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发表于 2007-8-17 13:35:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1:保税区 bonded area # T* o' m- f# i: t5 N
2:不正当竞争 illicit competition ( k6 X: [, J5 N% u" P+ p5 t
3:承包责任制 contract responsibility system & {5 Q. m2 o/ T  l0 p
4:城市旧区改造 makeover for an old downtown area + G6 |" x2 `7 V( d
5:出国热 craze of going abroad 1 f: t% `; g7 X! i
6:传呼电话 neighbourhood telephone answering services
/ h# r6 w  W; k/ C7:打“白条” issue an IOU
% F& [; X# u. a3 n/ o. j. ~8:道德法庭 conscience forum " z7 r: y7 t2 s% `5 _9 [
9:德智体美全面发展 develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically $ _8 r6 A5 y5 g3 b4 Q* l
10:第二职业 second employment; second occupation & K* m! E- H8 V
11:第三产业 tertiary industry : V8 e- Y9 \, p) ~  S; B
12:“第三者” the other person
0 M( Y% U8 m" }0 Z* @13:第三梯队 third echelon . |' B, L3 x. I4 ~$ x2 s" l
14:对内搞活,对外开放 enliven the domestic economy and open up to the outside world
+ T) ~4 ^" z2 H4 _0 Z15:多种经营 diversified economy ' Q0 Q' l  `$ W8 G/ M
16:港人治港 Hong Kong people govern Hong Kong
9 K) f$ m# z5 T9 A2 `. S9 {17:高架道路 viaduct; elevated highways
0 ?1 J( B% Y* V% J# f+ L! \2 p% f18:搞活经济 invigorate /enliven / liberalize the economy   
/ q* G' V. g8 A6 h) X. B) b. @, Y/ f9 L19:感情投资 invest in human relations
8 \" w3 o, I& j4 C: y20:改革开放 reform and open up (to the outside world)
6 {7 ~4 R: ]3 `! c. K21:改善投资环境 improve the investment climate
7 z7 f! [! }9 z: k2 c22:公款吃喝 banquet at public expenses * _7 Y1 q/ ^& A5 r6 T
23:官倒 official profiteering; official racketeering
5 a0 h& b9 `/ c9 o24:国民生产总值翻两番 quadruple the GNP
- \6 P2 x% `+ b/ t2 t( U" U' x! w25:合资企业 joint venture " c- A* |# ~! F; R% p
26:和平统一 peaceful reunification " p2 S0 t' f) c( @
27:横向经济联系 lateral economic ties
- w" \5 _9 }+ ~6 l5 `) k1 ?( p& l28:户籍制度 household registration system
* j  Q, m0 g- u) \9 z29:婚外恋 affair(e); extramarital affair(e) " V" c8 v) K  N7 m7 H0 A  k! A
30:婚外性生活 sex out of wedlock
/ b- r, p+ \; C7 [1 z3 A$ k31:婚姻介绍所 amtrimonial agency; matchmaking agency; marriage bureau & o. y' t4 i' o; z
32:基本国策 basic state policy
: `  z6 w' R$ T1 Z3 G0 r$ w) ]33:计划生育 family planning ' n% q3 h, U  w+ _: Q2 R
34:假冒伪劣商品 fake or inferior quality commodity
2 F1 K* }6 e) D( E- d. p) U" o35:精神文明 intellectual and ideological development 5 T5 D- b/ i* Z5 e! }# c/ c
36:经济开发区 economic development zone 9 v. G1 x5 G" y6 E$ M' w1 e
37:经济特区 special economic zone ' l9 f; i- Q& A& V; C7 |
38:九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education
' ^* ?& i1 J2 e39:举报中心 corruption-reporting centre 3 g+ A7 T9 F4 ~; g- ?) f. [
40:“空嫂” married air hostess ; U. M. i! q, X6 H/ X, ?7 x- ^
41:廉政建设 construction of a clean government 7 ~7 j' ]4 _5 _3 v# d( L' ~0 \" @
42:留守男士 grass widower 4 C: `( Q8 G- d
43:留守女士 grass widow ' N( }+ u" {7 S3 u1 E
44:乱涨价 unauthorized price rise
  p+ O" I- e+ o45:民工 out-of-town labourer; rural labourer; migrant labourer
* ?8 X! B% n: x/ d4 I" F+ M46:农转非 agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status
) X8 _; R- V5 X& t47:“扒分” moonlight
( @+ n+ U$ R9 q8 l- ~- |48:攀比风 craze to vie with each other
# ~- \' W3 d$ j% ?: t& a( z49:“妻管严” hen-pecked husband 4 {) J; e6 |7 a, M2 p3 h
50:抢购风 panic buying; buying spree
2 v$ _% U3 U& I! l  {" y8 y! z51:拳头产品 hit product
" t) ^( x/ d& T/ \! c/ y0 T' p52:权利下放 delegate / decentralize power to the lower levels # {# B. S+ Z/ O7 S2 p3 r" g: T
53:人才流失 brain drain
0 m2 B! [, q1 L$ q8 F$ |7 Y54:人才市场 careers fair
+ K) n2 c8 Y3 P8 u: v1 ^7 l: F6 R55:人浮于事 overstaffed
; w, }# l6 i9 t, K56:三角债 debt chains . A8 q: f- ^9 {9 Z
57:扫黄运动 anti-porn drive
% H8 r. J" d6 [% U58:商品房 condo(minimu) . T0 S4 @1 i) L" P; t) U4 T
59:社会风气 social morality 8 D# A& Z% I. g
60:社会风尚 social graces; social graciousness : e) @  c( a% f5 q1 B% e
61:涉外婚姻 Chinese marriage with foreign nationals
, S! W( P. q, U62:“跳槽” job-hop
$ d2 a9 B- P4 \# r4 Y3 h63:退居二线 leave the leading post; retire from the leading post - B# d, q6 e2 u' k* u
64:拖欠教师工资 suspend teachers' salaries; holdback teachers' salaries
: M! X& p( X9 _! X65:晚婚晚育 late marriage and postponement of childbearing / W) a. |3 `7 i9 t
66:歪风邪气 evil winds
* N/ R- a2 y! X: B! }& u; |67:外向型经济 export-oriented economy
: v4 ^2 B' M. P" B$ {68:五好家庭 five-virtue family
' v. N4 I7 Z7 N69:五讲四美三热爱 five advocations, four points of beauty and three aspects of love $ e9 ^( @1 E8 F) G4 t
70:物质文明 material progress
0 t0 U  o. b$ f; T71:下岗人员 redundant; laid-off * {; E: g* W. |  r
72:“下海” risk one's fortune in doing business
- `9 K- Y- y. A3 Q- x+ I73:小康水平 comfortably-off life; well-to-do level 4 |# }3 F/ V* N: o; }$ S
74:小商品市场 smalls fair
& F9 K( D  ~. j. N, G+ x6 u75:香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR) 8 [3 r2 r: T% ?( D1 T4 j
76:乡政企业 township enterprise; rural enterprise 0 c7 x0 S6 L% X
77:信息高速公路 information (super) highway; info highway
7 E, A$ p! ?3 S, p$ p$ C78:性骚扰 sexual harrassment; sexual disturbance ' k: _% M0 t- d: }7 ^3 Q/ x
79:姓社姓资问题 distinction of what is socialism and what is capitalism 0 Z* D4 K) x+ W
80:学科带头人 academic pacesetter; academic pacemaker 7 v2 b# d0 L. z- J
81:一刀切 sweeping approach ' J+ o: a* u  s" ^/ M8 E& l/ s. \
82:一对夫妇只生一个孩子 one couple, one child ; n- l6 }. e4 f
83:一国两制 one country, two systems 9 O# y; {% }0 @9 Q- ?8 f
84:一切向钱看 money-mania; money-mad; put money above anything else
. Q; j" h. h+ I5 ^( F, _8 g85:“一条龙”服务 coordinated-process service
+ w: P* ?; P8 ]3 O0 C86:以权谋私 abuse power for personal gains 0 C5 h4 B9 l8 U! E
87:移风易俗 transform outmoded habit and custom
' J( G5 Q' b# U6 o9 P) M88:优化产业结构 modify the industrial structure
. u, t  \% j% T8 r89:优化劳动组合 optimize the organization of labour 9 X: f  q! N5 \0 ?" }
90:优惠政策 preferential policy : |& u' P5 [/ I. v0 u; M
91:与国际接轨 gear… to international conventions 5 q$ A2 j; ^% N8 k: W
92:越江隧道 cross-river tunnel 5 S0 h- U4 a2 _6 n
93:择优录取 admit / hire the best examinee / candidate / aplicant
* j3 ^3 q" g. ~& ?- u$ m6 i94:政企分开 separate government functions from enterprise management # u* a/ F6 L: J2 p' y
95:执法监督部门 law-enforcing departments and supervisory institutions 3 S1 e3 _$ n* P" L6 |2 o# s  Z
96:植物人 vegetable
: ~3 K% O$ P8 {1 @# W97:中国国情 China's actual conditions
  t6 g& P+ q( I: B$ ~$ D. b98:重合同守信用 ovserve contracts and keep promises # l; s1 c. L: R+ _. Z% G+ b. @
99:住房按揭 housing mortgage 8 P! m4 n, S5 n. P
100:转亏为盈 turn loss into gai) _6 B6 N  d( |( C
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