本帖最后由 昌言 于 2020-3-2 11:05 编辑
use pyaz
copy to aa for py='a'
copy to bb for py='b'
copy to cc for py='c'
copy to dd for py='d'
copy to ee for py='e'
copy to ff for py='f'
copy to gg for py='g'
copy to hh for py='h'
copy to jj for py='j'
copy to kk for py='k'
copy to ll for py='l'
copy to mm for py='m'
copy to nn for py='n'
copy to oo for py='o'
copy to pp for py='p'
copy to qq for py='q'
copy to rr for py='r'
copy to ss for py='s'
copy to tt for py='t'
copy to ww for py='w'
copy to xx for py='x'
copy to yy for py='y'
copy to zz for py='z'
use aa
copy stru to pyag fiel py,hz,kp,yy,xh
use pyag
appe from aa
appe from bb
appe from cc
appe from dd
appe from ee
appe from ff
appe from gg
sort on py,hz to pyagg
use pyagg
copy to pyagg sdf
use hh
copy stru to pyho fiel py,hz,kp,yy,xh
use pyho
appe from hh
appe from jj
appe from kk
appe from ll
appe from mm
appe from nn
appe from oo
sort on py,hz to pyhoo
use pyhoo
copy to pyhoo sdf
use pp
copy stru to pypw fiel py,hz,kp,yy,xh
use pypw
appe from pp
appe from qq
appe from rr
appe from ss
appe from tt
appe from ww
sort on py,hz to pypww
use pypww
copy to pypww sdf
use xx
copy stru to pyxz fiel py,hz,kp,yy,xh
use pyxz
appe from xx
appe from yy
appe from zz
sort on py,hz to pyxzz
use pyxzz
copy to pyxzz sdf