shan- 山明水秀 shan-ming/shui>xiu` green hills and limpid waters; 3427
picture-perfect scenery
feng- 风调雨顺 feng-tiao/yu>shun` good weather for the crops; 1146
favourable weather
hei- 黑不溜秋 hei-bu.liu-qiu- swarthy; having a dark com- 1538
hu/ 糊里糊涂 hu/ muddle-headed;mixed up 1587
che- 车个螺丝 che-ge.luo/si- lathe a screw 518
wa` 袜子后跟 wa`zi.hou`gen- heel of a sock 4018
xi- 西安事变 xi-an-shi`bian` Xi'an Incident 4270
lue` 略有端倪 lue`you>duan-ni/ have an inkling of the matter 2466
lue` 略有改进 lue`you>gai>jin` improve a little 2467
lue` 略知一二 lue`zhi-yi-er` know a little 2468
nue` 虐杀无辜 nue`sha-wu/gu- multreat and kill the innocent 2815