作者: 耿振生
作者单位: 北京大学中文系、北京大学汉语语言学研究中心
中文题名: 北京话文白异读的形成
英文题名: On the Formalization of the Literary/Colloquial Readings in Pekingese
中文摘要: 对于北京话的文白异读,有的学者认为有跟其他方言相反的成因,即白话音是外来音,读书音是本地音。本文分析了两种读音层的特色后,认为事实不应如此,北京话读书音的形成也跟其他方言遵循着相同的规律,即白话音是本地固有的读音层,读书音是从外地借入的读音层。对于北京话的文白异读,有的学者认为有跟其他方言相反的成因,即白话音是外来音,读书音是本地音。本文分析了两种读音层的特色后,认为事实不应如此,北京话读书音的形成也跟其他方言遵循着相同的规律,即白话音是本地固有的读音层,读书音是从外地借入的读音层。
中文关键字: 北京话 读书音 白话音 韵类分布
英文摘要: Some scholars have the opinion that the literary readings in Pekingese were derived from ancient local readings and the colloquial readings in Pekingese were borrowed from other Chinese dialects. In other word, there is a different approach for Pekingese with other Chinese dialects to develop the two systems of literary readings and colloquial readings. This paper puts forth reasons against this opinion. In fact, as same as other Chinese dialects, the literary readings in Pekingese were borrowed from other dialects and the colloquial readings in Pekingese were derived from the ancient local readings.
英文关键字: Pekingese, Literary Readings, Colloquial Readings, Distribution of Rhyme Category
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贺 巍(1993)《洛阳方言研究》,社会科学文献出版社,北京。
李 荣(1982)语音演变规律的例外,《音韵存稿》107-118页,商务印书馆,北京。
林 焘(1992)入派三声补释,《语言学论丛》17辑,商务印书馆,北京。
俞 敏(1983)李汝珍〈音鉴〉里的入声字,《北京师范大学学报》第4期,北京。
文献标识码: A理论与应用研究学术论文(包括综述报告)
更新日期: 2005年06月06日 |