湖南教育出版社 博士论丛
2001年2月 第一版
益阳话属于比较典型的湘方言,与长沙话同属于湘方言的一个次方言区。本文探讨的是益阳方言的语法,属于湘方言地点性的语法系统研究论题。论文主体部分共分三章,约31万字。本书内容包括两个方面:一是对益阳方言语言的主要方面进行详细的共时描写,包括名词、数词、量词、代词、动词的体、状态形容词、副词、介词、补语和宾语的位置,壮语后置句,处置句、受事前置句、被动句、双宾句、比较句、疑问句,等等。通过这些描写可以从词类、构词法、句法、句型等方面勾勒出益阳方言语法系统的基本轮廓。 二是对一些语法现象进行历时和共时的比较。包括借助于汉语史材料所做的纵向比较,以古证今;立足于益阳方言与共同语以及与吴、客、粤等方言的横向比较,以方证普; 益阳方言与湘方言内部其他点语法差异的细微比较。通过对方言事实的描写和比较,从中发现和总结规律,深入地揭示出益阳方言的语法特点。
Grammatical Studies of Yì yáng Dialect Abstract
Yìyáng dialect is a typical kind of Xiāng dialects. Yìyáng dialect and Chángshā dialect belong to the same sub-Xiāng-dialects. This thesis is intended to study the grammatical system of Yìyáng dialect,which is distributed in Húnán province. It consists of three chapters of about 310,000 words. Actually the thesis is mainly concerned with two aspects: Part one is a detailed description of the main grammatical features of the dialect, in cluding nouns,numerals, measure words, pronouns,aspects of verbs, statea djectives, adverbs, prepositions, complements,the position of objects , and some special sentence patterns such as the postadverb sentence, the disposing sentence, the preobject sentence, the passive sentence, the two-object sentence (V-- O1--O2 patten),the comparative sentence, the nterrogative sentence, etc. This part sketches the contours of the grammatical system of Yì yáng based on the descriptions of the parts of speech, word formation, sentence patterns and syntax.The second pard aims to have a diachronic comparison on the grammatical phenomena of Yì yáng with those in chinese historical materials,a synchronic comparison with Putonghua(Mandarin) and some other relating dialects such as Wú dialects, Hakka dialects and Yuè dialects, etc, as well as a detailed comparison with Xiāng dialect onother grammatical differences, with the purpose to explore and summarize the general rules Yì yáng, and to reveal its grammatical features.