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汉英对照 汉语四字词语5507例
拼音 词语 词语拼音 英译 词序 编号
a- 阿拉伯人 a-la-bo/ren/ Arab;Arabian. 1 1
ai- 挨挨挤挤 ai-ai-ji>ji> get close to each other 2 2
ai- 挨家挨户 ai-jia-ai-hu` house by house 3 3
ai- 挨门挨户 ai-men/ai-hu` go from house to house (or door 4 4
to door) 5
ai- 哀兵必胜 ai-bing-bi`sheng` an army being bullied is bound 5 6
to win 7
ai- 哀求饶命 ai-qiu/rao/ming` beg to be spared 6 8
ai- 唉声叹气 ai-sheng-tan`qi` have deep sighs;sigh in des- 7 9
pair;moan and groan 10
ai/ 挨打受怕 ai/da>shou`ma` get both a scolding and beating 8 11
ai/ 挨饿受冻 ai/e`shou`dong` be hungry and cold 9 12
ai> 蔼然可亲 ai>ran/ke>qin- amiable and endearing 10 13
ai` 爱不释手 ai`bu`shi`shou> be so fond of sth. as not 11 14
to let go of it 15
ai` 爱才若渴 ai`cai/ruo`ke> cherish talented persons as 12 16
one thirsts for water 17
ai` 爱理不理 ai`li>bu`li> look cold and indifferent;be 13 18
stabdoffish 19
ai` 爱莫能助 ai`mo`neng/zhu` be willing to help but unable 14 20
to do so 21
ai` 爱慕之情 ai`mu`zhi-qing/ feelings of admiration 15 22
ai` 爱屋及乌 ai`wu-ji/wu- (fig.) Love me,love my dog. 16 23
ai` 爱因斯坦 ai`yi-si-tan> Albert Eistein,great physist 17 24
ai` 爱憎分明 ai`zeng-fen-ming/ know what to love and what to 18 25
hate;be clear whom to love and 26
whom to hate 27
ai` 碍手碍脚 ai`shou>ai`jiao> be in the way 19 28
ai` 碍于情面 ai`yu/qing/mian` for fear of hurting sb.'s 20 29
an- 安安静静 an-an-jing`jing` very quiet 21 31
an- 安邦定国 an-bang-ding`guo/ (of a ruler) bring peace and 22 32
stability to the country 33
an- 安步当车 an-bu`dang-che- stroll over instead of riding 23 34
a carriage -- walk rather than 35
ride 36
an- 安插钉子 an-cha-ding-zi plant a saboteur 24 37
an- 安度晚年 an-du`wan>nian/ spend one's remaining years 25 38
in comfort 39
an- 安分守己 an-fen`shou>ji> be content with one's lot and 26 40
act one's part; know one's 41
place;abide by the law and 42
behave oneself 43
an- 安家落户 an-jia-luo`hu` resettle one's family in a 27 44
new place 45
an- 安居乐业 an-ju-le`ye live and work in peace and 28 46
contentment 47
an- 安民告示 an-min/gao`shi` advance notice (of an event, 29 48
agenda,etc.) 49
an- 安然无恙 an-ran/wu/yang` safe and sound;escape unscathed 30 50
an- 安如泰山 an-ru/tai`shan- as solid as Mount Tai;as firm 31 51
as a rock 52
an- 安营扎寨 an-ying/zha/zhai` camp at the worksite 32 53
an- 鞍前马后 an-qian/ma>hou` fuss around the master 33 54
an- 谙达世情 an-da/shi`qing/ be worldly-wise 34 55
an` 案例分析 an`li`fen-xi- case analysis;case study 35 56
an` 案头日历 an`tou/ri`li` desk calendar 36 57.dj
an` 暗暗好笑 an`an`hao>xiao` feel laughable secretly 37 58
an` 暗了下来 an`le.xia`lai/ become darker and darker 38 59
an` 暗送秋波 an`song`qiu-bo- make eyes at sb. 39 60
an` 暗探军机 an`tan`jun-ji- spy on or fish for military 40 61
secret 62
an` 暗无天日 an`wu/tian-ri` complete darkness 41 63
an` 暗自高兴 an`zi`gao-xing` show delighted but not show it 42 64
an` 暗自盘算 an`zi`pan/suan` secretly calculate 43 65
an` 暗中捣鬼 an`zhong-dao>gui> play dirty tricks behind sb.'s 44 66
back 67
an` 暗中支持 an`zhong-zhi-chi/ give secret support 45 68
an` 按兵不动 an`bing-bu`dong` take no action 46 69
an` 按步就班 an`bu`jiu`ban- follow a proper order 47 70
an` 按劳分配 an`lao/fen-pei` distribution accordibg to work 48 71
na` 按捺不住 an`na`bu`zhu` cannot control (or contain) 49 72
oneself 73
an` 按图索骥 an`tu/suo>ji` look for a horse with the aid 50 74
of its picture;try to locate 75
sth. by following up a clue 76
an` 黯然泪下 an`ran/lei`xia` cry despite oneself 51 77
an` 黯然神伤 an`ran/shen/shang- appear dejected or depressed 52 78
an` 黯然无光 an`ran/wu/guang- dark and dim 53 79
ang- 肮脏交易 ang-zang-jiao-yi` dirty deal 54 80
ang/ 昂然屹立 ang/ran/yi`li` stang like a towering miuntain 55 81
ang/ 昂首阔步 ang/shou>kuo`bu` stride with one's chin up 56 82
ang/ 昂首挺胸 ang/shou>ting>xiong- be spirited;full of vigour;chin 57 83
up and chest out 84
ang/ 昂首阔步 ang/shou`kuo`bu` stride proudly ahead 58 85
ao- 凹凸不平 ao-tu-bu`ping/ bumpy 59 86
ao/ 嗷嗷待哺 ao/ao/dai`bu> cry piteously for food 60 87
ao/ 熬苦日子 ao/ku>ri`zi drag out a miserable existence 61 88
ao/ 熬一锅汤 ao/yi-guo-tang- prepare a pot of soup 62 89
ao/ 遨游太空 ao/you/tai`kong- travel through space 63 90
ao` 傲骨嶙峋 ao`gu>lin/xun- proud and unyielding;with 64 91
innate pride 92
ao` 傲气十足 ao`qi`shi/zu/ be condescendent 65 93
ao` 傲视一切 ao`shi`yi-qie` regard all with contempt 66 94
ao` 懊悔不已 ao`hui>bu`yi> endless remorse 67 95
ao` 奥妙神奇 ao`miao`shen/qi/ profound and mysterious 68 96
ao` 奥妙无穷 ao`miao`wu/qiong/ enigmatic 69 97
ba- 扒开草棵 ba-kai-cao>ke- push aside the grass 70 70
ba- 八面玲珑 ba-mian`ling/long/ be smooth and slick(in estab- 71 71
lishing social relations 72
ba/ 拔刀相助 ba/dao-xiang-zhu` draw one's sword to help 72 73
ba/ 拔地而起 ba/di`er/qi> (of a mountain,tree,building, 73 74
etc.) stand tall and erect; 75
rise straight from the ground 76
ba/ 拔苗助长 ba/miao/zhu`zhang> try to help the shoots grow by 74 77
pulling them upward --spoil 78
things by excessive enthusiasm 79
ba/ 拔腿就跑 ba/tui>jiu`pao> take a step to run 75 80
ba/ 跋山涉水 ba/shan-she`shui> scale mountains and ford 76 81
streams 82
ba> 把酒斟满 ba>jiu>zhen-man> pour a full cup of wine 77 83
ba> 把马截住 ba>ma>jie/zhu` Stop the horse. 78 84
ba> 把门踹开 ba>men/chuai>kai- kick the door open 79 85
ba> 把门闩上 ba>men/shuan-shang bolt the door 80 86
ba> 把守大门 ba>shou>da`men/ guard the gate 81 87
ba> 把头一扭 ba>tou/yi-niu> toss one's head 82 88
ba> 把线桄上 ba>xian`guang`shang` reel the thread 83 89
ba` 霸权主义 ba`quan/zhu>yi` hegemonism 84 90
bai/ 白白净净 bai/bai/jing`jing` (of skin) very fair and clear 85 91
bai/ 白璧无瑕 bai/bi`wu/xia/ flawless white jade--im- 86 92
peccable moral integrety 93
bai/ 白发苍苍 bai/fa`cang-cang- hoary;hoary-headed 87 94
bai/ 白发苍髯 bai/fa`cang-ran/ silver-haired;grey-haired 88 95
bai/ 白发皤然 bai/fa`po/ran/ white-haired 89 96
bai/ 白费力气 bai/fei`li`qi` waste one's energy 90 97
bai/ 白驹过隙 bai/ju-guo`xi` a glimpse of a white colt 91 98
flashing past a chink in a 99
wall ( said of the fleeting 100
passage of time) 100
bai/ 白浪滔天 bai/lang`tao-tian- white breakers leaping sky- 92 101
wards 102
bai/ 白浪掀天 bai/lang`xian-tian- white waves heave to the sky 93 103
bai/ 白里透红 bai/li>tou`hong/ white tinged with red 94 104
bai/ 白日做梦 bai/ri`zuo`meng` spin daydreams 95 105
bai/ 白石粼粼 bai/shi/lin/lin/ clear white stones 96 106
bai/ 白手起家 bai/shou>qi>jia- build up from nothing; start 97 107
from scratch 108
bai/ 白天黑夜 bai/tian-hei-ye` day and night 98 109
bai/ 白头偕老 bai/tou/xie/lao> live in conjugal bliss to 99 110
a ripe old age 111
bai/ 白雪皑皑 bai/xue>ai/ai/ vast expanse of white snow 100 112
bai/ 白雪纷飞 bai/xue>fen-fei- White snow swirls in the air. 101 113
bai/ 白纸黑字 bai/zhi>hei-zi` written in black and white 102 114
bai> 百般刁难 bai>ban-diao-nan` create all sorts of obstacles 103 115
bai> 百般狡赖 bai>ban-jiao>lai` try by every means to deny 104 116
bai> 百般劝解 bai>ban-quan`jie> try by every means to persuade 105 117
bai> 百般挑剔 bai>ban-tiao-ti- try by every means to nitpick 106 118
bai> 百般痛苦 bai>ban-tong`ku> all kinds of suffering 107 119
bai> 百病丛生 bai>bing`cong/sheng- all kinds of diseases and 108 120
ailments break out 121
bai> 百步穿杨 bai>bu`chuan-yang/ shoot with great precision 109 122
bai> 百分之百 bai>fen-zhi-bai> one hundred per cent 110 123
bai> 百分之一 bai>fen-zhi-yi- one per cent 111 124
bai> 百感交集 bai>gan>jiao-ji/ all sorts of feelings well 112 125
up in one's heart 126
bai> 百花齐放 bai>hua-qi/fang` let a hundred flowers bloom 113 127
bai> 百花萎谢 bai>hua-wei>xie` all flowers fade 114 128
bai> 百花争妍 bai>hua-zheng-yan/ all flowers vie for beauty 115 129
beauty;the flowers are a riot 130
of colours 131
bai> 百卉千葩 bai>hui`qian-pa- hundreds of flowers 116 132
bai> 百货公司 bai>huo`gong-si- department store 117 133
bai> 百货商店 bai>huo`shang-dian` general store;department store 118 134
bai> 百家争鸣 bai>jia-zheng-ming/ a hundred schools of 119 135
thought contend 136
bai> 百科全书 bai>ke-quan/shu- encyclopaedia 120 137
bai> 百孔千疮 bai>kong>qian-chuang- riddled with gaping wounds; 121 138
afflicted with all ills 139
bai> 百里挑一 bai>li>tiao-yi- one in a hundred;cream of the 122 140
crop 141
bai> 百炼成钢 bai>lian`cheng/gang- (of iron) be tempered into 123 142
steel --become strong through 143
many trials 144
bai> 百年大计 bai>nian/da`ji` a matter of fundamental im- 124 145
portance for generations to 146
come;a project of vital and 147
lasting importance;a major 148
project 149
bai> 百世不磨 bai>shi`bu`mo/ will endure for centuries 125 150
bai> 百问不烦 bai>wen`bu`fan/ (of a shop assistant) serve 126 151
the customers patiently 152
bai> 百无禁忌 bai>wu/jin`ji` all daboos in abeyance 127 153
bai> 百无聊赖 bai>wu/liao/lai` bored to death;bored stiff; 128 154
overcome with boredom 155
bai> 百战不殆 bai>zhan`bu`dai` fight a hundred battles with- 129 156
out a single defeat;emerge 157
victorious from every battle; 158
invincible. 159
bai> 百折不挠 bai>zhe/bu`nao/ keep on fighting in spite of 130 160
all setbacks;be undaunted 161
by repeated setbacks; be 162
dountless; be indomitable; 163
be unrelenting 164
bai` 拜访老师 bai`fang>lao>shi- pay a visit to a teacher 131 166
bai` 拜访亲友 bai`fang>qin-you> pay a visit to one's relatives 132 166
and friends 0
bai` 败坏名誉 bai`huai`ming/yu` discredit;defame 133 167
ban- 颁发奖章 ban-fa-jiang>hzng- award a medal 134 168
ban- 颁令嘉奖 ban-ling`jia-jiang> issue an order of commendation 135 169
ban- 班门弄斧 ban-men/nong`fu> display one's imperfect skills 136 170
before an expert 171
ban- 搬弄是非 ban-nong`xi`fei- sow discord;tell tales 137 172
ban- 搬运货物 ban-yun`huo`wu` transport goods 138 173
ban> 板上钉钉 ban>shang`ding`ding- that clinches it;that's final; 139 174
no two ways about it 175
ban> 版图辽阔 ban>tu/liao/kuo` have a vast territory 140 176
ban` 半步而踣 ban`bu`er/bo/ fall at half a step 141 177
ban` 半斤八两 ban`jin-ba-liang> two of a kind 142 178
ban` 半身不遂 ban`shen-bu`sui/ hemiplegia;partial paralysis 143 179
ban` 半世坎坷 ban`shi`kan>ke> half a lifetime of frustrations 144 180
ban` 半信半疑 ban`xin`ban`yi/ half-believing,half-doubting 145 181
ban` 半夜三更 ban`ye`san-geng- late at night 146 182
ban` 办事不力 ban`shi`bu`li` not do one's best in one's 147 183
work 184
ban` 办事认真 ban`shi`ren`zhen- be conscientious in one's work 148 185
ban` 绊手绊脚 ban`shou>ban`jiao> be in the way 149 186
bang- 帮帮他吧 bang-bang-ta-ba Lend him a hand! 150 187
bang> 膀大腰圆 bang>da`yao-yuan/ broad-shouldered and solidly 151 188
built;hefty;husky 189
bao- 包办代替 bao-ban`dai`ti` take away sb. else's work 152 190
bao- 包产到户 bao-chan>dao`hu` fixing of farm output quotas 153 191
for each household 192
bao- 包罗万象 bao-luo/wan`xiang` rich in content and complete 154 193
bao- 褒衣博带 bao-yi-bo/dai` loose gown with wide girdle 155 194
bao> 保家卫国 bao>jia-wei`guo/ protect our homes and defend 156 195
our country 196
bao> 保质保量 bao>zhi`bao>liang` ensure (or guarantee) both 157 197
quality and quantity 198
bao> 饱经沧桑 bao>jing-cang-sang- have experienced many vicis- 158 198
situdes of life 199
bao> 饱经风霜 bao>jing-feng-shuang- weather-beaten;have had 159 199
one's fill of hardships 200
bao> 饱览美景 bao>lan>mei>jing> drink in the beautiful scenery 160 202
bao> 饱食终日 bao>shi/zhong-ri` lead an idle life 161 203
bao` 暴风骤雨 bao`feng-zhou`yu> violent storm 162 204
bao` 暴殄天物 bao`tian>tian-wu` a reckless waste of the 163 205
products of nature 206
bao` 暴跳如雷 bao`tiao`ru/lei/ stamp with fury 164 207
bao` 报名参赛 bao`ming/can-sai` register for a competition 165 208
bao` 报效祖国 bao`xiao`zu>guo/ serve one's country 166 209
bao` 豹头环眼 bao`tou/huan/yan> have a well-formed forehead 167 210
and round eyes 211
bao` 抱头鼠窜 bao`tou/shu>cuan` cover the head and sneak away 168 212
like a rat;scurry (or scam- 213
per) off like a frighten rat 214
bao` 抱头痛哭 bao`tou/tong`ku- weep in each other's arms; cry 169 215
on each other's shoulders 216
bao` 抱薪救火 bao`xin-jiu`huo> carry faggots to put out a fire 170 217
bao` 鲍鱼之肆 bao`yu/zhi-si` a shop which sells salted 171 218
fish 219
bei- 卑鄙无耻 bei-bi`wu/chi> mean and shameless 172 220
bei- 卑鄙行为 bei-bi`xing/wei/ a base (or mean) action 173 221
bei- 卑躬屈膝 bei-gong-qu-xi- bow and scrape 174 222
bei- 杯弓蛇影 bei-gong-she/ying> mistaking the reflection of 175 223
a bow in the cup for a snake 224
bei- 杯水车薪 bei-shui>che-xin- try to put out a burning cart- 176 225
load of faggots with a cup of 226
water 227
bei- 陂塘圬庳 bei-tang/wu-bi` dirty and eneven pool 177 228
bei- 悲天悯人 bei-tian-min>ren/ lament the state of heaven 178 229
and pity the fate of man 230
bei- 悲恸欲绝 bei-tong`yu`jue/ be overcome with grief;abandon 179 231
oneself with grief 232
bei- 悲喜交集 bei-xi>jiao-ji/ mixed feelings of grief and 180 233
joy 234
bei> 北国风光 bei>guo/feng-guang- northern scenery 181 235
bei> 北门锁钥 bei>men/suo>yue` northern town of strategic 182 236
importance 237
bei` 背道而驰 bei`dao`er/chi/ run in the opposite direction; 183 238
run counter to 239
bei` 背山面海 bei`shan-mian`hai> with hills behind and the sea 184 240
in front 241
bei` 被人殴打 bei`ren/ou-da> be beated 185 242
bei` 备受欢迎 bei`shou`huan-ying/ enjoy great popurality 186 243
ben- 奔走相告 ben-zou>xiang-gao` run around passing on the 187 244
message 245
ben> 本固枝荣 ben>gu`zhi-rong/ When the roots are firm,the 188 246
branches and leaves flourish; 247
(fig.) things only develop 248
from sound fundamentals. 249
ben> 本末倒置 ben>mo`dao`zhi` put the incidental before the 189 250
fundamental;take the brnch 251
before the root;put the cart 252
before the horse 253
ben> 本乡本土 ben>xiang-ben>tu> native land;home village 190 254
ben> 本小利微 ben>xiao>li`wei- small capital and little gain-- 191 255
a small business 256
ben` 笨鸟先飞 ben`niao>xian-fei- clumsy birds must start flying 192 257
before the rest 258
ben` 笨头笨脑 ben`tou/ben`nao> slow;slow-witted 193 259
beng` 蹦蹦跳跳 beng`beng`tiao`tiao` jump about 194 260
beng` 蹦来蹦去 beng`lai/beng`qu` jump about frequently 195 261
bi- 逼上梁山 bi-shang`liang/shan- be driven to rebel 196 262
bi/ 鼻青脸肿 bi/qing-lian>zhong> bloody nose and swollen face 197 263
bi> 比比皆是 bi>bi>jie-shi` can be seen here,there and 198 264
everywhere 265
bi> 笔耕不辍 bi>geng-bu`chuo` never give up writing 199 266
bi> 笔力遒劲 bi>li`qiu/jing` write with firm stroks;write 200 267
with forceful and vigorouse 268
strokes 269
bi> 笔力雄健 bi>li`xiong/jian` powerful strokes 201 270
bi> 笔墨官司 bi>mo`guan-si- paper arguments;written pole- 202 271
mics;battle of words 272
bi> 笔墨酣畅 bi>mo`han-chang` write with ease and verve 203 273
bi> 笔墨流畅 bi>mo`liu/chang` easy and smooth writing 204 274
bi> 笔墨纸砚 bi>mo`zhi>yan` writing brush,ink stick,ink 205 275
slab and paper 276
bi> 俾有所悟 bi>you>suo>wu` in order to understand 206 277
bi> 俾众周知 bi>zhong`zhou-zhi- so as to make sth. known 207 278
to all(or everyone) 279
bi` 碧波淼淼 bi`bo-miao>miao> vast stretch of blue water 208 280
bi` 碧波万顷 bi`bo-wan`qing> boundless or vast expanse of 209 281
blue water 282
bi` 碧空如洗 bi`kong-ru/xi> a cloudless blue sky 210 283
bi` 碧瓦珠甍 bi`wa>zhu-meng/ green,glaze tile and red ridge 211 284
of a roof 285
bi` 避而不谈 bi`er/bu`tan/ evade the question;avoid the 212 286
subject;keep silent about the 213 287
matter 288
bi` 避免冲突 bi`mian>chong-tu- avoid conflicts 214 289
bi` 避重就轻 bi`zhong`jiu`qing- evade major responsibilities 215 290
in favour of minor ones 291
bi` 毕恭毕敬 bi`gong-bi`jing` reverent and respectful 216 292
bi` 必恭必敬 bi`gong-bi`jing` reverent and respectful;ex- 217 293
tremely deferential 294
bi` 闭关锁国 bi`guan-suo>guo/ have no contact with the out- 218 295
side world;close the country 296
to the rest of the world 297
bi` 闭关自守 bi`guan-zi`shou> close the country to the out- 219 298
side world 299
bi` 闭门造车 bi`men/zao`che- make a cart behind closed doors 220 300
-- work behind closed doors;di- 301
vorce oneself from the masses 302
and from reality; act blindly 303
bi` 闭目养神 bi`mu`yang>shen/ sit in repose with one's eyes 221 304
closed 305
bi` 壁垒森严 bi`lei>sen-yan/ closely guarded;strongly forti- 222 306
fied or sharply divided 307
bi` 髀肉复生 bi`rou`fu`sheng- one's hips are becoming heavy 223 308
(said when sighing over a life 309
of inactivity) 310
bi` 畀以重任 bi`yi>zhong`ren` entrust sb. with an important 224 311
task 312
bi` 敝帚自珍 bi`zhou>zi`zhen- value one's own old broom; 225 313
(fig.) cherish sth. of little 314
value simply because it is 315
one's own 316
bian- 鞭长莫及 bian-chang/mo`ji/ beyond the reach of one's power 226 317
(or authority);too far away to 318
be helped 319
bian- 边防部队 bian-fang/bu`dui` frontier guards 227 320
bian- 边干边学 bian-gan`bian-xue/ learn while working 228 321
bian- 边沿科学 bian-yan/ke-xue/ marginal discipline 229 322
bian- 煸牛肉丝 bian-niu/rou`si- stir-fried shredded beef 230 323
bian- 编竹筐儿 bian-zhu/kuang-r weave bamboo baskets 231 324
bian` 变本加厉 bian`ben>jia-li` worsen;intensify; become 232 325
aggravated 326
bian` 变化多端 bian`hua`duo-duan- vary a lot 233 327
bian` 变化无常 bian`hua`wu/chang/ constantly changing;changeable 234 328
bian` 变幻莫测 bian`huan`mo`ce` changeable;unpredictable 235 329
bian` 遍地开花 bian`di`kai-hua- spring up all over the place 236 330
bian` 遍身银装 bian`shen-yin/zhuang- (fig.) all (land or mountan) is 237 331
covered with snow 332
bian` 遍体鳞伤 bian`ti>lin/shang- be covered all over with 238 333
cuts and bruises;be beaten 334
black and blue;be a mass of 335
bruises 336
bian` 便后冲水 bian`hou`chong-shui> Flush the toilet after use. 239 337
biao- 彪炳千古 biao-bing>qian-gu> shine through the ages 240 338
biao- 彪形大汉 biao-xing/da`han` hefty fellow;burly chap 241 339
biao- 膘肥体壮 biao-fei/ti>zhuang` be plump and sturdy 242 340
biao- 标新立异 biao-xin-li`yi` do sth. unconventional 243 341
biao> 表决通过 biao>jue/tong-guo` be voted through 244 342
biao> 表里不一 biao>li>bu`yi- think one way and act another 245 343
biao> 表里如一 biao>li>ru/yi- think and act in one and the 246 344
same way 345
bie/ 别出心裁 bie/chu-xin-cai/ adopt an original approach; 247 346
try to be different 347
bie/ 别具匠心 bie/ju`jiang`xin- show ingenuity;have originali- 248 348
ty 349
bie/ 别来无恙 bie/lai/wu/yang` You have been well,I trust, 249 350
since we parted? 351
bie/ 别绕弯子 bie/rao`wan-zi Don't beat about the bush. 250 352
bie/ 别洒了汤 bie/sa>le.tang- Don't spill the soup. 251 353
bie/ 别无他求 bie/wu/ta-qiu/ have no other request 252 354
bie/ 蹩痛了脚 bie/tong`le.jiao> One sprained one's feet. 253 355
bin- 彬彬有礼 bin-bin-you>li> refined and courteous;urbane 254 356
bin- 宾至如归 bin-zhi`ru/gui- where guests feel at home 255 357
(said of a hotel, etc.); 358
a home from home 359
bin` 摈斥异己 bin`chi`yi`ji> dismiss those who hold differ- 256 360
ent opinions 361
bin` 摈而不用 bin`er/bu`yong` reject 257 362
bin` 殡葬仪式 bin`zang`yi/shi` funeral and interment cere- 258 363
mony 364
bin` 摈诸门外 bin`zhu-men/wai` shut (or lock) sb. out 259 365
bing- 兵不言诈 bing-bu`yan`zha` there can never be too much 260 366
deception in war; all's fair 367
in war 368
bing- 兵贵神速 bing-gui`shen/su` speed is what counts in war;in 261 369
war it's speed that counts 370
bing- 冰肌玉骨 bing-ji-yu`gu> flesh of ice and bones of 262 371
jade --1.a beautiful woman; 372
2.noble and unsullied 373
bing- 冰天雪地 bing-tian-xue>di` world of ice and snow 263 374
bing> 禀赋聪明 bing>fu`cong-ming/ be gifted with keen intelli- 264 375
gence 376
bing> 秉公办理 bing>gong-ban`li> handle a matter impartially; 265 377
act with justice 378
bing> 禀性纯厚 bing>xing`chun/hou` be simple and honest by nature 266 379
bing> 秉性剌戾 bing>xing`la`li` of a surly temperament 267 380
bing> 秉性峭直 bing>xing`qiao`zhi/ be stern or severe by nature 268 381
bing> 秉烛夜游 bing>zhu/ye`you/ go out at night taking a lamp 269 382
-- make merry while one may 383
bing> 屏住呼吸 bing>zhu`hu-xi- hold one's breath 270 384
bing` 摒挡婚事 bing`dang`hun-shi` arrange a wedding 271 385
bing` 摒挡行李 bing`dang`xing/li> get one's luggage ready 272 386
bing` 摒挡一切 bing`dang`yi-qie` put everything in order 273 387
bing` 摒弃前嫌 bing`qi`qian/xian/ dispense with all previous 274 388
ill will 388
bing` 摒之于外 bing`zhi-yu/wai` get rid of;brush aside;dismiss 275 389
bing` 并驾驰驱 bing`jia`qi/qu- run neck and neck;keep abreast 276 390
of sb.;keep pace with sb.;be 391
on a par with sb. 392
bing` 并行不孛 bing`xing/bu`bei` both can be accomplished with- 277 393
out coming into conflict;not 394
mutually exclusive;run parallel 395
with one another 396
bing` 病入膏肓 bing`ru`gao-huang- the disease has attacked the 278 397
vitals--is beyond cure 398
bing` 病情好转 bing`qing/hao>zhuan> The patient's condition has 279 399
taken a turn for the better. 399
bing` 病态心理 bing`tai`xin-li> morbid psycology or mentality 280 340
bo- 波光粼粼 bo-guang-lin/lin/ bright and clear waves on the 281 400
surface of water 401
bo- 波澜起伏 bo-lan/qi>fu/ waves rise and fall 282 402
bo- 波澜壮阔 bo-lan/zhuang`kuo` surging forward with great 283 403
momentum;unfolding on a mag- 404
nificent scale 405
bo- 波浪滔天 bo-lang`tao-tian- skyfuls of billows 284 406
bo- 波涛滚滚 bo-tao-gun>gun> waves rolling 285 407
bo- 波涛澎湃 bo-tao-peng/pai` billowing waves 286 408
bo- 波涛汹涌 bo-tao-xiong-yong> waves surging turbulently; 287 409
waves running high 410
bo- 拨出资金 bo-chu-zi-jin- allocate funds 288 411
bo- 拨开云雾 bo-kai-yun/wu` part the clouds and mist 289 412
bo- 拨乱反正 bo-luan`fan>zheng` bring order out of chaos;set 290 413
to rights what has been thrown 414
into disorder;restore things 415
to order 416
bo- 拨云见日 bo-yun/jian`ri` dispel the clouds and see the 291 417
sun 418
bo- 拨转马头 bo-zhuan>ma>tou/ turn the horse round 292 419
bo- 播发新闻 bo-fa-xin-wen/ broadcast news 293 420
bo/ 博采众议 bo/cai>zhong`yi` adopt good advice from all 294 421
quarters 422
bo/ 博古通今 bo/gu>tong-jin- possess a wide knowledge of 295 423
things ancient and modern-- 424
erudite and informed 425
bo/ 搏击风浪 bo/ji-feng-lang` battle with the winds and waves 296 426
bo/ 博览群书 bo/lan>qun/shu- be well-read 297 427
bo/ 博识洽闻 bo/shi/qia`wen/ experienced and knowledgeable; 298 428
erudite 429
bo/ 博闻强识 bo/wen/qiang/zhi` possess wide learning and a 299 430
powerful memory; have encyclo- 431
pedic knowledge 432
bo/ 薄利多销 bo/li`duo-xiao- small profits but quick 300 433
turnover 434
bo/ 勃然大怒 bo/ran/da`nu` fly into a rage;flare up 301 435
bo/ 铂铱合金 bo/yi-he/jin- alloy of platinum and iridium 302 436
bo/ 伯仲叔季 bo/zhong`shu-ji` eldest,second,third and young- 303 437
est of brothers;order of seni- 438
ority among brothers 439
bu> 捕风捉影 bu>feng-zhuo-ying> chase the wind and clutch at 304 440
shadows--speak or act on hear- 441
say evidengce 442
bu> 哺乳动物 bu>ru>dong`wu` mammal 305 443
bu` 步步为营 bu`bu`wei/ying/ (fig.)consolidate at every step 306 444
fle along 445
bu` 步履蹒跚 bu`lyu>pan/shan- walk in unsteady steps; shuf- 307 446
bu` 步履为艰 bu`lyu>wei/jian- have difficulty walking;walk 308 447
with difficulty 448
bu` 步人后尘 bu`ren/hou`chen/ follow in sb.'s footsteps 309 449
bu` 不谙水性 bu`an-shui>xing` do not know how to swim 310 450
bu` 不卑不亢 bu`bei-bu`kang` neither haughty nor humble; 311 451
neither supercilious nor obse- 452
quious;neither overbearing 453
nor servile 454
bu` 不辨菽麦 bu`bian`shu-mai` be unable to tell beans from 312 455
wheat --have no knowledge of 456
practical matters 457
bu` 不辨妍媸 bu`bian`yan/chi- unable to tell the beautiful 313 458
from the ugly 459
bu` 不耻下问 bu`chi>xia`wen` not feel ashamed to ask one's 314 460
subordinates or people below 461
bu` 不揣冒昧 bu`chuai>mao`mei` Excuse me for taking the 315 462
liberty of... 463
bu` 不辞劬劳 bu`ci/qu/lao/ make light of overwork 316 464
bu` 不辞辛苦 bu`ci/xin-ku> spare no effort;take pains; 317 465
take the trouble to;go to 466
the trouble of doing sth. 467
bu` 不存幻想 bu`cun/huan`xiang> cherish no illusions 318 468
bu` 不打自招 bu`da>zi`zhao- make a confession without 319 469
prompting 470
bu` 不乏其人 bu`fa/qi/ren/ such people are not rare; 320 471
there is no lack of such 472
people 473
bu` 不妨一试 bu`fang/yi-shi` There is no harm in trying. 321 474
bu` 不分轩轾 bu`fen-xuan-zhi` equally matched;on a par 322 475
bu` 不分畛域 bu`fen-zhen>yu` make no distinctions 323 476
bu` 不分昼夜 bu`fen-zhou-ye` night and day 324 477
bu` 不尴不尬 bu`gan-bu`ga` in a dilenmma;in an awkward 325 478
predicament 479
bu` 不甘寂寞 bu`gan-ji`mo` hate to be neglected or over- 326 480
looked 481
bu` 不甘示弱 bu`gan-shi`ruo` unwilling to be outdone; 327 482
refuse to yield 483
bu` 不苟言笑 bu`gou>yan/xiao` reserved;reticent;sober 328 484
bu` 不寒而栗 bu`hai/er/li` shiver all over though not 329 485
cold--tremble with fear;shud- 486
der 487
bu` 不好意思 bu`hao>yi`si- feel embarrased;be ill at ease 330 488
bu` 不合手续 bu`he/shou>xu` not conform to the formalities 331 489
bu` 不慌不忙 bu`huang-bu`mang/ unhurried;calmly;leisurely 332 490
bu` 不及躲避 bu`ji/duo>bi` there is not enough time to 333 491
dodge aside (or hide oneself) 492
bu` 不计其数 bu`ji`qi/shu` countless;innumerable 334 493
bu` 不加可否 bu`jia-ke>fou> noncommittal;decline to comment 335 494
bu` 不解之谜 bu`jie>zhi-mi/ unsolved riddle (or puzzle) 336 495
bu` 不解之缘 bu`jie>zhi-yuan/ an indissoluble bond;an 337 496
irrivocable commitment 497
bu` 不矜不夸 bu`jin-bu`kua- be neither arrogant nor boast- 338 498
ful 499
bu` 不紧不慢 bu`jin>bu`man` neither fast nor slowly; in 339 500
quiet manner 501
bu` 不胫而走 bu`jing`er/zou> get around fast;spread like 340 502
wildfire 503
bu` 不拘一格 bu`ju-yi-ge/ not stick to one pattern;not 341 504
limited to one type(or style) 505
bu` 不堪设想 bu`kan-she`xiang> too ghastly (or dreadful) to 342 506
contemplate 507
bu` 不堪一击 bu`kan-yi-ji- cannot withstand a single blow; 343 508
collapse at the first blow 509
bu` 不可低估 bu`ke>di-gu- must not underestimate 344 510
bu` 不可告人 bu`ke>gao`ren/ to be held in secrecy;convert 345 511
bu` 不可或缺 bu`ke>huo`que- indispensable 346 512
bu` 不可计数 bu`ke>ji`shu` innumerable 347 513
bu` 不可救药 bu`ke>jiu`yao` incurable;incorrigible;hope- 348 514
less 515
bu` 不可开交 bu`ke>kai-jiao- (used after 得 as its comple- 349 516
ment) be locked in 517
bu` 不可抗拒 bu`ke>kang`ju` irresistible 350 518
bu` 不可理喻 bu`ke>li>yu` be impervious to reason;won't 351 519
listen to reason 520
bu` 不可名状 bu`ke>ming/zhuang` beyond description;indescrib- 352 521
able 522
bu` 不可胜数 bu`ke>sheng`shu` countless;innumerable 353 523
bu` 不可替代 bu`ke>ti`dai` irreplaceable 354 524
bu` 不可逾越 bu`ke>yu/yue` impassable;insurmountable; 355 525
insuperable 526
bu` 不劳而获 bu`lao/er/huo` reap without sowing 356 527
bu` 不理不睬 bu`li>bu`cai> pay no attention to;take no 357 528
notice of;ignore 529
bu` 不利于行 bu`li`yu/xing/ it is inconvenient to walk 358 530
bu` 不了了之 bu`liao>liao>zhi- settle a matter by leaving 359 531
it unsettled;end up with 532
nothing definite 533
bu` 不吝赐教 bu`lin`ci`jiao` not be stinting with comments 360 534
or criticism 535
bu` 不落痕迹 bu`luo`hen/ji` leave no trace 361 536
bu` 不满一年 bu`man>yi-nian/ less than one year 362 537
bu` 不名一钱 bu`ming/yi-qian/ without a penny to one's name; 363 538
penniless 539
bu` 不明真相 bu`ming/zhen-xiang` be unaware of the truth;be 364 540
ignorant of the facts 541
bu` 不偏不倚 bu`pian-bu`yi> even-handed;impartial;un- 365 542
biased 543
bu` 不平则鸣 bu`ping/ze/ming/ Injustice provokes outcry; 366 544
Where there is injustice, 545
there will be protest. 546
bu` 不期而遇 bu`qi-er/yu` meet unexpectedly(or by 367 547
chance);have a chance 548
encounter 549
bu` 不求名利 bu`qiu/ming/li` not seek fame and gain 368 550
bu` 不屈不挠 bu`qu-bu`nao/ unyielding;indomitable;unbending 369 552
bu` 不容抵赖 bu`rong/di>lai` cannot be denied 370 553
bu` 不容分说 bu`rong/fen-shuo- indisputable;incontestable 371 554
bu` 不容置喙 bu`rong/zhi`hui` permit no interruption 372 555
bu` 不容置疑 bu`rong/zhi`yi/ allow (or admit) no doubt; not 373 556
be open to doubt;be beyond 557
doubt 558
bu` 不辱使命 bu`ru>shi>ming` not be unworthy of the mission 374 559
bu` 不善辞令 bu`shan`ci/ling` be not good at speech; lack 375 560
facility in polite or tactful 561
speech 562
bu` 不声不响 bu`sheng-bu`xiang> quiet;silent 376 563
bu` 不胜憾然 bu`sheng`han`ran/ very disappointed 377 564
bu` 不胜枚举 bu`sheng`mei/ju> too numerous to mention indi- 378 565
vidually (or one by one) 566
bu` 不胜其烦 bu`sheng`qi/fan/ be pestered beyond endurance 379 567
bu` 不速之客 bu`su`zhi-ke` uninvited (or unexpected) guest 380 568
bu` 不腆之仪 bu`tian>zhi-yi/ small (or unworthy) gift 381 569
bu` 不痛不痒 bu`tong`bu`yang> scratching the surface;super- 382 570
ficial;perfunctory 571
bu` 不畏严寒 bu`wei`yan/han/ no fear bitter cold 383 572
bu` 不闻不问 bu`wen/bu`wen` be indifferent to 384 573
bu` 不务正业 bu`wu`zheng`ye` 1.not do honest work;not live 385 574
one's proper occupations; 575
not attend to one's duties 576
by honest labour; 2.ignore 577
bu` 不惜工本 bu`xi-gong-ben/ spare no expense 386 578
bu` 不惜血本 bu`xi-xue`ben> spare no expense 387 579
bu` 不祥之兆 bu`xiang/zhi-zhao` an ill (or evil) omen 388 580
bu` 不屑一顾 bu`xie`yi-gu` disdain to take a look 389 581
bu` 不省人事 bu`xing>ren/shi` lose consciousness;be 390 582
unconscious;be in a coma 583
bu` 不修边幅 bu`xiu-bian-fu/ not care about one's appear- 391 584
ance;be slovenly 585
bu` 不须赘述 bu`xu-zhui`shu` It is unnecessary to go into 392 586
such detail. 587
bu` 不学无术 bu`xue/wu/shu` have neither learning nor 393 588
skill;be ignorant and in- 589
competent 590
bu` 不厌其详 bu`yan`qi/xiang/ go into details;dwell at 394 591
length upon 592
bu` 不要扯皮 bu`yao`che>pi/ stop arguing over nothing 395 593
bu` 不要怄气 bu`yao`ou`qi` Don't be annoyed. 396 594
bu` 不遗余力 bu`yi/yu/li` spare no pains(or effort); 397 595
do one's utmost 596
bu` 不以为然 bu`yi>wei/ran/ do not think so;disagree 398 597
bu` 不以语人 bu`yi>yu>ren not to be divulged 399 598
bu` 不用客气 bu`yong`ke`qi` Make yourself at home. 400 599
bu` 不用找了 bu`yong`zhao>le (to a taxi-driver,etc.) Keep 401 600
the change. 600
bu` 不由自主 bu`you/zi`zhu> can't help (doing sth.) 402 601
bu` 不豫之色 bu`yu`zhi-se` unhappy expression 403 602
bu` 不约而同 bu`yue-er/tong/ do or think the same without 404 603
prior consultation;happen to 604
coincide 605
bu` 不择手段 bu`ze/shou>duan` by fair means or foul;by hook 405 606
or by crook; unscrupulously 607
bu` 不折不扣 bu`zhe/bu`kou` one hundred per cent; pure and 406 608
simple 609
bu` 不知不觉 bu`zhi-bu`jue/ unconsciously;unwittingly 407 610
bu` 不知好歹 bu`zhi-hao>dai> can't tell good from bad;not 408 611
know what's good for one 612
bu` 不知所云 bu`zhi-suo>yun/ 1.scarcely know what one 409 613
has said;2.not understand 614
what sb. is driving at 615
bu` 不值一哂 bu`zhi/yi-shen> not worth a smile 410 616
bu` 不值一提 bu`zhi/yi-ti/ not worth mentioning 411 617
bu` 不忮不求 bu`zhi`bu`qiu/ free from jealousy and greed 412 618
bu` 不知可否 bu`zhi`ke>fou> decline to comment;not express 413 619
an opinion;be noncommittal; 620
hedge 621
bu` 不足为虑 bu`zu/wei/lyu` give no cause for anxiety 414 622
bu` 不足为训 bu`zu/wei/xun` not fit to serve as a model; 415 623
not to be taken as an example; 624
not an example to be followed; 625
no to be taken as authorita- 626
tive 627
bu` 布衣蔬食 bu`yi-shu-shi/ coarse clothes and simple 416 628
fare-- a thrifty and simple 629
life 630
bu` 布置工作 bu`zhi`gong-zuo` assign work 417 631
bu` 布置会场 bu`zhi`hui`chang> arrange a place for a meeting 418 632
bu` 布置新房 bu`zhi`xin-fang/ decorate the bridal chamber 419 633
bu` 布置学习 bu`zhi`xue/xi/ make study arrangements 420 634
ca- 擦肩而过 ca-jian-er-guo` brush past sb. 421 421
ca- 擦亮眼睛 ca-liang`yan>jing keep one's eyes peeled 422 422
cai- 猜拳行令 cai-quan/xing/ling` play a finger-guessing game 423 423
cai/ 才高运蹇 cai/gao-yun`jian> be unlucky talents 424 424
cai/ 才力相埒 cai/li`xiang-lie` be equally talented 425 425
cai/ 才疏学浅 cai/shu-xue/qian> have little talent and less 426 426
learning 427
cai/ 才思敏捷 cai/si-min>jie/ have quick-witted imagination 427 428
cai/ 才智过人 cai/zhi`guo`ren/ far surpass others in ability 428 429
and wisdom 430
cai/ 财大气粗 cai/da`qi`cu- he who has wealth speaks 429 431
louder than others 432
cai/ 财会制度 cai/kuai`zhi`du` financial and accounting regu- 430 433
lations 434
cai/ 财迷心窍 cai/mi/xin-qiao` be mad about money; be money- 431 435
grubbing 436
cai/ 财源茂盛 cai/yuan/mao`sheng` rich in financial resources 432 437
cai> 采取措施 cai>qu>cuo`shi- adopt measures;take measures 433 438
cai> 彩色斑斓 cai>se`ban-lan/ bright-coloured 434 439
can- 参观学习 can-guan-xue/xi/ visit and learn 435 440
can/ 残碑断碣 can/bei-duan`jie/ crumbling monuments and di- 436 441
lapidated walls;desolate scene 442
can/ 残羹剩饭 can/geng-sheng`fan` remains of a meal;leftovers; 437 443
crumbs from the table 444
can/ 残缺不全 can/que`bu`quan/ incomplete;fragmentary 438 445
can/ 蚕食鲸吞 can/shi/jing-tun- nibble away like a silkworm 439 446
or swallow like a wale -- 447
seize another country's ter- 448
ritory through piecemeal 449
encrouchment 450
can> 惨无人道 can>wu/ren/dao` inhuman;brutal 440 451
can` 璨若明星 can`ruo`ming/xing- as bright as brilliant stars 441 452
can` 灿若云锦 can`ruo`yun/jin> as shiny like brocade 442 453
cang- 沧海桑田 cang-hai>sang-tian/ from seas into mulberry fields 443 454
and from mulberry fields into 455
seas -- time brings great 456
changes to the world 457
cang- 沧海一粟 cang-hai>yi-su` a drop in the ocean 444 458
cang- 仓惶失措 cang-huang/shi-cuo` be disconcerted;be scared out 445 459
of one's wits; the panic- 460
stricken 461
cang- 苍劲有力 cang-jing`you>li` be bold and vigorous 446 462
cang- 苍茫迷蒙 cang-mang/mi/meng/ vast and hazy 447 463
cang- 苍松翠柏 cang-song-cui`bai> green pines and cypresses 448 464
cang- 苍蝇见血 cang-ying/jian`xie> as if a fly sees blood; 449 465
(fig.) very greedy vv 466
cang/ 藏龙卧虎 cang/long/wo`hu> people of unusual ability are 450 467
to be found 468
cang/ 藏污纳垢 cang/wu-na`gou` shelter evil people and coun- 451 469
tenance evil practices 470
cao- 操练完毕 cao-lian`wan/bi` The drills came to an end. 452 471
cao- 操之过急 cao-zhi-guo`ji/ act with undue haste 453 472
cao- 操纵自如 cao-zong`zi`ru/ operate with skill 454 473
cao> 草草了事 cao>cao>liao>shi` rush through the work 455 474
cao> 草莽英雄 cao>mang>ying-xiong/ greenwood hero 456 475
cao> 草木皆兵 cao>mu`jie-bing- every bush or tree looks like 457 476
an enemy soldier-- over sus- 477
picious and frightened 478
ce` 侧耳倾听 ce`er>qing-ting- listen attensively 458 479
ce` 侧目而视 ce`mu`er/shi` look askance at sb. 459 480
ce` 侧身而过 ce`shen-er/guo` move sideways 460 481
ce` 测量水温 ce`liang/shui>wen- measure the water temperature 461 482
ce` 恻隐之心 ce`yin>zhi-xin- latent compassion of one's 462 483
heart;sympathy;sense of pity; 484
compassion 485
cen- 参差不齐 cen-ci-bu`qi/ different in length,height 463 486
or size 487
ceng/ 曾几何时 ceng/ji>he/shi/ before long;not long after 464 488
ceng/ 层层叠叠 ceng/ceng/die/die/ one on top of another 465 489
ceng/ 层出不穷 ceng/chu-bu`qiong/ emerge in an endless stream 466 490
ceng/ 层峦叠翠 ceng/luan/die/cui` range upon range of green hills 467 491
ceng/ 层峦叠嶂 ceng/luan/die/zhang` peaks upon peaks;topographic 468 492
turmoil of mountains 493
cha- 插不上手 cha-bu`shang`shou> cannot join in 469 494
cha- 插翅难飞 cha-chi`nan/fei- unable to escape even given 470 495
wings 496
cha- 插队落户 cha-dui`luo`hu` be sent to settle in the coun- 471 497
tryside as a regular and per- 498
menent member of a production 499
team 500
cha- 差强人意 cha-qiang/ren/yi` just passable 472 501
cha/ 茶楼酒肆 cha/lou/jiu>si` teahouses and wineshops 473 502
cha/ 茶余饭后 cha/yu/fan`hou` over a cup of tea or after 474 503
a meal 504
cha/ 搽脂抹粉 cha/zhi-mo>fen> apply powder and paint--tret- 475 505
tify;whitewash 506
cha/ 查明属实 cha/ming/shu>shi/ be proven true after investi- 476 507
gation 508
cha/ 查无实据 cha/wu/shi/ju` investigation reveals no evi- 477 509
dence(against the suspect) 510
cha/ 察言观色 cha/yan/guan-se` weigh a person's words and 478 511
watch his expresion;watch a 512
person's mood 513
cha` 诧为奇事 cha`wei/qi/shi` surprised by sth.strange 479 514
cha` 姹紫嫣红 cha`zi>yan-hong/ brilliant purples and bright 480 515
reds --beautiful flowers 516
chai/ 豺狼成性 chai/lang/cheng/xing` as cruel and evil as jackals 481 517
and wolves 518
chai/ 豺狼当道 chai/lang/dang-dao` jackals and wolves hold sway 482 519
-- the cruel and the wicked 520
are in power 521
chai/ 柴米油盐 chai/mi>you/yan/ fuel,rice,oil and salt --chief 483 522
daily necessities. 523
chan/ 潺潺流水 chan/chan/liu/shui> a murmuring stream 484 524
chan/ 谗害忠良 chan/hai`zhong-liang/ vilify and harm loyal and good 485 525
(courtiers) 526
chan/ 馋涎欲滴 chan/xian/yu`di- one's mouth is almost drool- 486 527
ing -- one is very greedy for 528
food 529
chan/ 缠绵悱恻 chan/mian/fei>ce` lingering sorrow 487 530
chan> 铲除祸根 chan>chu/huo`gen- root out the cause for more 488 531
disaster 532
chan> 铲除杂草 chan>chu/za/cao> weed;root out the weeds 489 533
chan> 冁然而笑 chan>ran/er/xiao` break into a smile;burst out 490 534
laughing 535
chan> 谄上欺下 chan>shang`qi-xia` be servile to one's superious 491 536
and tyrannical to one's subor- 537
dinates 538
chang/ 长短不同 chang/duan>bu`tong/ different in length 492 539
chang/ 长江三峡 chang/jiang-san-xia/ Three Gorges of the Yangtze 493 540
River 541
chang/ 长江天堑 chang/jiang-tian-qian the natural moat of the 494 542
Changjiang River 543
chang/ 长江以南 chang/jiang-yi>nan/ south of the Yangtse River 495 544
chang/ 长命百岁 chang/ming`bai>sui` live to be a hundred;live 496 545
to a ripe old age 546
chang/ 长年累月 chang/nian/lei>yue` year in year out;over the years 497 547
chang/ 长驱直入 chang/qu-zhi/ru` drive straight in 498 548
chang/ 长途跋涉 chang/tu/ba/she` travel long distances under 499 549
difficult conditions 550
chang/ 长袖衬衣 chang/xiu`chen`yi- shirt with long sleeves 500 551
chang/ 长吁短叹 chang/xu-duan>tan` utter sighs and groans; 501 552
moan and groan 553
chang/ 常规武器 chang/gui-wu>qi` conventional weapons 502 554
chang/ 常来常往 chang/lai/chang/wang> exchange frequent visits;pay 503 555
frequent calls 556
chang/ 常绿乔木 chang/lyu`qiao/mu` evergreen tree 504 557
chang/ 常用词语 chang/yong`ci/yu> everyday expressions 505 558
chang/ 尝试尝试 chang/shi`chang/shi` try a bit to do sth. 506 559
chang> 敞篷汽车 chang>peng/qi`che- open car 507 560
chang> 敞胸露怀 chang>xiong-lu`huai/ bare one's chest 508 561
chang` 惝然若失 chang`ran/ruo`shi- feel depressed and lost 509 562
chang` 畅所欲言 chang`suo>yu`yan/ pour out all that one wishes 510 563
to say;speak without any inhi- 564
bitions;speak one's mind free- 565
ly;speak out freely 566
chang` 畅行无阻 chang`xing/wu/zu> pass unimpeded;proceed with- 511 567
out hindrance 568
chang` 畅叙衷肠 chang`xu`zhong-chang/ have a heart-to-heart talk 512 569
chao- 抄近路走 chao-jin`lu`zou> Take a shortcut. 513 570
chao- 抄收电讯 chao-shou-dian`xun` receive and record (telegram) 514 571
dispatches 572
chao- 超群拔类 chao-qun/ba/lei` head and shoulder above all 515 573
others;preeminent 574
chao> 吵吵闹闹 chao>chao>nao`nao` wrangle;kick up a row 516 575
chao> 吵吵嚷嚷 chao>chao>rang>rang> make a racket;shout in confu- 517 576
sion;clamour 577
che- 车个螺丝 che-ge.luo/si- lathe a screw 518 578
che- 车水马龙 che-shui>ma>long/ incessant stream of horses and 519 579
carriages; heavy traffic 580
che- 车载斗量 che-zai`dou>liang/ enough to fill carts and 520 581
be measured by bushel -- 582
common and numerous 583
che> 扯开嗓子 che>kai-sang>zi (shout) at the top of one's 521 584
voice 585
che> 扯起篷来 che>qi>peng/lai/ hoist a sail 522 586
che` 彻骨痛恨 che`gu>tong`hen` hate sb. to the marrow 523 587
che` 彻头彻尾 che`tou/che`wei> out and out;through and 524 588
through;downright;dyed- 589
in-the-woods 590
che` 彻夜不眠 che`ye`bu`mian/ lie awake all night 525 591
che` 撤换人选 che`huan`ren/xuan> recall and replace candidates 526 592
che` 撤职查办 che`zhi/cha/ban` discharge sb. from his post 527 593
and prosecute him 594
chen/ 沉湎酒色 chen/mian>jiu>se` be addicted to wine and women 528 595
chen/ 沉下脸来 chen/xia`lian>lai/ pull a long face;put on a 529 596
serious expression 597
chen/ 沉鱼落雁 chen/yu/luo`yan` make fish sink and birds 530 598
alight 599
chen/ 晨光熹微 chen/guang-xi-wei- the first rays of dawn 531 600
chen/ 晨钟暮鼓 chen/zhong-mu`gu> toll the bell in the morning 532 601
and beat the drum in the even- 602
ing 603
chen` 趁火打劫 chen`huo>da>jie/ loot a burning house-- take 533 604
advantage of sb.'s misfortune 605
to do him harm;fish in trou- 606
bled waters 607
chen` 趁热打铁 chen`re`da>tie> strike while the iron is hot 534 608
chen` 称心如意 chen`xin-ru/yi` satisfactory 535 609
chen/ 称臣纳贡 cheng-chen/na`gong` acknowledge one's allegiance 536 610
to a ruler and pay tribute to 611
him 612
cheng- 称兄道弟 cheng-xiong-dao`di` friends that call each other 537 613
brother;brother sb. 614
cheng- 撑持危局 cheng-chi/wei-ju/ shore up a shaky situation 538 615
cheng- 撑起身子 cheng-qi>shen-zi support the body with two 539 616
hands on the bed 617
cheng- 瞠目结舌 cheng-mu`jie/she/ stupefaction 540 618
cheng/ 成败利钝 cheng/bai`li`dun` succes or failue,smooth going 541 619
or rough 620
cheng/ 成绩出众 cheng/ji`chu-zhong` accomplish outstanding 542 621
achievements 622
cheng/ 成千累万 cheng/qian-lei>wan` thousands upon thousands 543 623
cheng/ 成千上万 cheng/qian-shang`wan` thousands upon thousands 544 624
cheng/ 枨触良深 cheng/chu`liang/shen- be moved very deeply 545 625
cheng/ 乘风破浪 cheng/feng-po`lang` ride the wind and cleave the 546 626
waves;brave the wind and waves 627
cheng/ 乘机逃脱 cheng/ji-tao/tuo- take the chance and flee 547 628
cheng/ 承蒙指点 cheng/meng/zhi>dian> Thank you for your advice. 548 629
cheng/ 承前启后 cheng/qian/qi>hou` inherit the past and give en- 549 630
lightenment to the following 631
generation 632
cheng/ 承上启下 cheng/shang`qi>xia` link the proceeding and the 550 633
following 634
cheng/ 承先启后 cheng/xian-qi>hou` inherit the past and give en- 551 635
lightenment to the following 636
generation 637
cheng/ 澄清事实 cheng/qing-shi`shi/ clarify the facts 552 638
cheng/ 呈上名片 cheng/shang`ming/pian` present one's name card 553 639
cheng/ 诚心诚意 cheng/xin-cheng/yi` earnestly and sincerely 554 640
cheng/ 惩一儆百 cheng/yi-jing>bai> punish a few to warn a great 555 641
number of people 642
cheng/ 惩一警百 cheng/yi-jing>bai> punish a few to warn a great 556 643
number of people 644
cheng> 骋怀痛饮 cheng>huai/tong`yin> drink to one's heart's content 557 645
chi- 吃闭门羹 chi-bi`men/geng- be denied entry 558 646
chi- 吃糠咽菜 chi-kang-yan`cai` eat chaff and herbs 559 647
chi- 吃苦耐劳 chi-ku>nai`lao/ bear hardships and stand hard 560 648
work 649
chi- 吃苦受穷 chi-ku>shou`qiong/ live in hardship and poverty 561 650
chi- 吃苦在前 chi-ku>zai`qian/ be the first to bear hardships 562 651
chi- 哧哧地笑 chi-chi-de.xiao` titter;laugh up or in one's 563 652
sleeve; laugh under one's 653
breath or to oneself 654
chi- 痴心妄想 chi-xin-wang`xiang> wishful thinking;daydreaming; 564 655
hallucination;illusion 656
chi- 嗤之以鼻 chi-zhi-yi>bi/ turn up one's nose at sb. or 565 657
sth.;give a snort of com- 658
tempt 659
chi/ 驰骋疆场 chi/cheng>jiang-chang>gallop across the battle field 566 660
chi/ 驰名中外 chi/ming/zhong-wai` be renowned at home and abroad 567 661
chi/ 池鱼之殃 chi/yu/zhi-yang- a disaster for the fish in the 568 662
moat -- trouble not of one's 663
own making 664
chi/ 持之以恒 chi/zhi-yi>heng/ make unremitting effort;persue 569 665
with determinationg;persevere 666
in doing sth.;persist in 667
chi> 齿德俱尊 chi>de/ju`zun- win respect because of one's 570 668
age and moral integrity 669
chi> 尺蠖求伸 chi>huo`qiu/shen- a looper trying to stretch 571 670
itself 671
chi` 赤膊上阵 chi`bo/shang`zhen` go into battle barebacked;expe- 572 672
dite matters using neither 673
disguise nor strategy 674
chi` 赤胆忠心 chi`dan>zhong-xin- utter devotion;complete dedi- 573 675
cation; absolute royalty or 676
commitment 677
chi` 赤身裸体 chi`shen-luo>ti> naked without a stitch of 574 678
clothing on 679
chi` 赤手空拳 chi`shou>kong-quan/ bare-handed;without anything 575 680
to rely on 681
chi` 赤子之心 chi`zi>zhi-xin- the heart of a newborn;(fig.) 576 682
pure and innocent 683
chi` 叱咤风云 chi`zha`feng-yun/ command the wind and clouds; 577 684
thundering;extremely powerful 685
chi` 斥地千里 chi`di`qian-li> expand territory by a thousand 578 686
li 687
chong- 充耳不闻 chong-er>bu`wen/ stuff one's ears and refuse to 579 688
listen;turn a deaf ear to 689
chong- 冲锋陷阵 chong-feng-xian`zhen` charge and shatter enemy 580 690
positions;charge the enemy 691
positions;charge the enemy 692
lines;charge forward 693
chong- 憧憬未来 chong-jing>wei`lai/ yearn for a brighter future 581 694
future 695
chong/ 重蹈复辙 chong/dao`fu`zhe/ follow the track of the over- 582 696
turned cart-- follow the same 697
old road to ruin 698
chong/ 崇山峻岭 chong/shan-jun`ling> towering and precipitous moun- 583 699
tains 700
chou- 抽薪止沸 chou-xin-zhi>fei` stop water from boiling by 584 701
taking the firewood away 702
chou/ 酬宾展销 chou/bin-zhan>xiao- show for sale with gifts to 585 703
customers 704
chou/ 愁肠寸断 chou/chang/cun`duan` be anxious and heartbroken 586 705
chou/ 踌躇不决 chou/chu/bu`jue/ hesitate in decision-making;be 587 706
irreslute 707
chou/ 踌躇满志 chou/chu/man>zhi` enormously proud of one's suc- 588 708
cess;complacent 709
chou/ 愁眉不展 chou/mei/bu`zhan> knit one's brows in worry 589 710
chou/ 愁眉紧锁 chou/mei/jin>suo> tightly knitted brows 590 711
chou/ 愁眉苦脸 chou/mei/ku>lian` wear a worried look;pull a 591 712
long face 713
chou/ 稠人广众 chou/ren/guang>zhong` a large clowd;a big gathering 592 714
chou/ 筹资修路 chou/zi-xiu-lu` raise funds for the building 593 715
of a road 716
chou` 臭名远扬 chou`ming/yuan>yang/ notorious 594 717
chou` 臭气熏天 chou`qi`xun-tian- stink to high heaven 595 718
chou` 臭味相投 chou`wei`xiang-tou/ be close to each other in 596 719
notoriety;be birds of a 720
feather;be two of a kind 721
chou` 臭鱼烂虾 chou`yu/lan`xia- stinking fishes and rotten 597 722
shrimps 723
chu- 初步解决 chu-bu`jie>jue/ be initially solved 598 724
chu- 初出茅庐 chu-chu-mao/lu/ at the beginning of one's 599 725
career 726
chu- 初等教育 chu-deng>jiao`yu` elementary education 600 727
chu- 初级形式 chu-ji/xing/shi` intitial form 601 728
chu- 初具规模 chu-ju`gui-mo/ be just beginning to take 602 729
shape 730
chu- 初来乍到 chu-lai/zha`dao` be a newcomer to a place 603 731
chu- 初露头角 chu-lu`tou/jiao> (fig.) begin to show certain 604 732
talent;cut a striking figure 733
chu- 出尔反尔 chu-er>fan>er> go back on one's word 605 734
chu- 出乎意料 chu-hu-yi`wai` unexpectedly 606 735
chu- 出乎预料 chu-hu/yu`liao` exceeding one's expectations; 607 736
contrary to one's expecta- 737
tions;unexpectedly 738
chu- 出口成章 chu-kou>cheng/zhang- What one speaks is like a 608 739
written article.(fig.) quick 740
in writing or succinct in 741
speech;have the gift of gab 742
chu- 出类拔萃 chu-lei`ba/cui` excel one's fellow beings 609 743
chu- 出谋画策 chu-mou/hua`ce` offer advice;work out a 610 744
strategy 745
chu- 出谋划策 chu-mou/hua`ce` offer advice;work out a 611 746
strategy 747
chu- 出奇制胜 chu-qi/zhi`sheng` win by surprise; have an ace 612 748
in the hole 749
chu- 出人头地 chu-ren/tou/di` rise head and shoulders above 613 750
others;make one's mark 751
chu- 出入平安 chu-ru`ping/an- come in and go out safely 614 752
chu- 出神入化 chu-shen/ru`hua` reach the height of perfec- 615 753
tion;be superb 754
chu- 出生入死 chu-sheng-ru`si> brave the risk of one's life; 616 755
go through thick and thin 756
chu- 出手大方 chu-shou>da`fang- be open-handed;be generous 617 757
chu- 出水芙蓉 chu-shui>fu/rong/ a lotus flower just appearing 618 758
above the water(said of a beau- 759
tiful poem or painting or of 760
a beautiful woman) 761
chu- 出租汽车 chu-zu-qi`che` taxi 619 762
chu/ 除暴安良 chu/bao`an-liang/ root out thug to rescure people 620 763
chu/ 锄强扶弱 chu/qiang/fu/ruo` suppress the strong and aid 621 764
the weak 765
chu> 储存数据 chu>cun/shu`ju` accumulate data 622 766
chu> 楚河汉界 chu>he/han`jie` the border of kingdoms Chu and 623 767
Han;the border of two opposing 768
powers 769
chu> 储粮备荒 chu>liang/bei`huang- store up grain against crop 624 770
failure. 771
chu> 础润而雨 chu>run`er/yu> A damp plinth heralds rain. 625 772
chu` 触犯刑律 chu`fan`xing/lyu` violate the criminal law 626 773
chu` 触景生情 chu`jing>sheng-qing/ the sight strikes a chord in 627 774
one's heart 775
chu` 触类旁通 chu`lei`pang/tong- comprehend by analogy 628 776
chu` 触目惊心 chu`mu`jing-xin- be appalled at a serious situ- 629 777
ation 778
chu` 怵目惊心 chu`mu`jing-xin- horrid;ghastly;be nervous, 630 779
sight of sth. terribly wrong 780
chu` 矗入云霄 chu`ru`yun/xiao- soar into the clouds 631 781
chuan- 穿着入时 chuan-chuo/ru`shi/ fashionably dressed 632 782
chuan- 穿连裆裤 chuan-lian/dang-ku` band together;collude;gang up 633 783
chuan- 穿梭似的 chuan-suo-shi.de as if shuttle back and forth 634 784
chuan- 穿梭外交 chuan-suo-wai`jiao- shuttle diplomacy 635 785
chuan- 穿着入时 chuan-zhuo/ru`shi/ look modern in one's attire 636 786
chuan/ 传为笑柄 chuan/wei/xiao`bing> spread as a laughing stock 637 787
chuan- 川流不息 chuan-liu/bu`xi- come and go like endless stream 638 788
chuan` 串亲访友 chuan`qin-fang>you> visit one's relatives or 639 789
friends 790
chuang- 窗明几净 chuang-ming/ji-jing` with bright windows and clean 640 791
tables;bright and clean 792
chuang- 疮痍满目 chuang-yi/man>mu` Everywhere a scene of devas- 641 793
tation meets the eye. 794
chuang` 创办学校 chuang`ban`xue/xiao` set up a school 642 795
chuang` 怆然泪下 chuang`ran/lei`xia` burst into tears 643 796
chuang` 创新精神 chuang`xin-jing-shen/ pioneering spirit 644 797
chuang` 创业守成 chuang`ye`shou>cheng/ establish a cause and maintain 645 798
it 799
chui- 吹吹打打 chui-chui-da>da> beating drums and blowing 646 800
trumpets;piping and drumming 800
chui- 吹吹拍拍 chui-chui-pai-pai- boasting and flattering 647 801
chui- 吹笛弄箫 chui-di/nong`xiao- play the bamboo flute 648 802
chui- 吹灰之力 chui-hui-zhi-li` little effort 649 803
chui- 吹毛求疵 chui-mao/qiu/ci` find fault (with);pick holes 650 804
(in);nitpick 805
chui- 吹牛拍马 chui-niu/pai-ma> boast and flatter 651 806
chui- 炊烟袅袅 chui-yan-niao>niao> cooking smoke in curling and 652 807
uncurling ascent 808
chui/ 锤炼文笔 chui/lian`wen/bi> polish one's style of writing 653 809
chui/ 垂柳拂水 chui/liu>fu/shui> weeping willow branches 654 810
touch the water surface 811
chui/ 垂手可得 chui/shou>ke>de/ extremely easy to obtain 655 812
chui/ 纯属虚构 chui/shu>xu-gou` be purely trumped up 656 813
chui/ 垂死挣扎 chui/si>zheng-zha/ put up a last-ditch( or des- 657 814
perate) struggle; be in one's 815
death throes 816
chui/ 垂头丧气 chui/tou/sang`qi` be crestfallen;be dejected 658 817
chui/ 垂涎三尺 chui/xian/san-chi> slobber so much that the 659 818
saliva drools a metre from 819
the mouth;have one's mouth 820
watering 821
chui/ 椎心泣血 chui/xin-qi`xue` beat one's chest and shed tears 660 822
of bood --be heartbroken 823
chui/ 捶胸顿足 chui/xiong-dun`zu/ beat one's breast and stamp 661 824
one's feet(in sorrow,etc.) 825
chun- 春风拂面 chun-feng-fu/mian` a spring breeze stroking the 662 826
face 827
chun- 春风化雨 chun-feng-hua`yu> life-giving spring breeze and 663 828
rain--salutary influence of 829
education 830
chun- 春光明媚 chun-guang-ming/mei` sunny and pretty spring scene 664 831
chun- 春满人间 chun-man>ren/jian- The world bathed in the warmth 665 832
of spring. 833
chun- 春暖花开 chun-nuan>hua-kai- Spring has come and the flowers 666 834
are in bloom. 835
chun- 春秋末期 chun-qiu-mo`qi- the last years of the Spring 667 836
and Autumn Period 837
chun- 春秋时代 chun-qiu-shi/dai` Spring and Autumn Period 668 838
(722-481 B.C.) 839
chun- 春夏秋冬 chun-xia`qiu-dong- spring,summer,autumn and winter 669 840
chun- 春夏之交 chun-xia`zhi-jiao- time of the year when spring 670 841
gives way to summer 842
chun- 椿萱并茂 chun-xuan-bing`mao` Both parents are living and 671 843
in good health. 844
chun- 春意盎然 chun-yi`ang`ran/ Spring is very much in the air. 672 845
chun- 春意阑珊 chun-yi`lan/shan- Spring is coming to an end. 673 846
chun- 春酝夏成 chun-yun`xia`cheng/ start brewing in spring and 674 847
become ready in summer 848
chun/ 唇齿相依 chun/chi>xiang-yi- (fig.)be closely related and 675 849
mutually dependent 850
chun/ 唇亡齿寒 chun/wang/chi>han/ The teeth will be exposed to 676 851
the cold once the lips are 852
gone;(fig.)as closely related 853
as the lips and the teeth 854
chun> 蠢蠢欲动 chun>chun>yu`dong` ready to start wriggling 677 855
-- ready to make trouble 856
chuo` 绰绰有余 chuo`chuo`you>yu/ more than enough 678 857
chuo` 绰有余裕 chuo`you>yu/yu` have more than enough 679 858
ci- 刺的一声 ci-de.yi-sheng- with a swish 680 859
ci/ 词不达意 ci/bu`da/yi` the words fail to convey 681 860
the idea 861
ci/ 词藻华丽 ci/zao>hua/li` flowery language 682 862
ci/ 辞朝归薮 ci/chao/gui-sou> resign one's post as an 683 863
official and return to 864
one's native village 865
ci/ 慈眉善目 ci/mei/shan`mu` benign looking 684 866
ci/ 慈善心肠 ci/shan`xin-chang/ kind-hearted 685 867
ci> 此起彼伏 ci>qi>bi>fu/ rise and fall continuously 686 868
ci` 刺刺不休 ci`ci`bu`xiu- talk incessantly;chatter 687 869
on and on 870
ci` 伺候病人 ci`hou`bing`ren/ look after a patient 688 871
cong- 匆匆忙忙 cong-cong-mang/mang/ hurriedly;in haste 689 872
cong- 聪慧过人 cong-hui`guo`ren/ far surpass others in intelli- 690 873
gence;be exceptionally bright 874
cong- 聪颖绝伦 cong-ying>jue/lun/ incomparably intelligent 691 875
cong/ 从古到今 cong/gu>dao`jin- from ancient times to the 692 876
present;from time immemorial 877
cong/ 从谏如流 cong/jian`ru/liu/ follow good advice as natural 693 878
as a river follows its course 879
cong/ 从容不迫 cong/rong>bu`po` take it leisurely;take easy 694 880
stages;calm and unhurried; 881
self-possessed 882
cong/ 从头学起 cong/tou/xue/qi> start to learn something all 695 883
over again 884
cong/ 从中作梗 cong/zhong-zuo`geng> hinder sb. from carrying out 696 885
a plan;place obstacles in the 886
way;put a spoke in sb.'s wheel 887
cong/ 从左到右 cong/zuo>dao`you` from left to right 697 888
cu- 粗茶淡饭 cu-cha/dan`fan` plain tea and simple food 698 889
cu- 粗细各异 cu-xi`ge`yi` different degrees of thick- 699 890
ness 891
cu- 粗心大意 cu-xin-da`yi` negligent;careless 700 892
cu- 粗枝大叶 cu-zhi-da`ye` crude and careless(in doing 701 893
things);done in broad strokes 894
or rough outline;in a cursory 895
fashion;roughly finished 896
cu- 粗制滥造 cu-zhi`lan`zao` manufacture in a rough and 702 897
slipshod way 898
cu` 猝不及防 cu`bu`ji/fang/ be caught off guard;be taken 703 899
by surprise;be caught unpre- 900
pared;be put off one's guard 901
cu` 促膝谈心 cu`xi-tan/xin- sit side by side and talk 704 902
intimately;have a heart- 903
to-heart talk 904
cuan/ 攒三聚五 cuan/san-ju`wu> (of people) gather in knots; 705 905
gather in threes and fours 906
cui- 催逼还债 cui-bi-huan/zhai` press sb. to pay a debt 706 907
cui- 摧枯拉朽 cui-ku-la-xiu> (as easy as) crushing dry 707 908
weeds and smashing rotten 909
woods 910
cui- 摧眉折腰 cui-mei/zhe/yao- bowing and scraping 708 911
cui- 摧心剖肝 cui-xin-pou-gan- break one's heart and liver; 709 912
great sorrow; deep grief; 913
anguish 914
cui> 璀灿夺目 cui>can`duo/mu` dazzling 710 915
cui` 粹而不杂 cui`er/bu`za/ pure and unadulterated 711 916
cun/ 存心不良 cun/xin-bu`liang/ cherish evil designs (or 712 917
intentions) 918
cun` 寸步不离 cun`bu`bu`li/ follow sb. closely;keep close 713 919
to sb.; be always at sb.'s 920
elbow 921
cun` 寸步难行 cun`bu`nan/xing/ be unable to move even a 714 922
single step -- be unable to 923
do anything 924
cun` 寸草不留 cun`cao>bu`liu/ be devastated;leave not com- 715 925
plete devastation (of land) 926
cun` 寸草不生 cun`cao>bu`sheng- Even a blade of grass cannot 716 927
grow. 928
cun` 寸土不让 cun`tu>bu`rang` never to yield an inch of 717 929
ground;not to surrender a 930
single inch of one's land 931
cun` 寸土必争 cun`tu>bi`zheng- fight (or contest) for every 718 932
inch of land 933
cuo` 厝火积薪 cuo`huo>ji-xin- a fire beneath a pile of 719 934
faggots -- a hidden danger 935
cuo` 措手不及 cuo`shou>bu`ji/ be caught unprepared;be 720 936
caught unawares 937
cuo` 错综复杂 cuo`zong-fu`za/ intricate;complex 721 938
da- 搭箭开弓 da-jian`kai-gong- draw one's bow and set 722 1168
an arrow on its string 1169
da/ 答非所问 da/fei-suo>wen` give an irrelevant answer 723 1170
da> 打扮入时 da>ban`ru`shi/ fashionably attired 724 1171
da> 打草储饲 da>cao>chu>si` cut grass to store as forage 725 1172
da> 打草惊蛇 da>cao>jing-she/ stir the glass and startle 726 1173
the snake --act rashly and 1174
alert the enemy 1175
da> 打错算盘 da>cuo`suan`pan/ miscalculate;make a wrong 727 1176
decision 1177
da> 打过交道 da>guo`jiao-dao` have dealings with sb. 728 1178
da> 打那儿起 da>na`r.qi> from that time on 729 1179
da> 打破僵局 da>po`jiang-ju/ break a deadlock 730 1180
da> 打听一下 da>ting-yi-xia` make some inquiries 731 1181
da> 打退堂鼓 da>tui`tang/gu> beat a retreat;back out 732 1182
da> 打小报告 da>xiao>bao`gao` inform secretly on sb. 733 1183
da` 大爆冷门 da`bao`leng>men/ unexpected turn of events; 734 1184
surprise 1185
da` 大笔如椽 da`bi>ru/chuan/ writing brush as big as a 735 1186
rafter (used to praise some- 1187
one's written work or writing 1188
ability) 1189
da` 大材小用 da`cai/xiao>yong` large material put to small 736 1190
use -- one's talent wasted 1191
on a petty job;not do justice 1192
to sb.'s talent 1193
da` 大吵大嚷 da`chao>da`rang> kick up a row;quarrel in a 737 1194
loud noise 1195
da` 大彻大悟 da`che`da`wu` realize completely 738 1196
da` 大吃大喝 da`chi-da`he- eat and drink extravagantly 739 1197
da` 大大咧咧 da`da.lie-lie- careless;casual 740 1200
da` 大大方方 da`da`fang-fang- very natural;very easy 741 1198
da` 大刀阔斧 da`dao-kuo`fu> make snap and bold decisions 742 1199
da` 大动干戈 da`dong`gan-ge- take up arms;go to war 743 1201
da` 大度宽容 da`du`kuan-rong/ magnanimous and tolerant 744 1202
da` 大队人马 da`dui`ren/ma> a large contingent of troops 745 1203
da` 大发慈悲 da`fa-ci/bei- show great mercy 746 1204
da` 大发牢骚 da`fa-lao/sao- pour out a stream of complaints 747 1205
da` 大发雷霆 da`fa-lei/ting/ fly into a temper 748 1206
da` 大发脾气 da`fa-pi/qi` be furious;fly into a rage 749 1207
da` 大放厥词 da`fang`jue/ci/ talk a lot of nonsense 750 1208
da` 大风大浪 da`feng-da`lang` wind and waves;great storms 751 1209
da` 大公无私 da`gong-wu/si- 1.selfless;unselfish;2.per- 752 1210
fectly impartial 1211
da` 大海捞针 da`hai>lao-zhen- fish for a needle in the 753 1212
ocean;look for a needle in 1213
a haystack 1214
da` 大喊大叫 da`han>da`jiao` 1.shout at the top of one's 754 1215
voice;2.conduct vigorous 1216
propaganda 1217
da` 大好河山 da`hao>he/shan- beautiful rivers and mountains 755 1218
(of a country);beautiful coun- 1219
country 1220
da` 大喝一声 da`he`yi-sheng- give a loud shout 756 1221
da` 大惑不解 da`huo`bu`jie> be extremely puzzled;be unable 757 1222
to make head or tail of dth. 1223
da` 大吉大利 da`ji/da`li` good luck and great prosperity 758 1224
(an expression of good wishes) 1225
da` 大家风范 da`jia-feng-fan` air of a great master; refined 759 1226
manner 1227
da` 大家闺秀 da`jia-gui-xiu` a girl from a good family; 760 1228
a well-bred girl;lady 1229
da` 大街小巷 da`jie-xiao>xiang` streets and lanes 761 1230
da` 大惊失色 da`jing-shi-se` turn pale with fright 762 1231
da` 大惊小怪 da`jing-xiao>guai` be surprised or alarmed at 763 1232
sth. quite normal;make a fuss 1233
about nothing 1234
da` 大局已定 da`ju/yi>ding` The outcome is a foregone con- 764 1235
clusion. 1236
da` 大举进攻 da`ju>jin`gong- mount a large-scale offensive 765 1237
da` 大开眼界 da`kai-yan>jie` be a real eye-opener 766 1238
da` 大力支持 da`li`zhi-chi/ give energetic support 767 1239
da` 大梦初醒 da`meng`chu-xing> just wake up from a dream 768 1240
da` 大模大样 da`mu/da`yang` in an ostentatious manner; 769 1241
with a swagger 1242
da` 大难临头 da`nan`lin/tou/ with great disaster hanging 770 1243
over one; be faced with immi- 1244
nent disaster 1245
da` 大气磅礴 da`qi`pang/bo/ of a great momentum 771 1246
da` 大器晚成 da`qi`wan>cheng/ Great vessels take years to 772 1247
produce. Great minds nature 1248
slowly. 1249
da` 大权旁落 da`quan/pang/luo` lose one's power to sb. else 773 1250
da` 大嚷大叫 da`rang>da`jiao` shout at the top of one's 774 1251
voice 1252
da` 大厦将倾 da`sha`jiang-qing- a great mansion on the point 775 1253
of collapse --the situation 1254
is hopeless 1255
da` 大声疾呼 da`sheng-ji/hu- raise a cry of warning;loudly 776 1257
appeal to the public 1258
da` 大势所趋 da`shi`suo>qu- the trend of the times; 777 1259
the general trend 1260
da` 大事渲染 da`shi`xuan`ran> enormously exaggerate; 778 1264
play up 1265
da` 大势已去 da`shi`yi>qu` the situation is hopeless; 779 1261
the game is as good as lost; 1262
it's all up with sb. 1263
da` 大书特书 da`shu-te`shu- record in letters of gold; 780 1266
write volumes about 1267
da` 大肆吹嘘 da`si`chui-xu- loudly adocate 781 1268
da` 大庭广众 da`ting/guang>zhong` (before) a big crowd; (on) 782 1268
a public occasion 1269
da` 大同小异 da`tong/xiao>yi` much the same but with minor 783 1270
differences 1271
da` 大为恼火 da`wei/nao>huo> be very upset 784 1272
da` 大显身手 da`xian>shen-shou> display one's skills to the 785 1273
full;give full scope to one's 1274
ability 1275
da` 大相径庭 da`xiang-jing`ting/ widely devergent;entirely 786 1276
different;poles apart 1277
da` 大小相等 da`xiao>xiang-deng> equal in size 787 1278
da` 大雄宝殿 da`xiong/bao>dian` Mahavira Hall 788 1279
da` 大雪纷飞 da`xue>fen-fei- Snowflakes were falling thick 789 1280
and fast. 1281
da` 大言不惭 da`yan/bu`can/ be shamelessly boastful;boast 790 1282
unshamely;brag unblushingly; 1283
talk big 1284
da` 大洋彼岸 da`yang/bi>an` other bank of the Pacific 791 1285
Ocean 1286
da` 大摇大摆 da`yao/da`bai> walk with pompous bearing; 792 1287
sryt;swagger 1288
da` 大义凛然 da`yi`lin>ran/ inspire awe by upholding 793 1289
justice 1290
da` 大有裨益 da`you>bi`yi` be of great benefit 794 1291
da` 大有妙用 da`you>miao`yong` work wonders 795 1292
da` 大有区别 da`you>qu-bie/ There is a great difference. 796 1293
da` 大有长进 da`you>zhang>jin` make major progress 797 1294
da` 大有作为 da`you>zuo`wei/ have bright prospects 798 1295
da` 大鱼大肉 da`yu/da`rou` abundant fish and meat -- rich 799 1296
food;sumptuous diet 1296
da` 大雨滂沱 da`yu>pang-tuo/ It's raining in torrents. 800 1297
da` 大禹治水 da`yu>zhi`shui> Yu the Great brought the 801 1298
waters under control. 1299
da` 大展宏图 da`zhan>hong/tu/ create a grand prospect 802 1300
da` 大张旗鼓 da`zhang-qi/gu> on a grand scale;with a great 803 1301
fanfare 1302
da` 大奏奇功 da`zou`qi/gong- perform a great merit 804 1303
dai- 呆若木鸡 dai-ruo`mu`ji- dumb as a wooden chicken; 805 1304
dumbstruck;transfixed( with 1305
fear or amazement) 1306
dai- 呆头呆脑 dai-tou/dai-nao> stupid-looking 806 1307
dai- 呆在家里 dai-zai`jia-li> stay at home 807 1308
dai` 逮捕归案 dai`bu`gyi-an` arrest and bring to justice 808 1309
dai` 待价而沽 dai`jia`er/gu- wait to sell at a good price; 809 1310
wait for the highest bid 1311
dai` 待理不理 dai`li>bu`li> coldly ignore sb.;snub sb.; 810 1312
give cold shoulder to sb. 1313
dai` 待人接物 dai`ren/jie/wu` manner of dealing with people 811 1314
dai` 待字闺中 dai`zi`gui-zhong- not yet betrothed;still a mai- 812 1315
den (in her boudoir);not yet 1316
affianced 1317
dai` 戴上帽子 dai`shang`mao`zi put on a hat 813 1318
dai` 戴罪立功 dai`zui`li`gong- atone for a sin,a mistake or 814 1319
failure by meritorious ser- 1320
vice 1321
dan- 担当重任 dan-dang-zhong`ren` take on a heavy burden 815 1322
dan- 担惊受怕 dan-jing-shou`pa` feel alarmed; be in fear 816 1323
dan- 丹凤朝阳 dan-feng`chao/yang/ The scarlet phoenix flies 817 1324
towards the sun. 1325
dan- 殚精竭虑 dan-jing-jie/lyu` devote one's entire energy and 818 1326
thought to 1327
dan- 单枪匹马 dan-qiang-pi>ma> act on one's own; do sth. 819 1328
without help;singgle-handed 1329
dan- 箪食壶浆 dan-shi/hu/jiang` greet the arrival of an army 820 1330
with food and drink 1331
dan- 眈于幻想 dan-yu/huan`xiang> indulge in illusion 821 1332
dan- 眈于酒色 dan-yu/jiu>se` indulge in sensual persuits 822 1333
dan- 耽误时间 dan-wu`shi/jian- waste time 823 1333
dan> 胆大包天 dan>da`bao-tian- audacious in the extreme 824 1334
dan> 胆大妄为 dan>da`wang`wei/ act wildly against law and 825 1335
public opinions 1336
dan> 胆大心细 dan>da`xin-xi` bold but cautious 826 1337
dan> 胆小怕事 dan>xiao>pa`shi` timid and overcautious; 827 1338
cowardly and overcautious 1339
dan> 胆小怯懦 dan>xiao>qie`nuo` timid and overcautious 828 1340
dan> 胆小如鼠 dan>xiao>ru/shu> be as timid as a mouse; be 829 1341
chicken-hearted 1342
dan> 胆战心惊 dan>zhan`xin-jing- tremble with fear;be scared 830 1343
out of one's wits 1344
dan` 淡泊寡欲 dan`bo/gua>yu` seek no fame or wealth and 831 1345
have few worldly desires 1346
dan` 淡泊明志 dan`bo/ming/zhi` show one's purpose of life by 832 1347
simple life 1348
dan` 淡而无味 dan`er/wu/wei` tasteless 833 1349
dan` 淡然置之 dan`ran/zhi`zhi- take with indifference 834 1353
dan` 弹尽粮绝 dan`jin`liang/jue/ run out of ammunition and 835 1350
provisions 1351
dan` 弹片纷飞 dan`pian`fen-fei- splinter swirling in the air 836 1352
dan` 弹丸之地 dan`wan/zhi-di` a pellet of land; a tiny place 837 1354
dan` 啖以重利 dan`yi>zhong`li` allure or lure sb. with hand- 838 1355
some rewards 1356
dan` 但愿如此 dan`yuan`ru/ci> May this be true. I hope so. 839 1357
dang- 当机立断 dang-ji-li`duan` decide quickly;make a prompt 840 1358
decision 1359
dang- 当仁不让 dang-ren/bu`rang` not decline to shoulder a 841 1360
responsibility;not leave to 1361
others what one ought to do 1362
oneself 1363
dang- 当之无愧 dang-zhi-wu/kui` deserve (one's title,honour, 842 1364
award,or praise) 1365
dang> 挡住去路 dang>zhu`qu`lu` stand in one's way 843 1366
dang` 荡然无存 dang`ran/wu/cun/ Everyhing is gone. 844 1367
dao- 刀光剑影 dao-guang-jian`ying> glint and flash of steel; 845 1368
fierce fighting; under the 1369
flashes of knives and the 1370
shadows of swords 1371
dao- 刀山火海 dao-shan-huo>hai> a mountain of swords and a sea 846 1372
of flames -- most dangerous 1373
places;most severe trials 1374
dao> 倒买倒卖 dao>mai>dao>mai` buy low and sell high to make 847 1375
profit by using the rise and 1376
fall in prices 1377
dao` 倒背如流 dao`bei`ru/liu/ can recite sth. backwards;know 848 1378
sth.(e.g. a poem or article) 1379
by heart 1380
dao` 倒打一耙 dao`da>yi-pa/ (fig.) make unfounded counter- 849 1381
charges;blame one's victim; 1382
recriminate 1383
dao` 道貌岸然 dao`mao`an`ran/ be a hypocrite 850 1384
dao` 倒竖蜻蜓 dao`shu`qing-ting/ stand upside down 851 1385
dao` 道听途说 dao`ting-tu/shuo- hearsay;rumour;gossip 852 1386
dao` 盗用公款 dao`yong`gong-kuan> embezzle public funds 853 1387
dao` 盗用名义 dao`yong`ming/yi` usurp a name 854 1388
de/ 得不偿失 de/bu`chang/shi- the loss outweighs the gain;the 855 1389
game is not worth the candle 1390
de/ 德才兼备 de/cai/jian-bei` have both good moral character 856 1391
and professional ability; have 1392
both ability and political in- 1393
tegrity 1394
de/ 德高望重 de/gao-wang`zhong` be of noble character and 857 1399
high prestige 1400
de/ 得寸进尺 de/cun`jin`chi> reach for a yard after getting 858 1395
an inch; give him an inch and 1396
he'll take a yard (or a mile, 1397
an ell); be insatiable 1398
de/ 得过且过 de/guo`qie>guo` get by however one can;muddle 859 1401
alone;drift along 1402
de/ 得力助手 de/li`zhu`shou> capable assistent;right-hand 860 1403
man 1404
de/ 得天独厚 de/tian-du/hou` be particularly favoured by na- 861 1405
ture;abound in gifts by nature 1406
de/ 得心应手 de/xin-ying`shou> 1.with facility;with high pro- 862 1407
ficiency;2.be serviceable;handy 1408
de/ 得意忘形 de/yi`wang`xing/ get dizzy with success 863 1409
de/ 得意洋洋 de/yi`yang/yang/ be immensely proud;look trium- 864 1410
phant 1411
deng- 登峰造极 deng-feng-zao`ji/ reach the peak and attain 865 1412
perfection;achieve a very high 1413
level;reach great heights 1414
deng- 登高长啸 deng-gao-chang/xiao` climb to a height to make 866 1415
a long whistle 1416
deng- 登高望远 deng-gao-wang`yuan> ascend a height to enjoy a 867 1417
distant view 1418
deng- 登台表演 deng-tai/biao>yan> take the stage and perform 868 1420
deng- 登坛拜将 deng-tan/bai`jiang` mount the altar and hold the 869 1421
ceremony to appoint a general 1422
deng- 灯火辉煌 deng-huo>hui-huang/ be ablaze with lights 870 1419
deng> 等价交换 deng>jia`jiao-huan` exchange at equal value 871 1423
deng> 等闲之辈 deng>xian/zhi-bei` quite ordinary 872 1424
di- 嘀哩嘟噜 di-li~du-lu- speak quickly and indistinctly; 873 1425
slur one's words really 1426
di- 低人一等 di-ren/yi-deng> inferior to others 874 1427
di- 低三下四 di-san-xia`si` 1.lowly;humble;degrading;2. 875 1428
servile;obsequios;cringing 1429
di- 低声啜泣 di-sheng-chuo`qi` sob quietly 876 1430
di- 低声悄语 di-sheng-qiao`yu> speak in a low voice 877 1431
di- 滴水不漏 di-shui>bu`lou` speak in a watertight or leak- 878 1432
proof manner,leaving nothing 1433
for people to pick on;make 1434
one's argument flawless 1435
di- 滴水穿石 di-shui>chuan-shi/ Dripping water makes holes in 879 1436
stone --despite weak power, 1437
unremitting efforts will lead 1438
to success 1439
di/ 涤除旧习 di/chu/jiu`xi/ do away with old customs 880 1440
di/ 的的确确 di/di/que`que` completely really 881 1441
di/ 敌对势力 di/dui`shi`li` hostile forces 882 1442
di/ 敌我矛盾 di/wo>mao/dun` contradition between ourselves 883 1443
and the enemy 1444
di> 抵抗外侮 di>kang`wai`wu> resist foreign aggression 884 1445
di` 地坼天崩 di`che`tian-beng- the ground cracked and the 885 1446
heaven fell 1447
di` 地动山摇 di`dong`shan-yao/ earthshaking 886 1448
di` 地旷人稀 di`kuang`ren/xi- vast and sparesly populated 887 1449
area 1450
di` 地痞流氓 di`pi>liu/mang/ thugs and rascals 888 1451
di` 帝王将相 di`wang/jiang`xiang` kings and princes,generals 889 1452
and ministers 1453
di` 地下资源 di`xia`zi-yuan/ underground resources 890 1454
di` 地心引力 di`xin-yin>li` terrestrial gravity;gravity 891 1455
di` 地窄人稠 di`zhai>ren-chou/ small in area but densely 892 1456
populated 1457
dia> 嗲声嗲气 dia>sheng-dia>qi` (speak) in a coquettish voice 893 1458
dian- 颠倒黑白 dian-dao>hei-bai/ confound black and white;con- 894 1459
fuse right and wrong; stand 1460
facts on their heads 1461
dian- 掂斤播两 dian-jin-bo-liang> engage in petty calculations;be 895 1462
calculating in small matters 1463
dian- 颠扑不破 dian-pu-bu`po` be able to withstand heavy 896 1464
battering;irrefutable;indis- 1465
putable 1466
dian- 颠三倒四 dian-san-dao>si` incoherent;disorderly;confused 897 1467
dian> 点点滴滴 dian>dian>di-di- a bit;bit by bit 898 1468
dian> 点头哈腰 dian>tou/ha-yao- bow and scrape --be unduly 899 1469
compliant or cordial 1470
dian> 点头问好 dian>tou/wen`hao` nod as a form of greeting 900 1471
dian` 电掣雷鸣 dian`che`lei/ming/ Lightning flashed and thunder 901 1472
rolled. 1473
dian` 电光闪亮 dian`guang-shan>liang The lightning flashed. 902 1474
dian` 电光煜煜 dian`guang-yu`yu` The lightning flashed. 903 1475
dian` 电力机车 dian`li`ji-che- electric locomotive 904 1476
dian` 电闪雷鸣 dian`shan>lei/ming/ Lightning flashed and thunder 905 1477
rolled. 1478
dian` 阽于死亡 dian`yu/si>wang/ at one's last gasp;close to 906 1479
death;near one's end;approach- 1480
ing death 1481
diao- 雕虫小技 diao-chong/xiao>ji` insignificant skill(esp. in 907 1482
writing);the trifling skill 1483
of a scribe 1484
diao- 雕栏玉砌 diao-lan/yu`qi` carved balustrades and marvel 908 1485
diao- 雕梁画栋 diao-liang/hua`dong` carved beams and painted 909 1486
rafters--a richly ornamented 1487
building 1488
steps 1489
diao` 调兵遣将 diao`bing-qian>jiang` 1.move troops;deploy forces; 910 1490
2.muster and organize man- 1491
power 1492
diao` 调虎离山 diao`hu>li/shan- lure the tiger out of 911 1496
the mountains --lure the 1497
enemy away from his base 1498
diao` 掉到海里 diao`dao`hai>li> drop into the sea 912 1493
diao` 掉以轻心 diao`yi>qing-xin- treat (take) sth. lightly; 913 1499
let down one's guard;relax 1500
one's vigilance 1501
diao` 吊儿郎当 diao`er/lang/dang- be careless and casual;slo- 914 1494
venly;frivolous 1495
die- 跌跌撞撞 die-die-zhuang`zhuang`tumble along;stagger;lurch 915 1502
die/ 叠床架屋 die/chuang/jia`wu- needless duplication (or repe- 916 1503
tition);repetitioness 1504
die/ 喋喋不休 die/die/bu`xiu- chatter away;rattle on;talk 917 1505
endlessly 1506
ding> 鼎鼎大名 ding>ding>da`ming/ very famous;well-known 918 1507
ding> 顶天立地 ding>tian-li`di` of gigantic stature;of indomi- 919 1508
table spirit;dauntless 1509
ding> 顶头上司 ding>tou/shang`si- one's immediate ( or direct) 920 1510
superior 1511
ding` 定睛观看 ding`jing-guan-kan` gaze at 921 1512
ding` 定时定量 ding`shi/ding`liang` at regular times and with 922 1513
fixed quantity 1514
diu- 丢盔弃甲 diu-kui-qi`jia> throw away one's helmet and 923 1515
coat of mail;throw away every- 1516
thing in headlong flight 1517
diu- 丢三落四 diu-san-la`si` forget this and that;be always 924 1518
forgetting things 1519
diu- 丢卒保车 diu-zu/bao>ju- give up a pawn to save a 925 1520
chariot--sacrifice minor 1521
things to save major ones 1522
dong- 东奔西跑 dong-ben-xi-pao> rush about busily;run to and 926 1523
fro 1524
dong- 东倒西歪 dong-dao>xi-wai- leaning;unsteady;tottering 927 1525
dong- 东渐于海 dong-jian-yu/hai> flow east and empty into the 928 1526
sea 1527
dong- 东拉西扯 dong-la-xi-che> drag in irrelevant matters; 929 1528
talk at random; ramble 1529
dong- 东南西北 dong-nan/xi-bei> east,south,west and north 930 1530
dong- 东拼西凑 dong-pin-xi-cou` scrape together;knock together 931 1533
dong- 东山再起 dong-shan-zai`qi> stage a comeback;resume one's 932 1534
position 1535
dong- 东施效颦 dong-shi-xiao`pin/ Dongshi,an ugly woman,knit- 933 1536
ting her brows in immitation 1537
of the famous beauty Xishi, 1538
only to make herself uglier-- 1539
crude immitation with ludic- 1540
rous effect;imitate awkwardly 1541
dong- 东游西逛 dong-you/xi-guang` roam about 934 1542
dong- 东岳泰山 dong-yue`tai`shan- Mount Tai in East China 935 1543
dong- 东张西望 dong-zhang-xi-wang` gaze around;peer around;glance 936 1544
this way and that;look in every 1545
direction 1546
dong- 东找西找 dong-zhao>xi-zhao> look for sth. here and there 937 1547
dong- 冬暖夏凉 dong-nuan>xia`liang/ warm in winter and cool in 938 1531
summer 1532
dong> 懂事明理 dong>shi`ming/li> sensible;intelligent 939 1548
dong` 洞察下情 dong`cha/xia`qing/ (for sb. in a high position) 940 1549
know the feelings of the people 1550
clearly 1551
dong` 洞房花烛 dong`fang/hua-zhu/ wedding festivities 941 1552
dong` 栋梁之材 dong`liang/zhi-cai/ pillar of state or society; 942 1553
person of tremendous promise 1554
dong` 动人心弦 dong`ren/xin-xian/ tug at one's heart-strings; 943 1555
be deeply moved;be exciting 1556
dong` 动弹不得 dong`tan/bu`de/ cannot move 944 1557
dong` 动辄得咎 dong`zhe/de/jiu` be blamed for whatever one 945 1558
does 1559
dong` 动辄发怒 dong`zhe/fa-nu` be very irritable 946 1560
dong` 洞烛其奸 dong`zhu/qi/jian- see through sb.'s tricks 947 1561
dou> 陡然醒悟 dou>ran/xing>wu` come to realise suddenly 948 1562
dou> 斗转星移 dou>zhuan>xing-yi/ change in the positions of the 949 1563
stars -- change of seasons; 1564
passage of time 1565
dou` 豆蔻年华 dou`kou`nian/hua/ odolescence;(of a girl) in 950 1566
early teens like a blooming 1567
cardamon 1568
dou` 斗争方式 dou`zheng-fang-shi` form of struggle 951 1569
dou` 斗志昂扬 dou`zhi`ang/yang/ have high morale;with high moral 952 1570
dou` 斗智斗勇 dou`zhi`dou`yong> contes of wits ang courage 953 1571
dou` 斗嘴怄气 dou`zui>ou`qi` fall out with sb. and sulk 954 1572
du- 嘟嘟囔囔 du-du-nang~nang~ numble to oneself 955 1573
du/ 独当一面 du/dang-yi-mian` take charge of a department 956 1574
or locality;assume resposi- 1575
bility for a certain sector 1576
du/ 独揽大权 du/lan>da`quan/ arrogate all powers to one- 957 1578
self 1579
du/ 独立自主 du/li`zi`zhu> maintain independence and keep 958 1580
the initiative;act indepemdent- 1581
and with the initiative in 1582
one's own hands 1583
du/ 独辟蹊径 du/pi`xi-jing` open a new road for oneself; 959 1584
develop a new style or a 1585
method of one's own 1586
du/ 独树一帜 du/shu`yi-zhi` fly one's own colours -- de- 960 1588
velop a school of one's own 1589
du/ 独一无二 du/yi-wu/er` unique;unparalleled;unmatched 961 1591
du/ 独占鳌头 du/zhan`ao/tou be the champion 962 1592
du/ 读书明理 du/shu-ming/li> be educated and reasonsable 963 1587
du/ 毒辣透顶 du/la`tou`ding> extremely sinister 954 1577
du/ 毒刑拷打 du/xing/kao>da> subject sb. to torture 965 1590
du> 睹物思人 du>wu`si-ren/ seeing a thing makes one think 966 1593
of the person associated with 1594
it; sth. that reminds one of 1595
its owner;mememto is reminis- 1596
cent of the person who gave it 1597
du` 渡过难关 du`guo`nan/guan- tide over a difficulty 967 1598
du` 妒火中烧 du`huo>zhong-shao- be burning with jealousy 968 1599
du` 杜门谢客 du`men/xie`ke` close one's door to visitors; 969 1600
live in seclusion 1601
du` 度日如年 du`ri`ru/nian/ one day seems like a year;the 970 1602
days drag on like years 1603
duan- 端端正正 duan-duan-zheng`zheng upright;regular 971 1604
duan> 短小精悍 duan>xiao>jing-han` 1.not of imposing stature but 972 1605
strong and capable; 2.(of a 1606
piece of writing)short and 1607
pithy;terse and forceful 1608
duan> 短袖衬衣 duan>xiu`chen`yi- shirt with short sleeves 973 1609
duan` 断断续续 duan`duan`xu`xu` off and on;intermittently 974 1610
duan` 断章取义 duan`zhang-qu>yi` quote out of context;garble 975 1611
a statement,etc. 1612
dui- 堆积如山 dui-ji-ru/shan- be piled up mountain-high on 976 1613
the ground 1614
dui` 对簿公堂 dui`bu`gong-tang/ be interrogated in court 977 1615
dui` 对答如流 dui`da/ru/liu/ answer fluently;answer ques- 978 1616
tions without hesitation 1617
dui` 对号入座 dui`hao`ru`zuo` 1.take one's seat according 979 1618
to the number on the ticket; 1619
sit in the right seat 1620
dui` 对牛弹琴 dui`niu/tan/qin/ play the lute to a cow -- 980 1621
address the wrong listner; 1622
talk over sb.'s head;cast 1623
pearls before a swine 1624
dui` 对外贸易 dui`wai`mao`yi` foreign trade 981 1625
dui` 对症良方 dui`zheng`liang/fang- good prescription suiting the 982 1626
medicine to the illness 1627
dui` 对症下药 dui`zheng`xia`yao` suit the medicine to the 983 1628
illness;suit the remedy 1629
to the case;prescribe the 1630
right remedy for an illness 1631
dun- 敦厚朴实 dun-hou`pu>shi/ be simple and sincere 984 1632
dun- 敦实纯朴 dun-shi/chun/pu` stocky and honest 985 1633
dun- 蹲在家里 dun-zai`jia-li> stay at home 986 1634
dun` 遁迹空门 dun`ji`kong-men/ become a monk or nun 987 1635
dun` 顿开茅塞 dun`kai-mao/se` suddenly see the light;be 988 1636
suddenly enlightened 1637
duo- 多财善贾 duo-cai/shan`gu> if you have much money, you'll 989 1638
be good at business---given 1639
the facilities success is 1640
assured 1641
duo- 多吃多占 duo-chi-duo-zhan` eat or take more than one 990 1642
is entitled to; grab more 1643
than one's share 1644
duo- 多愁善感 duo-chou/shan`gan> be sentimental (or emotional) 991 1645
duo- 多多益善 duo-duo-yi`shan` the more,the better 992 1646
duo- 哆哆嗦嗦 duo-duo-suo-suo- tremble;shiver 993 1647
duo- 咄咄逼人 duo-duo-bi-ren/ overbearing;aggressive 994 1648
duo- 咄咄称奇 duo-duo-cheng-qi/ cannot help wondering out loud 995 1649
duo- 咄咄怪事 duo-duo-guai`shi` monstrous absurdity 996 1650
duo/ 度德量力 duo/de/liang`li` estimate one's own moral 997 1651
duo/ 踱来踱去 duo/lai/duo/qu` pace to and fro;pace up and 998 1652
down 1653
duo/ 踱着方步 duo/zhe.fang-bu` walk with measured steps 999 1654
duo> 躲躲闪闪 duo>duo>shan>shan> be evasive;hedge;equivocate 1000 1655
e- 婀娜多姿 e-nuo/duo-zi- pretty and charming;graceful 1001 1001
e- 阿谀奉承 e-yu/feng`cheng/ flatter sb. so as to curry 1002 1002
favour 1003
e/ 鹅毛大雪 e/mao/da`xue> fluffy snow;large (featury) 1003 1004
snowflakes 1005
e` 恶贯满盈 e`guan`man>ying/ be guilty of countless crimes 1004 1006
e` 恶劣环境 e`lie`huan/jing` adverce circumstance 1005 1007
e` 恶劣行径 e`lie`xing/jing` disgusting conduct 1006 1008
e` 恶劣作风 e`lie`zuo`feng- abominable beheviour 1007 1009
e` 饿虎扑食 e`hu>pu-shi/ like a hungry tiger pouncing 1008 1010
on its prey 1011
e` 鄂伦春族 e`lun/chun-zu/ Orenqen (Olunchun) people,one 1009 1012
of China's ethnic groups 1013
e` 鄂温克族 e`wen-ke`zu/ Ewenki (Owenk) people,one of 1010 1014
China's ethnic groups 1015
e` 扼腕叹息 e`wan>tan`xi- sigh while wringing one's 1011 1016
hands 1017
en- 恩爱夫妻 en-ai`fu-qi- an affectionate couple 1012 1018
en- 恩将仇报 en-jiang`chou/bao` return evil for good;requite 1013 1019
kindness with enmity 1020
en- 恩深似海 en-shen-si`hai> infinite kindness;numerous 1014 1021
favours 1022
en- 恩深义重 en-shen-yi`zhong` a great debt of gratitude 1015 1023
en- 恩威并用 en-wei-bing`yong` employ both kindness and sever- 1016 1024
ity;combine justice and mercy 1025
en- 恩怨分明 en-yuan`fen-ming/ clearly distinguish between 1017 1026
kindness and hatred 1027
en- 恩重如山 en-zhong`ru/shan- sb.'s great kindness is as 1018 1028
weighty as a mountain 1029
en` 摁住不放 en`zhu`bu`fang` press sth. down and hold it 1019 1030
there 1031
er/ 而立之年 er/li`zhi-nian/ thirty years old 1020 1032
er/ 儿科医生 er/ke-yi-sheng- paediatrician 1021 1033
er/ 儿女情长 er/nyu>qing/chang/ Love between man and woman is 1022 1034
long. 1035
er/ 儿孙满堂 er/sun-man>tang/ with generations of offspring 1023 1036
filling the house 1037
er/ 儿童读物 er/tong/du/wu` reading materials for children 1024 1038
er/ 儿童节目 er/tong/jie/mu` children's programme 1025 1039
er/ 儿童团员 er/tong/tuan/yuan/ member of the Children's Corpse 1026 1040
er/ 儿童文学 er/tong/wen/xue/ children's literature 1027 1041
er/ 儿童医院 er/tong/yi-yuan` children's hospital 1028 1042
er> 耳鼻喉科 er>bi/hou/ke- E.N.T.(ear-nose-throat) depart- 1029 1043
ment 1044
er> 耳鬓撕磨 er>bin`si-mo/ ear to ear and temple to temple 1030 1045
--(of a boy childhood friend- 1046
ship) 1047
er> 耳聪目明 er>cong-mu`ming/ have good ears and eyes -- 1031 1048
have a clear understanding 1049
(of the situation) 1050
er> 耳聋眼花 er>long/yan>hua- deaf ears and dim eyes 1032 1051
er> 耳目一新 er>mu`yi-xin- find everything fresh and new 1033 1052
er> 耳目之娱 er>mu`zhi-yu/ pleasure of the senses 1034 1053
er> 耳濡目染 er>ru/mu`ran> be imperceptibly influenced 1035 1054
by what one sees and hears 1055
er> 耳闻目睹 er>wen/mu`du> what one sees and hears 1036 1056
er` 二次方程 er`ci`fang-cheng/ quadratic equation 1037 1057
er` 二次能源 er`ci`neng/yuan/ secondary energy source (such 1038 1058
as electricity,steam,etc.) 1059
er` 二道贩子 er`dao`fan`zi a person who resells at inflatt 1039 1060
price 1061
er` 二等公民 er`deng>gong-min/ sub-citizen 1040 1062
er` 二等秘书 er`deng>mi`shu- diplomacy Second Secretary 1041 1063
er` 二话不说 er`hua`bu`shuo- without demur 1042 1064
er` 二里来地 er`li>lai/di` a distance about two li 1043 1065
er` 二十八宿 er`shi/ba-xiu` 28 constellations 1044 1066
er` 二十来岁 er`shi/lai/sui` about twenty years old 1045 1067
fa- 发愤图强 fa-fen`tu/qiang/ make determined efforts to 1046 1046
better oneself; resolve to 1047
make one's country strong 1048
fa- 发聋振聩 fa-long/zhen`kui` make a noise loud enough to 1047 1049
rouse the deaf and awaken 1050
the unhearing;(fig.)enlighten 1051
the ignorant or the benighted 1052
through spoken or written 1053
words 1054
fa- 发霉发臭 fa-mei/fa-chou` go mouldy and go bad 1048 1055
fa/ 伐木丁丁 fa/mu`zheng-zheng- Clang,clang goes the woodman's 1049 1056
axe. 1057
fan- 翻来覆去 fan-lai/fu`qu` 1.toss and turn;toss from side 1050 1058
to side;2.again and again;re- 1059
peatedly 1060
fan- 翻山越岭 fan-shan-yue`ling> climb over mountains and hills 1051 1061
fan- 翻箱倒柜 fan-xiang-dao>gui` rummage through chests and 1052 1062
cupboards;ransack boxes and 1063
chests 1064
fan- 帆樯如林 fan-qiang/ru/lin/ forest of masts 1053 1065
fan/ 繁简允当 fan/jian>yun>dang` just the right degree of 1054 1066
simplicity 1067
fan/ 繁荣昌盛 fan/rong/chang-sheng` prosperous;flourishing 1055 1068
fan/ 繁文缛节 fan/wen/ru`jie/ cumbersome formalities;red 1056 1069
tape;(fig.) other miscel- 1070
laneous and unnecessary items 1071
fan/ 繁星烁烁 fan/xing-shuo`shuo` Clusters of stars are glitter- 1057 1072
ing in the sky. 1073
fan/ 繁星满天 fan/xing-man>tian- The sky was studded with 1058 1074
stars. 1075
fan> 反败为胜 fan>bai`wei/sheng` turn defeat into victory 1059 1076
fan> 反哺之情 fan>bu>zhi-qing/ filial piety 1060 1077
fan> 反唇相讥 fan>chun/xiang-ji- answer back sarcastically 1061 1078
fan> 反反复复 fan>fan>fu`fu` repeatedly;again and again 1062 1079
fan> 反腐倡廉 fan>fu>chang`lian/ combat corruption and advo- 1063 1080
cate honesty 1081
fan> 反复无常 fan>fu`wu/chang/ unpredicable;caprecious;change 1064 1082
like a weathercock 1083
fan> 反躬自问 fan>gong-zi`wen` examine oneself;examine one's 1065 1084
conscience 1085
fan> 反璞归真 fan>pu/gui-zhen- return to one's original self 1066 1086
and regain truth from life; 1087
return to nature 1088
fan> 反咬一口 fan>yao>yi-kou> trump up a countercharge 1067 1089
against one's accuser 1090
fan` 泛泛之交 fan`fan`zhi-jiao- a casual acquaintance 1068 1091
fang- 方便群众 fang-bian`qun/zhong` make things convenient for the 1069 1092
people 1093
fang- 方方面面 fang-fang-mian`mian` every aspect;every side 1070 1094
sperity 1095
fang- 方今盛世 fang-jin-sheng`shi` at the present time of pro- 1071 1096
fang- 方可取胜 fang-ke>qu>sheng` can win victory not until... 1072 1097
fang- 方枘圆凿 fang-rui`yuan/zao/ square peg in a round hole-- 1073 1098
incompatible 1099
fang- 方兴未艾 fang-xing-wei`ai` be burgeoning;be in the 1074 1100
ascendant 1101
fang- 芳草萋萋 fang-cao>qi-qi- green grass wafting a deli- 1075 1102
cate fragrance in the air 1103
fang- 芳名永垂 fang-ming/yong>chui/ leave a good name for pasterty 1076 1104
fang/ 防不胜防 fang/bu`sheng`fang/ hard to guard against;can- 1077 1105
not reckon with all eventu- 1106
alities 1107
fang/ 防腐倡廉 fang/fu>chang`lian/ prevent corruption and advo- 1078 1108
cate honesty 1109
fang/ 防患未然 fang/huan`wei`ran/ take preventive measures be- 1079 1110
fore an accident or disaster 1111
fang> 访古寻幽 fang>gu>xun/you- search for scenes of histori- 1080 1112
cal interest and sights of 1113
scenic beauty 1114
fang> 仿若隔世 fang>ruo`ge/shi` it seems to belong to another 1081 1115
world 1116
fang> 仿照办理 fang>zhao`ban`li> follow the example;do (or act) 1082 1117
accordingly 1118
fang` 放荡不羁 fang`dang`bu`ji- unconventional and unres- 1083 1119
trained 1120
fang` 放高利贷 fang`gao-li`dai` pratise usury 1084 1121
fang` 放任自流 fang`ren`zi`liu/ let things drift( or slide) 1085 1122
fang` 放声大笑 fang`sheng-da`xiao` laugh loudly 1086 1123
fei- 飞蛾扑火 fei-e/pu-huo> a moth darting into a flame 1087 1124
--bring destruction upon 1125
oneself; seek one's own doom 1126
fei- 飞黄腾达 fei-huang/teng/da/ make rapid advances in one's 1088 1127
career;have a meteoric rise 1128
fei- 飞禽走兽 fei-qin/zou>shou` birds and beasts 1089 1129
fei- 飞沙走石 fei-sha-zou>shi/ sand flying about and stones 1090 1130
hurtling through the air(as in 1131
in a windstorm) 1132
fei- 飞檐走壁 fei-yan/zou>bi` gravity-defying stunt; leap 1091 1133
onto roofs and scale walls 1134
fei- 飞扬拔扈 fei-yang/ba/hu` arrogant and domineering 1092 1135
fei- 非公莫入 fei-gong-mo`ru` No addmitance except on busi- 1093 1136
ness. 1137
fei- 非驴非马 fei-lyu/fei-ma> neither ass nor horse -- 1094 1138
neither fish,flesh,nor 1139
fowl 1140
fei- 非亲非故 fei-qin-fei-gu` be neither kith nor kin;perfect 1095 1141
stranger 1142
fei- 蜚声文坛 fei-sheng-wen/tan/ be famous in literary circles 1096 1143
fei/ 肥田沃土 fei/tian/wo`tu> fertile land 1097 1144
fei/ 肥头大耳 fei/tou/da`er> (of a man) fat and bulky 1098 1145
fei/ 肥猪满圈 fei/zhu-man>juan` In the whole sty there are 1099 1146
plenty of fat pigs. 1147
ciously 1148
fei> 诽谤中伤 fei>bang`zhong-shang- slander (or malign) sb. vi- 1100 1149
fei> 斐然成章 fei>ran/cheng/zhang- show striking literary merit 1101 1150
or talent 1151
fei> 匪夷所思 fei>yi/suo>si- (of ideas) unimaginably queer; 1102 1152
fantastic 1153
fei` 沸沸扬扬 fei`fei`yang/yang/ bubbling and gurgling 1103 1154
fei` 肺腑之言 fei`fu/zhi-yan/ words from the bottom of one's 1104 1155
heart 1156
fei` 废寝忘食 fei`qin>wang`shi/ forget to eat and sleep 1105 1157
fei` 吠形吠声 fei`xing/fei`sheng- When one dog barks at a shadow, 1106 1158
all the others join it -- 1159
slavishly echo others without 1160
really knowing whether they 1161
are right or wrong 1162
fen- 分崩离析 fen-beng-li/xi- (of a group, country,etc.) 1107 1163
disintegrate;crumble;come or 1164
fall apart 1165
fen- 分成两拨 fen-cheng/liang>bo- divide into two groups 1108 1166
fen- 分道扬镳 fen-dao`yang/biao- separate and go different ways; 1109 1167
(fig.)each going his or her own 1168
way or doing his or her own 1169
business because of different 1170
objectives 1171
fen- 分居异爨 fen-ju-yi`cuan` (in former times)divide the 1110 1172
household among brothers 1173
fen- 分门别类 fen-men/bie/lei` put into different catagories; 1111 1174
classify 1175
fen- 分秒必争 fen-miao>bi`zheng- seize every minute and second; 1112 1176
not a second to be lost 1177
fen- 分庭抗礼 fen-ting/kang`li> stand up to sb. as an equal act 1113 1178
independently and defiantly 1179
fen- 芬芳馥郁 fen-fang-fu`yu` beautiful and fragrant 1114 1180
fen- 纷纷提问 fen-fen-ti/wen` ask questions one after another 1115 1181
fen- 纷纷扬扬 fen-fen-yang/yang/ flying or fluttering in con- 1116 1182
fusion 1183
fen- 纷争不已 fen-zheng-bu`yi> endless dispute 1117 1184
fen- 纷至沓来 fen-zhi`ta`lai/ come in a continuous stream; 1118 1185
come thick and fast;keep pour- 1186
ing in;come one after another 1187
fen/ 焚膏继晷 fen/gao-ji`gui> burn a candle to prolong the 1119 1188
day;study or work hard day 1189
and night 1190
fen> 粉墨登场 fen>mo`deng-chang> make oneself up and go on 1120 1191
stage --embark upon a political 1192
venture 1193
fen> 粉身碎骨 fen>shen-sui`gu> have one's body smashed to 1121 1194
pieces and one's bones ground 1195
to powder;die the most cruel 1196
death 1197
fen> 粉饰太平 fen>shi`tai`ping/ present a false picture of 1122 1198
peace and prosperity 1199
fen> 粉装玉琢 fen>zhuang-yu`zhuo/ silvery white (said of a snow 1123 1200
scene) 1201
fen` 奋不顾身 fen`bu`gu`shen- dash ahead regardless of one's 1124 1202
safty 1203
fen` 奋发图强 fen`fa-tu/qiang/ go all out to make the country 1125 1204
strong;work hard for the pro- 1205
perity of the country 1206
fen` 奋力拼搏 fen`li`pin-bo/ struggle with all one's might 1126 1207
fen` 奋勇冲杀 fen`yong>chong-sha- fight heroically in a battle; 1127 1208
fight desperately 1209
fen` 奋勇前进 fen`yong>qian/jin` advance bravely;forge ahead 1128 1210
courageously 1211
fen` 忿忿不平 fen`fen`bu`ping/ be indignant;feel aggrieved; 1129 1212
be resentful 1213
fen` 忿然作色 fen`ran/zuo`se` turn angry 1130 1214
fen` 愤愤不平 fen`fen`bu`ping/ indignant;resentful 1131 1215
fen` 分量不足 fen`liang`bu`zu/ be short of measure 1132 1216
feng- 风餐露宿 feng-can-lu`su` eat in the wind and sleep in 1133 1217
the dew--endure the hardships 1218
of an arduous journey 1219
feng- 风尘仆仆 feng-chen/pu/pu/ worn out by a long journey; 1134 1220
travel-worn and weary 1221
feng- 风驰电掣 feng-chi/dian`che` swift as the wind and quick 1135 1222
as lightning 1223
feng- 风吹草动 feng-chui-cao>dong` (fig.) slight change;hint of 1136 1224
disturbance or trouble 1225
feng- 风吹雨打 feng-chui-yu>da> be buffeted by wind and rain; 1137 1226
be exposed by the weather 1227
feng- 风和日丽 feng-he/ri`li` a bright sun and a gentle 1138 1228
breeze;warm and sunny weather 1229
feng- 风华正茂 feng-hua/zheng`mao` at life's full flowering;in 1139 1230
one's prime 1231
feng- 风卷残云 feng-juan>can/yun/ a strong wind scattering the 1140 1232
last clouds -- make a clean 1233
sweep of sth. 1234
feng- 风流儒雅 feng-liu/ru/ya> elegant in manners 1141 1235
feng- 风流倜傥 feng-liu/ti`tang> unrestrained and overflowing 1142 1236
with talent; romantic 1237
feng- 风平浪静 feng-ping/lang`jing` the wind has abated and the 1143 1238
waves have stilled;(fig.) calm 1239
and tranquil 1240
feng- 风起云涌 feng-qi>yun/yong> winds rising and clouds scud- 1144 1241
ding;rolling on with full 1242
force;surging forward 1243
feng- 风俗人情 feng-su/ren/qing/ local customs 1145 1244
feng- 风调雨顺 feng-tiao/yu>shun` good weather for the crops; 1146 1245
favourable weather 1246
feng- 风雨交加 feng-yu>jiao-jia- It's raining and blowing hard; 1147 1247
It's wet and windy. 1248
feng- 风雨凄凄 feng-yu>qi-qi- chilly wind and endless rain 1148 1249
feng- 风雨如晦 feng-yu>ru/hui` wind and rain sweeping across 1149 1250
a glooming sky-- a grim situ- 1251
ation 1252
feng- 风雨同舟 feng-yu>tong/zhou- in the same storm-tossed 1150 1253
boat -- stand together 1254
through thick and thin 1255
feng- 风雨无阻 feng-yu>wu/zu> stopped neither wind nor 1151 1256
rain --regardless of the 1257
weather;rain or shine 1258
feng- 风云陡变 feng-yun/dou>bian` a sudden change in the situ- 1152 1259
ation 1260
feng- 风姿潇洒 feng-zi-xiao-sa> with an easy and natural 1153 1261
bearing 1262
feng- 枫桥夜泊 feng-qiao/ye`bo/ Mooring at Night by Maple 1154 1263
Bridge 1264
feng- 疯疯癜癫 feng-feng-dian-dian- mentally deranged;acting like 1155 1265
a lunatic 1266
feng- 丰富多彩 feng-fu`duo-cai> rich and varied;rich and 1156 1267
colourful 1268
feng- 丰富多腔 feng-fu`duo-qiang- with various tunes 1157 1269
feng- 丰功伟绩 feng-gong-wei>ji- glorious exploits and feats; 1158 1270
signal or monumental contri- 1271
butions 1272
feng- 丰衣足食 feng-yi-zu/shi/ have ample food and clothing; 1159 1273
be well-fed and well-clothed 1274
feng- 封官许愿 feng-guan-xu>yuan` offer official posts and make 1160 1275
lavish promises;promise high 1276
posts and other favours 1277
feng- 封建礼教 feng-jian`li>jiao` feudal ethical code 1161 1278
feng- 封山育林 feng-shan-yu`lin/ close hillsides (to livestock 1162 1279
grazing and fuel gathering) 1280
to facilitate afforestation 1281
feng- 锋镝余生 feng-di/yu/sheng- survivors of a war 1163 1282
feng- 峰回路转 feng-hui/lu`zhuan> amidst surrounding elevations 1164 1283
and winding roads 1284
feng- 烽火连天 feng-huo>lian/tian- frighty flames of battle 1165 1285
raging everywhere 1286
feng- 烽烟四起 feng-yan-si`qi> flames of war raging all over 1166 1287
the country 1288
feng- 蜂拥而至 feng-yong-er/zhi` come swarming;swarm forward 1167 1289
feng/ 逢场作戏 feng/chang>zuo`xi` join in the fun whenever there 1168 1290
is a chance;make the most of 1291
whatever amusement is availa- 1292
ble 1293
feng/ 逢年过节 feng/nian/guo`jie/ on New Year's Day or other 1169 1294
festivals 1295
feng/ 缝缝补补 feng/feng/bu>bu> sewing and mending 1170 1296
feng/ 缝合伤口 feng/he/shang-kou> sew up a wound 1171 1297
feng` 奉公守法 feng`gong-shou>fa> law-abiding 1172 1298
feng` 奉和一首 feng`he`yi-shou> write a poem in reply 1173 1299
feng` 凤凰于飞 feng`huang/yu/fei- a couple of phoenixes flying 1174 1300
together --marital felicity 1301
feng` 凤毛麟角 feng`mao/lin/jiao> phoenix feathers and unicorn 1175 1302
horns--unique and valuable 1303
person or object 1304
fu- 夫唱妇随 fu-chang`fu`sui/ the husband sings and the wife 1176 1305
follows --domestic hamony;con- 1306
jugal felicity 1307
fu- 敷衍塞责 fu-yan>se`ze/ perform one's duty in a per- 1177 1308
functory manner 1309
fu/ 伏尔加河 fu/er>jia-he/ Volga 1178 1310
fu/ 桴鼓相应 fu/gu>xiang-ying` drum responds to the drum- 1179 1311
sticks--cooporate in perfect 1312
harmony;work in perfect co- 1313
ordination 1314
fu/ 浮光掠影 fu/guang-lyue`ying> skimming over the surface; 1180 1315
hasty and casual;cursory 1316
fu/ 浮想联翩 fu/xiang>lian/pian- thought throughing one's mind 1181 1317
fu/ 浮云蔽日 fu/yun/bi`ri` Clouds shut out the sun. 1182 1318
fu/ 浮在水面 fu/zai`shui>mian` float on water 1183 1319
fu/ 扶老携幼 fu/lao>xie/you` help the old along and lead 1184 1320
the young by the hand 1321
fu/ 扶起伤员 fu/qi>shang-yuan/ prop up the wound 1185 1322
fu/ 扶摇直上 fu/yao/zhi/shang` soar on the wings of a cyclone; 1186 1323
rise steeply;skyrocket 1324
fu/ 扶杖而行 fu/zhang`er/xing/ walk with a stick 1187 1325
fu/ 凫趋雀跃 fu/qu-que`yue` jubilant;elated;in high 1188 1326
spirits 1327
fu/ 怫然作色 fu/ran/zuo`se` glower;flush with anger 1189 1328
fu/ 夫天地者 fu/tian-di`zhe> (art.)(used at the beginning 1190 1329
of a sentence to introduce 1330
a new subject) As for the 1331
heaven and the earth... 1332
fu/ 拂袖而去 fu/xiu`er/qu` go off in a huff 1191 1333
fu/ 幅员辽阔 fu/yuan/liao/kuo` vast territory 1192 1334
fu> 釜底抽薪 fu>di>chou-xin- take away the firewood from 1193 1335
under the cauldron -- take 1336
drastic measures to deal with 1337
an emergency 1338
fu> 抚今追昔 fu>jin-zhui-xi- recall the past and compare 1194 1339
it with the present; reflect 1340
on the past in the light of 1341
the present 1342
fu> 俯拾即是 fu>shi/ji/shi` extremely common 1195 1343
fu> 俯首贴耳 fu>shou>tie-er> docile and obedient;servile 1196 1344
fu> 斧钺之诛 fu>yue`zhi-zhu- killing by using exacu- 1197 1345
tioner's axe-- capital 1346
punishment 1347
fu> 拊掌大笑 fu>zhang>da`xiao` clap hands and laugh loudly 1198 1348
fu` 富国利民 fu`guo/li`min/ enrich the nation and bring 1199 1349
benefits to he people 1350
fu` 富国裕民 fu`guo/yu`min/ make the country rich and 1200 1351
the people prosperous 1352
fu` 富丽堂皇 fu`li`tang/huang/ beautiful and imposing; in 1201 1353
majestic splendour; sumptuous; 1354
magnificent 1355
fu` 富埒王侯 fu`lie`wang/hou/ one's wealth equals that of 1202 1356
the nobility 1357
fu` 负担不起 fu`dan`bu`qi> can not afford 1203 1358
fu` 负笈从师 fu`ji/cong/shi- carry a book case and leave 1204 1359
home to pursue studies 1360
fu` 负荆请罪 fu`jing-qing>zui` proffer a birch and ask for 1205 1361
a flogging -- offer a humble 1362
apology 1363
fu` 负面效应 fu`mian`xiao`ying` negative reaction 1206 1364
fu` 负隅顽抗 fu`yu/wan/kang` (of an enemy or a robber) 1207 1365
fight subbornly with one's 1366
back to the wall;put up 1367
desperate struggle 1368
fu` 父母双全 fu`mu>shuang-quan/ with both parents alive 1208 1369
fu` 妇孺皆知 fu`ru/jie-zhi- known even to women and 1209 1370
children 1371
fu` 赋诗寄怀 fu`shi-ji`huai/ compose a poem to express 1210 1372
one's feelings 1373
fu` 覆水难收 fu`shui>nan/shou- Split water can't be gathered 1211 1374
up -- what is done can't be 1375
redone. 1376
fu` 副司令员 fu`si-ling`yuan/ assistant commanding officer 1212 1377
(or commandant) 1378
fu` 副研究员 fu`yan/jiu-yuan/ associate research fellow 1213 1379
fu` 赴汤蹈火 fu`tang-dao>huo> go through fire and water; 1214 1380
defy all difficulties and 1381
dangers 1382
fu` 赋性刚强 fu`xing`gang-qiang/ unyielding by nature;of firm 1215 1383
(or strong) character 1384
fu` 附庸风雅 fu`yong-feng-ya> minggo with men of letters and 1216 1385
pose as a lover of culture 1386
fu` 付之一炬 fu`zhi-yi-ju` commit to the flames 1217 1387
fu` 付诸东流 fu`zhu-dong-liu/ drift away on the eastflowing 1218 1388
stream;wasted efforts; come 1389
to naught;lose all precious 1390
gains 1391
fu` 付诸实现 fu`zhu-shi/xian` put into effect 1219 1392