本帖最后由 昌言 于 2019-2-1 07:36 编辑
啊1 ā [啊,出虹了]! Oh,there rises the 1
rainbow! 2
阿1 ā [阿拉伯人] Arab;Arabian. 3
阿1 ā [阿姨] aunt 4
吖 ā [吖](同"啊(呵)1") same as "啊(呵)1"(2747) 5
吖 ā [吖嗪](有机化合物) azine 6
腌2 ā [腌臜] dirty 7
锕 ā [锕](符号Ac) actinium(Ac) 8
啊2 á [啊,你说什么]? Eh?Pardon? 9
嗄2 á [嗄,你说什么]? Eh? Pardon? 10
嗄2 á [嗄2](同"啊2") same as "啊2"(2748) 11
啊3 ǎ [啊?他还没有来啊]! What! Isn't he here yet? 12
啊5 à [啊,好吧] Ah,all right. 13
啊6 à [啊,我们伟大的祖国. Oh,our great motherland. 14
啊4 à [啊,原来是你] Ah,so it's you. 15
埃 āi [埃及] Egypt 16
挨1 āi [挨家挨户] house by house 17
挨1 āi [挨近] get close to 18
哎 āi [哎呀] My goodness. 19
唉1 āi [唉,我在这儿] Yes,I'm here. 20
唉1 āi [唉声叹气] moan and groan 21
哀 āi [哀兵必胜] an army being bullied 22
is bound to win 23
哀 āi [哀乐] funeral music 24
哀 āi [哀怜] pity 25
哀 āi [哀鸣] whine plaintively 26
哀 āi [悲哀] grief;sorrow 27
埃 āi [尘埃] dust. 28
哀 āi [寒鸦哀鸣] lament as plaintively 29
as a jackdaw;lamentation 30
of a dying crow 31
埃 āi [黄埃蔽天] The sky was obliterated 32
by a dust storm. 33
嗳3 āi [嗳](同"哎") same as "哎"(2619) 34
锿 āi [锿](符号Es) einsteinium(Es) 35
挨2 ái [挨打] be beated 36
挨2 ái [挨饿受冻] be hungry and cold 37
癌 ái [癌症] cancer 38
皑 ái [白雪皑皑] vast expanse of white 39
snow 40
癌 ái [肠癌] intestine cancer 41
癌 ái [肝癌] liver cancer 42
癌 ái [胃癌] stomach cancer 43
捱 ái [捱打] get a beating 44
捱 ái [捱饿] go hungry 45
蔼 ǎi [蔼然可亲] amiable and endearing 46
矮 ǎi [矮凳] low stool 47
矮 ǎi [矮墩墩] pudgy;dumpy;stumpy 48
矮 ǎi [矮墙] low wall 49
矮 ǎi [矮屋] low hat 50
矮 ǎi [矮子] short man 51
霭 ǎi [暮霭] evening mist 52
霭 ǎi [雾霭] fog;mist;vapour 53
矮 ǎi [又矮又小] short and small 54
霭 ǎi [云霭] mist 55
嗳1 ǎi [嗳,别那么说] Oh no,you cannot put it 56
that way. 57
唉2 ài [唉,他身体这么弱] Whoops,he is so weak. 58
艾1 ài [艾](姓) Ai( surname) 59
艾1 ài [艾绒] crushed dry leaves of 60
Chinese mugworth 61
碍 ài [碍口] too embarrassed to bring 62
something up 63
碍 ài [碍事] be in the way 64
碍 ài [碍手碍脚] be in the way 65
碍 ài [碍眼] offend the eye 66
爱 ài [爱](姓) Ai( surname) 67
爱 ài [爱不释手] be so fond of sth. as 68
not to let go of it 69
爱 ài [爱戴] love and esteem 70
爱 ài [爱抚] show affection for 71
爱 ài [爱国] love one's country 72
爱 ài [爱好] be fond of 73
爱 ài [爱情] amour;love between man 74
and woman 75
爱 ài [爱惜] cherish;treasure 76
隘 ài [隘口] narrow mountain pass 77
碍 ài [不碍事] don't matter 78
艾1 ài [方兴未艾] be burgeoning;be in the 79
ascendant 80
碍 ài [妨碍] hinder;hamper 81
嫒 ài [令嫒](令爱) (pol.) your daughter 82
暧 ài [态度暧昧] be evasive 83
隘 ài [狭隘] narrow 84
隘 ài [心胸狭隘] narrow-minded and short- 85
sighted 86
隘 ài [要隘] fort;major pass 87
碍 ài [有碍观瞻] eyesore;be unpleasant to 88
the eye 89
嗳2 ài [嗳,早知道我就不去] Oh! I wouldn't have gone 90
there if I'd known earlier. 91
嗌1 ài [嗌](指喉咙痛) sore throat (as used in 92
ancient books) 93
瑷 ài [瑷珲] Aihui(Aigun in English), 94
a county in Heilongjiang 95
Province 96
砹 ài [砹](放射性元素At) astatine(At),radioactive 97
nonmetial element 98
鞍 ān [鞍马] vaulting horse 99
鞍 ān [鞍前马后] fuss around the master 100
氨 ān [氨基酸] amino acid 101
氨 ān [氨气] ammonia 102
安 ān [安](姓) An( surname) 103
安 ān [安定] stable;quiet 104
安 ān [安顿] get sth. arranged 105
安 ān [安居乐业] live and work in peace 106
and contentment 107
安 ān [安民] bring peace to the 108
people 109
安 ān [安全] safety;security 110
安 ān [安然] safe and sound 111
安 ān [安危] safe and danger 112
安 ān [安息] rest;go to sleep 113
安 ān [安息吧](哀悼死者用)May you live in peace! 114
安 ān [安闲] relaxed 115
广2 ān [广2](庵)(用于人名) An(used for name) 116
鞍 ān [马鞍] horse saddle 117
安 ān [平安] safe and sound 118
安 ān [平安无事] All is well. 119
谙 ān [谙达世情] be worldly-wise 120
谙 ān [谙熟] be proficient in sth. 121
庵 ān [庵堂](尼姑庵) nunnery 122
桉 ān [桉树] eucalyptus 123
鹌 ān [鹌鹑] quail 124
俺 ǎn [俺们] we 125
揞 ǎn [给伤口揞上消炎粉] apply sulphadiazine pow- 126
der to the wound 127
埯 ǎn [埯豆子] dibble in the beans 128
铵 ǎn [铵根](氨离子) ammonium ion;ammonium 129
按 àn [按兵不动] take no action 130
按 àn [按步就班] follow a proper order 131
按 àn [按时] on time;on schedule 132
按 àn [按照] according to 133
暗 àn [暗暗] secretly;inwardly 134
暗 àn [暗堡] bunker 135
暗 àn [暗含] imply 136
暗 àn [暗号] secret signal 137
暗 àn [暗示] hint 138
暗 àn [暗室] darkroom 139
暗 àn [暗无天日] complete darkness 140
岸 àn [岸] bank;shore;coast 141
胺 àn [胺] amine 142
案1 àn [案板] choping board 143
案2 àn [案件] law suit;case 144
案2 àn [案卷] records;files;archives 145
岸 àn [大洋彼岸] other bank of the 146
Pacific Ocean 147
岸 àn [道貌岸然] be a hypocrite 148
案2 àn [方案] scheme;plan;programme 149
岸 àn [海岸] seacoast;coast;seashore 150
案2 àn [汉语拼音方案] pinyin;Scheme for the 151
Chinese Phonetic Alpha- 152
bet 153
岸 àn [江岸] river bank 154
案2 àn [教学方案] teaching plan 155
案1 àn [拍案而起] smite the table and jump 156
to one's feet 157
暗 àn [我暗暗吃了一惊] I was startled but did 158
not show it. 159
犴2 àn [狴犴](见"狴") See "狴" 160
黯 àn [黯然] dim 161
黯 àn [黯然泪下] cry despite oneself 162
黯 àn [黯然神伤] appear dejected or 163
depressed 164
黯 àn [黯然无光] dark and dim 165
肮1 āng [肮脏](不干净) dirty;filthy 166
昂 áng [昂贵] very expensive 167
昂 áng [昂首] hold one's head high 168
昂 áng [昂首阔步] stride proudly ahead 169
昂 áng [昂着头] holding one's head high 170
昂 áng [斗志昂扬] with high morale 171
盎1 àng [盎] vessel with a big belly 172
and a small mouth 173
盎3 àng [盎司] ounce 174
盎2 àng [春意盎然] Spring is very much in 175
the air. 176
盎2 àng [趣味盎然] full of interest 177
凹1 āo [凹地] depression 178
凹1 āo [凹凸不平] bumpy 179
熬2 āo [熬2] stew;boil vegetable,etc. 180
in water 181
熬2 āo [熬白菜] stewed cabbage 182
熬2 āo [熬豆腐] stewed bean curd or tofu 183
敖 áo [敖](姓) Ao( surname) 184
熬1 áo [熬]1 cook (cereals,etc.) into 185
porridge or thick soup 186
熬3 áo [熬苦日子] drag out a miserable 187
existence 188
熬1 áo [熬药] decoct medicine by boil- 189
ing medicinal herbs 190
熬1 áo [熬夜] stay up late at night 191
熬1 áo [熬一锅汤] prepare a pot of soup 192
熬1 áo [熬油] extract grease by melt- 193
ing animal fat 194
熬1 áo [熬粥] make gruel;cook porridge 195
翱 áo [翱翔] hover;soar in the sky 196
廒 áo [仓廒] barn;granary 197
鳌 áo [独占鳌头] be the champion 198
熬3 áo [受尽熬煎](受尽煎熬)have one's fill of suf- 199
fering 200
聱 áo [佶屈聱牙](见676) See "佶屈聱牙"(676). 201
嗷 áo [嗷嗷待哺] cry piteously for food 202
遨 áo [遨游] travel;roam 203
遨 áo [遨游太空] travel through space 204
獒 áo [獒] mastiff(凶猛善斗,可作猎狗) 205
螯 áo [螃蟹的螯](形似钳子)chela;pincers 206
鏖 áo [鏖战] fight with might & main 207
袄 ǎo [皮袄] leather coat;fur coat 208
拗1 ǎo [拗断] break 209
傲 ào [傲岸] proud;self-important 210
傲 ào [傲骨] lofty and unyielding 211
character 212
傲 ào [傲气十足] be condescendent 213
傲 ào [傲然] lofty and proud-looking; 214
unyielding 215
傲 ào [傲然挺立的山峰] a mountain peak towering 216
proudly into the skies 217
傲 ào [傲视一切] regard all with contempt 218
奥 ào [奥妙无穷] enigmatic 219
奥 ào [奥运会] Olympic Games;Olympics 220
懊 ào [懊悔] remorse 221
懊 ào [懊悔不已] endless remorse 222
懊 ào [懊恼] annoyed;vexed;upset 223
澳 ào [澳门] Macao 224
澳 ào [澳洲] Australia 225
澳 ào [港澳] Hongkong and Macao 226
媪 ào [老媪] old woman 227
坳 ào [山坳] col(山间的平地) 228
奥 ào [深奥] abstruse 229
岙 ào [松岙] Song'ao (name of a place 230
in Zhejiang Province) 231
傲 ào [态度傲慢] put on airs 232
拗2 ào [拗口令] tongue twister 233
岙 ào [岙](山间平地) level land in a mountain, 234
岙 ào [岙]1~ usu. used in place name 235
in coastal Zhejiang and 236
Fujian Provinces 237
骜 ào [桀骜不驯] stubborn and intractable 238
鏊 ào [鏊子] griddle,round iron pan 239
for the making of pan- 240
cakes 241
芭 bā [芭蕾舞] ballet 242
捌 bā [捌]('八'的大写) full written form of 243
number '八 eight' on 244
cheques,etc. to avoid 245
mistakes or alterations 246