series IV, Current issues in linguistic theory, v.184.

文献标识码:  A理论与应用研究学术论文(包括综述报告)
更新日期: 2005年04月11日
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