拼音 词语 拼音代用式 英 译 序号
a- 阿拉伯人 a-la-bo/ren/ Arab;Arabian. 1
ai- 挨家挨户 ai-jia-ai-hu` house by house 2
ai- 哀兵必胜 ai-bing-bi`sheng` an army being bullied is bound 3
to win
ai- 寒鸦哀鸣 han/ya-ai-ming/ lament as plaintively as a 4
jackdaw;lamentation of a
dying crow
ai- 黄埃蔽天 huang/ai-bi`tian- The sky was obliterated by 5
a dust storm.
ai- 挨挨挤挤 ai-ai-ji>ji> get close to each other 6
ai- 挨门挨户 ai-men/ai-hu` go from house to house (or door 7
to door)
ai- 唉声叹气 ai-sheng-tan`qi` have deep sighs;sigh in des- 8
pair;moan and groan
ai/ 挨打受怕 ai/da>shou`ma` get both a scolding and beating 9
ai/ 挨饿受冻 ai/e`shou`dong` be hungry and cold 10
ai/ 白雪皑皑 bai/xue>ai/ai/ vast expanse of white snow 11
ai> 蔼然可亲 ai>ran/ke>qin- amiable and endearing 12
ai> 又矮又小 you`ai>you`xiao> short and small 13
ai` 碍手碍脚 ai`shou>ai`jiao> be in the way 14
ai` 碍于情面 ai`yu/qing/mian` for fear of hurting sb.'s 15
ai` 有碍观瞻 you>ai`guan-zhan- eyesore;be unpleasant to 16