#搭 dā [搭箭开弓]
da-jian`kai-gong- draw one's bow and set 1924da-
搭~ dā da-jian`kai-gong- an arrow on its string 1924da-
#答1 dá [答非所问]
da/fei-suo>wen` give an irrelevant answer 7393da/
#打2 dá [两打毛巾]
liang>da/mao/jin- two dozen towels 1700da/
打2 dá [一打铅笔]
yi-da/qian-bi> a dozen pencils 1700da/
#沓1 dá [一沓信纸]
yi-d/xin`zhi> a pad of letter paper 5347da/
#打1 dǎ [精打细算]
jing-da>xi`suan` careful calculation and 1699da>
打1~ dǎ jing-da>xi`suan` strict budgeting(in the 1699da>
打1~ dǎ jing-da>xi`suan` use of human and material 1699da>
打1~ dǎ jing-da>xi`suan` resources) 1699da>
#大1 dà [大材小用]
da`cai/xiao>yong` large material put to small 2458da`
大1~ dà da`cai/xiao>yong` use -- one's talent wasted 2458da`
大1~ dà da`cai/xiao>yong` on a petty job;not do 2458da`
大1~ dà da`cai/xiao>yong` justice to sb.'s talent 2458da`
大1 dà [大吵大嚷]
da`chao>da`rang> kick up a row;quarrel 2458da`
大1~ dà da`chao>da`rang> in a loud noise 2458da`
大1 dà [大大方方]
da`da`fang-fang- natural and poised 2458da`
大1 dà [大度宽容]
da`du`kuan-rong/ magnanimous and tolerant 2458da`
大1 dà [大队人马]
da`dui`ren.ma> a large contingent of 2458da`
大1~ dà da`dui`ren/ma> troops 2458da`
大1 dà [大街小巷]
da`jie-xiao>xiang` streets and lanes 2458da`
大1 dà [大惊失色]
da`jing-shi-se` turn pale with fright 2458da`
大1 dà [大惊小怪]
da`jing-xiao>guai` be surprised or alarmed 2458da`
大1~ dà da`jing-xiao>guai` at sth.quite normal;make 2458da`
大1~ dà da`jing-xiao>guai` a fuss about nothing 2458da`
大1 dà [大举进攻]
da`ju>jin`gong- mount a large-scale of- 2458da`
大1~ dà da`ju>jin`gong- fensive;attack in force 2458da`
大1 dà [大模大样]
da`mu/da`yang` in an ostentatious man- 2458da`
大1~ dà da`mu/da`yang` ner;with a swagger 2458da`
大1 dà [大声大气]
da`sheng-da`qi` too loudly vv 2458da`
大1 dà [大同小异]
da`tong/xiao>yi` much the same but with 2458da`
大1~ dà da`tong/xiao>yi` minor differences 2458da`
大1 dà [大兴安岭]
da`xing-an-ling> The Great Xing'an 2458da`
大1~ dà da`xing-an-ling> Mountain 2458da`
大1 dà [生产大队]
sheng-chan>da`dui` production brigate 2458da`
#呆 dāi [呆若木鸡]
dai-ruo`mu`ji- dumb as a wooden chick- 2571dai-
呆~ dāi dai-ruo`mu`ji- en;dumbstruck;transfixed 2571dai-
呆~ dāi dai-ruo`mu`ji- (with fear or amazement) 2571dai-
呆 dāi [呆头呆脑]
dai-tou/dai-nao> stupid-looking 2571dai-
#待2 dāi [待在家里]
dai-zai`jia=li> stay at home 3118dai-
#歹 dǎi [不知好歹]
bu`zhi-hao>dai> can't tell good from 5093dai>
歹~ dǎi bu`zhi-hao>dai> bad;not know what's good 5093dai>
歹~ dǎi bu`zhi-hao>dai> for one 5093dai>
歹 dǎi [为非作歹]
wei/fei-zuo`dai> do evil;commit crimes; 5093dai>
歹~ dǎi wei/fei-zuo`dai> perpetrate outrages;com- 5093dai>
歹~ dǎi wei/fei-zuo`dai> mit all sorts of crimes 5093dai>
#逮2 dǎi [猫逮老鼠]
mao-dai>lao>shu> Cats catch mice. 4146dai>
#殆 dài [百战不殆]
bai>zhan`bu`dai~ fight a hundred battles 5101dai`
殆~ dài bai>zhan`bu`dai` without a single defeat; 5102dai`
殆~ dài bai>zhan`bu`dai` emerge victorious from 5102dai`
殆~ dài bai>zhan`bu`dai` every battle;invincible. 5102dai`
#戴 dài [戴罪立功]
dai`zui`li`gong- atone for a sin,a mis- 5218dai`
戴~ dài dai`zui`li`gong- take or failure by meri- 5218dai`
戴~ dài dai`zui`li`gong- torious service 5218dai`
戴 dài [披星戴月]
pi-xing-dai`yue` go to work before dawn, 5218dai`
戴~ dài pi-xing-dai`yue` not to return till after 5218dai`
戴~ dài pi-xing-dai`yue` dark;or travel on a 5218dai`
戴~ dài pi-xing-dai`yue` journey right through 5218dai`
戴~ dài pi-xing-dai`yue` the night 5218dai`
#逮1 dài [逮捕归案]
dai`bu`gyi-an` arrest and bring to 4145dai`
逮1~ dài dai`bu`gui-an` justice 4145dai`
逮1 dài [力有未逮]
li`you>wei`dai` beyond one's power 4145dai`
#待1 dài [生活待遇]
sheng-huo/dai`yu` material benefits 3117dai`
待1 dài [政治待遇]
zheng`zhi`dai`yu` political treatment 3117dai`
待1 dài [自不待言]
zi`bu`dai`yan/ be self-evident;that 3117dai`
待1~ dài zi`bu`dai`yan/ goes without saying;that 3117dai`
待1~ dài zi`bu`dai`yan/ is taken for granted 3117dai`
#贷 dài [严惩不贷]
yan/cheng/bu`dai` punish without leniency; 5381dai`
贷~ dài yan/cheng/bu`dai` punish without mercy; 5381dai`
贷~ dài yan/cheng/bu`dai` punish with severity 5381dai`
贷 dài [责无旁贷]
ze/wu/pang/dai` be one's unshirkable 5381dai`
贷~ dài ze/wu/pang/dai` responsibility 5381dai`
#代2 dài [一代英豪]
yi-dai`ying-hao/ outstanding figures of 583dai`
代2~ dài yi-dai`ying-hao/ our time 583dai`
#带1 dài [一衣带水]
yi-yi-dai`shui> a narrow strip of water 3082dai`
#耽2 dān [耽于幻想]
dan-yu-huan`xiang> indulge in illusion 7075dan-
耽2 dān [耽于酒色]
dan-yu/jiu>se` indulge in sensual 7075dan-
耽2~ dān dan-yu/jiu>se` pursuits 7075dan-
#担1 dān [担当重任]
dan-dang-zhong`ren` take on a heavy burden 1765dan-
担1 dān [一副担架]
yi-fu`dan-jia` a litter of stretcher 1765dan-
#眈 dān [虎视眈眈]
hu>shi`dan-dan- glare like a tiger eye- 6239dan-
眈~ dān hu>shi`dan-dan- ing its prey;eye con- 6239dan-
眈~ dān hu>shi`dan-dan- vetously or menacingly; 6239dan-
眈~ dān hu>shi`dan-dan- cast a menacing look at 6239dan-
#单1 dān [货运单据]
huo`yun`dan-ju` shipping documents 852dan-
单1 dān [祸不单行]
huo`bu`dan-xing/ misfortunes never come 852dan-
单1~ dān huo`bu`dan-xing/ singly;it never rains 852dan-
单1~ dān huo`bu`dan-xing/ but it pours 852dan-
#丹 dān [灵丹妙药]
ling/dan-miao`yao` elixir;wonder drug;mira- 243dan-
丹~ dān ling/dan-miao`yao` culous cure;panacea; 243dan-
丹~ dān ling/dan-miao`yao` remedy for all problems 243dan-
#殚 dān [殚精竭虑]
dan-jing-jie/lyu` devote one's entire 5110dan-
殚~ dān dan-jing-jie/lyu` energy and thought to 5110dan-
#箪 dān [箪食壶浆]
dan-shi/hu/jiang` greet the arrival of 7420dan-
箪~ dān dan-shi/hu/jiang` an army with food and 7420dan-
箪~ dān dan-shi/hu/jiang` drink 7420dan-
#胆 dǎn [胆大包天]
dan>da`bao-tian- audacious in the extreme 5642dan>
胆 dǎn [胆小怕事]
dan>xiao>pa`shi` timid and overcautious 5642dan>
胆 dǎn [胆小如鼠]
dan>xiao>ru/shu> be as timid as a mouse; 5642dan>
dan>xiao>ru/shu> be chicken-hearted 5642dan>
#但 dàn [但愿如此]
dan`yuan`ru/ci> May this be true. 646dan`
但~ dàn dan`yuan`ru/ci> I hope so. 646dan`
#弹1 dàn [弹尽粮绝]
dan`jin`liang/jue/ run out of ammunition 4252dan`
弹1~ dàn dan`jin`liang/jue/ and provisions 4252dan`
弹1 dàn [弹片纷飞]
dan`pian`fen-fei- splinter swirling in the air 4252dan`
弹1 dàn [弹丸之地]
dan`wan/zhi-di` a pellet of land; a tiny 4252dan`
弹1~ dàn dan`wan/zhi-di` place 4252dan`
#澹1 dàn [海内澹然](澹:安定)
hai>nei`dan`ran/ be stable all over the 3819dan`
澹1~ dàn hai>nei`dan`ran/ country 3819dan`
#淡 dàn [淡泊寡欲]
dan`bo/gua>yu` seek no fame or wealth and 3669dan`
淡 dàn dan`bo/gua>yu` have few worldly desires 3669dan`
淡 dàn [淡泊明志]
dan`bo/ming/zhi` show high ideals by leading 3669dan`
淡 dàn dan`bo/ming/zhi` a simpl life 3669dan`
淡 dàn [淡而无味]
dan`er/wu/wei` tasteless 3669dan`
淡 dàn [淡然置之]
dan`ran/zhi`zhi- be indifferent to;take 3669dan`
淡~ dàn dan`ran/zhi`zhi- it easy 3669dan`
淡 dàn [浓淡适宜]
nong/dan`xiang-yi/ neither too deep nor too 3669dan`
淡~ dàn nong/dan`xiang-yi/ pale; just the right 3669dan`
淡~ dàn nong/dan`xiang-yi/ shade of colour 3669dan`
淡 dàn [浓妆淡抹]
nong/zhuang-dan`mo` richly attied and 3669dan`
淡~ dàn nong/zhuang-dan`mo` slightly made-up 3669dan`
淡 dàn [清淡可口]
qing-dan`ke>kou> (of food)light and tasty 3669dan`
淡 dàn [一杯淡酒]
yi-bei-dan`jiu> a cup of light wine 3669dan`
淡 dàn [云淡风清]
yun/dan`feng-qing- The clouds are pale and a 3669dan`
淡~ dàn yun/dan`feng-qing- light breeze is blowing. 3669dan`
#惮 dàn [肆无忌惮]
si`wu/ji`dan` unbridled;unscrupulous; 3938dan`
惮~ dàn si`wu/ji`dan` impertinent 3938dan`
#旦 dàn [危在旦夕]
wei-zai`dan`xi- hang by a thread;in 5253dan`
旦~ dàn wei-zai`dan`xi- great danger;danger us 5253dan`
旦~ dàn wei-zai`dan`xi- imminent 5253dan`
#啖1 dàn [以枣啖之]
yi>zao>dan`zhi- feed sb. with dates 2789dan`
#啖2 dàn [啖以重利](重利引诱)
dan`yi>zhong`li` allure or lure sb. with 2790dan`
啖2~ dàn dan`yi>zhong`li` handsome rewards 2790dan`
担2 dàn [勇挑重担]
yong>tiao-zhong`dan` take up a heavy load 1766dan`
#瘅 dàn [彰善瘅恶]
zhang-shan`dan`e` praise good and denounce 6865dan`
瘅~ dàn zhang-shan`dan`e` evil;uphold virtue and 6865dan`
瘅~ dàn zhang-shn`dan`e` condemn vice 6865dan`
#当1 dāng [当机立断]
dang-ji-li`duan` decide quickly;make a 2507dang-
当1~ dāng dang-ji-li`duan` prompt decision 2507dang-
铛2 dāng [锒铛入狱]
lang/dang-ru`yu` be put in chains and 6470dang-
铛2~ dāng lang/dang-ru`yu` thrown into prison 6470dang-
挡1 dǎng [挡住风沙]
dang>zhu`feng-sha- keep the sand in check 1817dang>
挡1 dǎng [势不可挡]
shi`bu`ke>dang> irresistible;overwhelming 1817dang>
荡 dàng [荡然无存]
dang`ran/wu/cun/ Everthing is gone. 2181dang`
荡 dàng [倾家荡产]
qing-jia-dang`chan> lose all one's property 2181dang`
挡3 dàng [摒挡婚事]
bing`dang`hun-shi` arrange a wedding 1819dang`
挡3 dàng [摒挡行李]
bing`dang`xing/li> get one's luggage ready 1819dang`
挡3 dàng [摒挡一切]
bing`dang`yi-qie put everything in order 1819dang`
刀 dāo [刀山火海]
dao-shan-huo>hai> a mountain of swords and 1395dao-
刀~ dāo dao-shan-huo>hai> a sea of flames -- most 1395dao-
刀~ dāo dao-shan-huo>hai> dangerous places;most 1395dao-
刀~ dāo dao-shan-huo>hai> severe trials 1395dao-
#捣 dǎo [暗中捣鬼]
an`zhong-dao>gui> play dirty tricks behind 1867dao>
捣~ dǎo an`zhong-dao>gui> sb.'s back 1867dao>
倒1 dǎo [倒买倒卖]
dao>mai>dao>mai` buy low and sell high to 757dao>
倒1~ dǎo dao>mai>dao>mai` make profit by using the 757dao>
倒1~ dǎo dao>mai>dao>mai` rise and fall in prices 757dao>
#蹈 dǎo [赴汤蹈火]
fu`tang-dao>huo> go through fire and water; 7835dao>
蹈~ dǎo fu`tang-dao>huo> defy all difficulties and 7835dao>
蹈~ dǎo fu`tang-dao>huo> dangers 7835dao>
祷 dǎo [是所至祷]
shi`suo>zhi`dao> That is what I am most 6007dao>
祷~ dǎo shi`suo>zhi`dao> eagerly hoping for. 6007dao>
导 dǎo [因势利导]
yin-shi`li`dao> guide a matter along its 2441dao>
导~ dǎo yin-shi`li`dao> course of development; 2441dao>
导~ dǎo yin-shi`li`dao> adroitly guide action 2441dao>
导~ dǎo yin-shi`li`dao> according to curcum- 2441dao>
导~ dǎo yin`shi`li`dao> stances 2441dao>
#倒2 dào [倒背如流]
dao`bei`ru/liu/ can recite sth. backwards; 758dao`
倒2~ dào dao`bei`ru/liu/ know sth.(e.g. a poem or 758dao`
倒2~ dào dao`bei`ru/liu/ article) by heart 758dao`
盗 dào [盗用公款]
dao`yong`gong-kuan> embezzle public funds 6374dao`
盗 dào [盗用名义]
dao`yong`ming/yi` usurp a name 6374dao`
道1 dào [三道防线]
san-dao`fang/xian` three lines of defence 4158dao`
道1 dào [万道霞光]
wan`dao`xia/guang- myriad of sun rays 4158dao`
道1 dào [一道命令]
yi-dao`ming`ling` an order 4158dao`
道1 dào [一道围墙]
yi`dao`wei/qiang/ one surrounding wall 4158dao`
道1 dào [古道热肠]
gu>dao`re`chang/ sincere;warm-hearted 4158dao`
道1 dào [黄河故道]
huang/he/gu`dao` old course of the Yellow 4158dao`
道1~ dào huang/he/gu`dao` River 4158dao`
道1 dào [几道皱纹]
ji>dao`zhou`wen/ several wrinkles 4158dao`
道1 dào [离经叛道]
li/jing-pan`dao` depart from the classics 4158dao`
道1~ dào li/jing-pan`dao` and rebel against ortho- 4158dao`
道1~ dào li/jing-pan`dao` doxy 4158dao`
道1 dào [治国之道]
zhi`guo/zhi-dao` principles to run the 4158dao`
道1~ dào zhi`guo/zhi-dao` country well 4158dao`
道2 dào [指名道姓]
zhi>ming/dao`xing` name names;mention by 4158dao`
道2 dào zhi>ming/dao`xing` name 4158dao`
盗 dào [欺世盗名]
qi-shi`dao`ming/ win popurarity by dis- 6374dao`
盗~ dào qi-shi`dao`ming/ honest means;win unde- 6374dao`
盗~ dào qi-shi`dao`ming/ served prestige by 6374dao`
盗~ dào qi-shi`dao`ming/ cheating the public 6374dao`
德 dé [德高望重]
de/gao-wang`zhong` be of noble character 3144de/
德~ dé de/gao-wang`zhong` and high prestige 3144de/
得1 dé [得寸进尺]
de/cun`jin`chi> reach for a yard after get- 3133de/
得1~ dé de/cun`jin`chi> ting an inch; give him an 3133de/
得1~ dé de/cun`jin`chi> inch and he'll take a yard 3133de/
得1~ dé de/cun`jin`chi> (or a mile, an ell); be in- 3133de/
得1~ dé de/cun`jin`chi> satiable 3133de/
得1 dé [得过且过]
de/guo`qie>guo` get by however one can; 3133de/
得1~ dé de/guo`qie>guo` muddle alone;drift along 3133de/
得1 dé [得意扬扬]
de/yi`ang/yang/ be immensely proud;look 3133de/
得1~ dé de/yi`yng/yang/ triumphant 3133de/
得1 dé [由此得名]
you/ci>de/ming/ hence the name... vv 3133de/
地2 de [慢慢地走]
manman-de~zou> walk slowly 1539de`~
灯 dēng [灯火辉煌]
deng-huo>hui-huang/ be ablaze with lights 5853deng-
登 dēng [登高望远]
deng-gao-wang`yuan> ascend a height to enjoy 7683deng-
登~ dēng deng-gao-wang`yuan> a distant view 7683deng-
等 děng [大小相等]
da`xiao>xiang-deng> equal in size 7381deng>
等 děng [著述等身]
zhu`shu`deng>shen- one's writings piled up 7381deng>
等~ děng zhu`shu`deng>shen- to one's own height-- 7381deng>
等~ děng zhu`shu`deng>shen- be a prolific writer 7381deng>
#瞪 dèng [目瞪口呆]
mu`deng`kou>dai- gaping;dumstruck;stupefied 6297deng`
#蹬2 dèng [仕途蹭蹬]
shi`tu/ceng`deng` frustrated in officialdom 7854deng`
#磴 dèng [五磴台阶]
wu>deng`tai/jie- five steps on a flight 6206deng`
磴~ dèng wu>deng`tai/jie- of stairs 6206deng`
低 dī [低人一等]
di-ren/yi-deng> inferior to others 658di-
低 dī [低三下四]
di-san-xia`si` 1.lowly;humble;degrad- 658di-
低~ dī di-san-xia`si` ing;2.servile;obsequios; 658di-
低~ dī di-san-xia`si` cringing 658di-
滴3 dī [滴水不漏]
di-shui>bu`lou` speak in a watertight or 3786di-
滴3~ dī di-shui>bu`lou` leakproof manner,leaving 3786di-
滴3~ dī di-shui>bu`lou` nothing for people to pick 3786di-
滴3~ dī di-shui>bu`lou` on;make one's argument 3786di-
滴3~ dī di-shui>bu`lou` flawless 3786di-
滴1 dī [滴水穿石]
di-shui>chuan-shi/ Dripping water makes holes 3784di-
滴1~ dī di-shui>chuan-shi/ in stone --despite weak 3784di-
滴1~ dī di-shui>chuan-shi/ power,unremitting efforts 3784di-
滴1~ dī di-shui>chuan-shi/ will lead to success 3784di-
堤 dī [一条大堤]
yi-tiao/da`di- a big dyke vv 1649di-
#嘀1 dī [嘀里嘟噜]
di-li~du-lu- speak quickly and indis- 2889di-
嘀1~ dī di-li~du-lu- tinctly;slur one's words 2889di-
的3 dí [的的确确]
di/di/que`que really 6719di/
#敌 dí [敌对势力]
di/dui`shi`li` hostile forces 5532di/
敌 dí [敌我矛盾]
di/wo>mao/dun` contradition between our- 5532di/
敌~ dí di/wo>mao/dun` selves and the enemy 5532di/
敌 dí [天下无敌]
tian-xia`wu.di/ invincible;ever-victori- 5532di/
敌~ dí tian-xia`wu/di/ ous;all-conquering 5532di/
#涤 dí [涤除旧习]
di/chu/jiu`xi/ do away with old customs 3613di/
镝2 dí [锋镝余生]
feng-di/yu/sheng- survivors of a war 6603di/
#抵 dǐ [不容抵赖]
bu`rong/di>lai` cannot be denied 1778di>
#柢 dǐ [根深柢固]
gen-shen-di>gu` (fig.)deep-rooted;in- 4858di>
柢~ dǐ gen-shen-di>gu` grained;inveterate 4858di>
底1 dǐ [留个底儿]
liu/ge~di>r keep a copy of a file 3333di>
#砥 dǐ [中流砥柱]
zhong-liu/di>zhu` firm rock in midstream; 6135di>
砥~ dǐ zhong-liu/di>zhu` mainstay 6135di>
#弟1 dì [称兄道弟]
cheng-xiong-dao`di` friends that call each 849di`
弟1~ dì cheng-xiong-dao`di` other brother;brother sb. 849di`
地1 dì [地动山摇]
di`dong`shan-yao/ earthshaking 1538di`
帝 dì [帝王将相]
di`wang/jiang`xian` kings and princes,gener- 995di`
帝~ dì di`wang/jiang`xiang` als and ministers 995di`
#蒂 dì [根深蒂固]
gen-shen-di`gu` (fig.)deep-rooted;in- 2317di`
蒂~ dì gen-shen-di`gu` grained;inveterate 2317di`
蒂 dì [瓜熟蒂落]
gua-shu/di`luo` (fig.)when a melon is ripe 2317di`
蒂~ dì gua-shu/di`luo` it falls off its stem -- 2317di`
蒂~ dì gua-shu/di`luo` things are easily srttled 2317di`
蒂~ dì gua-shu/di`luo` once conditions are ripe 2317di`
地1 dì [置之死地]
zhi`zhi-si>di` confront a person with 1538di`
地1~ dì zhi`zhi-si>di` the danger of death 1538di`
#嗲 diǎ [嗲声嗲气]
dia>sheng-dia>qi` (speak) in a coquettish 2862dia>
嗲~ diǎ dia>sheng-dia>qi` voice 2862dia>
颠1 diān [颠扑不破]
dian-pu-bu`po` be able to withstand 7144dian-
颠1~ diān dian-pu-bu`po` heavy battering;ir- 7144dian-
颠1~ diān dian-pu-bu`po` refutable;indisputable 7144dian-
颠1 diān [颠三倒四]
dian-san-dao>si` incoherent;disorderly; 7144dian-
颠1~ diān dian-san-dao>si` confused 7144dian-
颠1 diān [神魂颠倒]
shen/hun/dian-dao> be infatuated 7144dian-
#巅 diān [泰山之巅]
tai`shan-zhi-dian- the summit of Mount Taishan 3060dian-
#掂 diān [掂斤播两]
dian-jin-bo-liang> engage in petty calcula- 1899dian-
掂~ diān dian-jin-bo-liang> tions;be calculating in 1899dian-
掂~ diān dian-jin-bo-liang> small matters 1899dian-
点 diǎn [点点滴滴]
dian>dian>di-di- a bit;bit by bit 5952dian>
#殿 diàn [大雄宝殿]
da`xiong/bao>dian` Mahavira Hall 5810dian`
电 diàn [电光闪亮]
dian`guang-shan>liang` The lightning flashed. 184dian`
电 diàn [电闪雷鸣]
dian`shan>lei/ming/ Lightning flashed and 184dian`
电~ diàn dian`shan>lei/ming/ thunder rolled. 184dian`
电 diàn [雷鸣电闪]
lei/ming/dian`shan> It's thundering and 184dian`
电~ diàn kei/ming/dian`shan> lightning. 184dian`
#阽1 diàn [阽于死亡](阽:临近)
dian-yu/si>wang/ at one's last gasp;close 1269dian`
阽1~ diàn dian-yu/si>wang/ to death;near one's end; 1269dian`
阽1~ diàn dian-yu/si>wang/ approaching death 1269dian`
碉 diāo [开平碉楼]
kai-ping/diao-lou/ Kaiping Diaolou 6167diao-
碉 diāo [明碉暗堡]
ming/diao-an`bao> open blockhouse and 6167diao-
碉~ diāo ming/diao-an`bao> hidden pillbox 6167diao-
#雕2 diāo [一箭双雕]
yi-jian`shuang-diao- shoot two hawks with one 8005diao-
雕2~ diāo yi-jian`shuang-diao- arrow;kill two birds 8005diao-
雕2~ diāo yi-jian`shuang-diao- with one stone;serve a 8005diao-
雕~ diāo yi-jian`shuang-diao double purpose 8005diao-
#掉 diào [掉到海里]
diao`dao`hai>li> drop into the sea 1886diao`
#调1 diào [调兵遣将]
diao`bing-qian>jiang` 1.move troops;deploy forces; 1180diao`
调1~ diào diao`bing-qian>jiang` 2.muster and organize man- 1180diao`
调1~ diào diao`bing-qiao>jiang` power 1180diao`
调1 diào [调虎离山]
diao`hu>li/shan- lure the tiger out of 1180diao`
调1~ diào diao`hu>li/shan- the mountains --lure the 1180diao`
调1~ diào diao`hu>li/shan- enemy away from his base 1180diao`
调1 diào [南腔北调]
nan/qiang-bei>diao (speak with) a mixed accent 1180diao`
跌 diē [跌跌撞撞]
die-die-zhuang`zhuang`tumble along;stagger; 7777die-
跌~ diē die-die-zhuang`zhuang`lurch 7777die-
叠 dié [叠床架屋]
die/chuang/jia`wu` needless duplication 1499die/
叠~ dié die/chuang/jia`wu` (or repetition);repe- 1499die/
叠~ dié die/chuang/jie`wu- titioness 1499die/
#瓞 dié [绵绵瓜瓞]
mian/mian/gua-die/ may the family grow and 6732die/
瓞~ dié mian/mian/gua-die/ prosper like spreading 6732die/
瓞~ dié mian/mian/gua-die/ melon-vine 6732die/
碟 dié [小菜一碟]
xiao>cai`yi-die/ (fig.)sth.extremely easy 6179die/
碟~ dié xiao>cai`yi-die/ to do or manage 6179die/
#牒 dié [最后通牒]
zui`hou`tong-die/ ultimatum 5561die/
喋1 dié [喋喋不休]
die/die/bu`xiu- chatter away;rattle on; 2803die/
喋1~ dié die/die/bu`xiu- talk endlessly 2803die/
耋 dié [耄耋之年]~
mao`die/zhi-nian/ venerable age ;advanced age; 7065die/
耋 dié mao`die/zhi-nian/ senile age 7065die/
#钉1 dīng [安插钉子]
an-cha-ding-zi plant a saboteur 6380ding-
钉1 dīng [板上钉钉]
ban>shang`ding`ding- that clinches it;that's 6380ding-
钉1~ dīng ban>shang`ding`ding- final;no two ways about it 6380ding-
叮 dīng [千叮万嘱]
qian-ding-wan`zhu/ urge many times 2531ding-
#仃 dīng [瘦骨伶仃]
shou`gu>ling/ding- mere skeleton;all skin 566ding-
仃~ dīng shou`gu>ling/ding- and bones 566ding-
顶1 dǐng [顶天立地]
ding>tian-li`di` of gigantic stature; 7104ding>
顶1~ dǐng ding>tian-li`di` of indomitable spirit; 7104ding>
顶1~ dǐng ding>tian-li`di` dauntless 7104ding>
顶1 dǐng [顶头上司]
ding>tou/shang`si- one's immediate ( or direct) 7104ding>
顶1~ dǐng ding>tou/shang`si- superior 7104ding>
鼎 dǐng [鼎鼎大名]
ding>ding>da`ming/ very famous;well-known 206ding>
鼎 dǐng [一言九鼎]
yi-yan/jiu>ding> solemn pledge 206ding>
定1 dìng [定量供应]
ding`liang`gong-ying` ration;fixed supply 3997ding`
定1 dìng [一言为定]
yi-yan/wei/ding` that's settled then 3997ding`
丢 diū [丢盔弃甲]
diu-kui-qi`jia> throw away one's helmet 259diu-
丢~ diū diu-kui-qi`jia> and coat of mail;throw 259diu-
丢~ diū diu-kui-qi`jia> away everything in head- 259diu-
丢~ diū diu-kui-qi`jia> long flight 259diu-
#冬 dōng [春夏秋冬]
chun-xia`qiu-dong- spring,summer,autumn,and 3248dong-
冬~ dōng chun-xia`qiu-dong- winter 3248dong-
东 dōng [东倒西歪]
dong-dao>xi-wai- leaning;unsteady;tot- 77dong-
东~ dōng dong-dao>xi-wai- tering 77dong-
东 dōng [东郭先生]
dong-guo/xian-sheng- Master Dongguo 77dong-
东 dōng [东拼西凑]
dong-pin-xi-cou` scrape together;knock 77dong-
东~ dōng dong-pin-xi-cou` together 77dong-
东 dōng [东山再起]
dong-shan-zai`qi> stage a comeback;resume 77dong-
东~ dōng dong-shan-zai`qi> one's position 77dong-
东 dōng [东张西望]
dong-zhang-xi-wang` gaze around;peer around; 77dong-
东~ dōng dong-zhang-xi-wang` glance this way and 77dong-
东~ dōng dong-zhang-xi-wang` that;look in every di- 77dong-
东~ dōng dong-zhang-xi-wang` rection 77dong-
东 dōng [东找西找]
dong-zhao>xi-zhao> look for sth. here and 77dong-
东~ dōng dong-zhao>xi-zhao> there 77dong-
懂 dǒng [懂事明理]
dong>shi`ming/li> sensible;intelligent 3966dong>
#栋1 dòng [雕梁画栋]
diao-liang/hua`dong` carved beams and painted 4839dong`
栋1~ dòng diao-liang/hua`dong` rafters--a richly orna- 4839dong`
栋1~ dòng diao-liang/hua`dong` mented building 4839dong`
#栋2 dòng [汗牛充栋]
han`niu/chong-dong` enough books to make the 4840dong`
栋2~ dòng han`niu/chong-dong` pack-ox sweat or to fill 4840dong`
栋2~ dòng han`niu/chong-dong` a house to the rafters-- 4840dong`
栋2~ dòng han`niu/chong-dong` an immense collection of 4840dong`
栋2~ dòng han`niu/chong-dong` books 4840dong`
栋2 dòng [一栋楼房]
yi-dong`lou/fang/ a building 4840dong`
动1 dòng [动人心弦]
dong`ren/xin-xian/ tug at one's heart-strings; 1434dong`
动1~ dòng dong`ren/xin-xian/ be deeply moved;be exciting 1434dong`
洞 dòng [洞察下情]
dong`cha/xia`qing/ (for sb. in a high position) 3550dong`
洞~ dòng dong`cha/xia`qing/ know the feelings of the 3550dong`
洞~ dòng dong`cha/xia`qing/ people clearly 3550dong`
都1 dōu [都半夜了]
doou-ban`ye`le It's already midnignt. 1370dou-
都1 dōu [什么都行]
shen/me~dou-xing/ Anything will do. 1370dou-
斗2 dǒu [斗转星移]
dou>zhuan>xing-yi/ change in the positions 5946dou>
斗2~ dǒu dou>zhuan>xing-yi/ of the stars -- change 5946dou>
斗2~ dǒu dou>zhuan>xing-yi/ of the seasons;passage 5946dou>
斗2~ dǒu dou>zhuan>xing-yi/ of time 5946dou>
陡 dǒu [陡然醒悟]
dou>ran/xing>wu` come to realise suddenly 1286dou>
陡 dǒu [风云陡变]
feng-yun/dou>bian` a sudden change in the 1286dou>
陡~ dǒu feng-yun/dou>bian` situation 1286dou>
陡 dǒu [楼梯太陡]
lou/ti-tai`dau> The staircase is too 1286dou>
陡~ dǒu lou/ti-tai`dou> steep. 1286dou>
陡 dǒu [天气陡变]
tian-qi`dou>bian` The weather changed sud- 1286dou>
陡~ dǒu tian-qi`dou>bian` denly. 1286dou>
豆 dòu [豆蔻年华]
dou`kou`nian/hua/ odolescence;(of a girl) in 7680dou`
豆~ dòu dou`kou`nian/hua/ early teens like a blooming 7680dou`
豆~ dòu dou`kou`nian/hua/ cardamon 7680dou`
斗1 dòu [战天斗地]
zhan`tian-dou`di` fight against heaven and 5945dou`
斗1~ dòu zhan`tian-dou`di` earth;combat nature;brave 5945dou`
斗1~ dòu zhan`tian-dou`di` the elements 5945dou`
都2 dū [通都大邑]
tong-du-da`yi` a large city;metropolis 1371du-
嘟 dū [嘟嘟囔囔]
du-du-nang~nang~ numble to oneself 2843du-
毒 dú [毒辣透顶]
du/la`tou`ding> extremely sinister 130du/
毒 dú [毒刑拷打]
du/xing/kao>da> subject sb. to torture 130du/
独 dú [独立自主]
du/li`zi`zhu> maintain independence 3189du/
独~ dú du/li`zi`zhu> and keep the initiative; 3189du/
独~ dú du/li`zi`zhu> act independently and 3189du/
独~ dú du/li`zi`zhu> with the initiative in 3189du/
独~ dú du/li`zi`zhu> one's own hands 3189du/
独 dú [独一无二]
du/yi-wu/er` unique;unparalleled; 3189du/
独~ dú du/yi-wu/er` unmatched 3189du/
#牍 dú [连篇累牍]
lian/pian-lei>du/ publish articles one 5559du/
牍~ dú lian/pian-lei>du/ after another;redundant; 5559du/
牍~ dú lian/pian-lei>du/ lengthy and tedious 5559du/
#椟 dú [买椟还珠]
mai>du/huan/zhu- buy the nice-looking box 4966du/
椟~ dú mai>du/huan/zhu- but return the pearl con- 4966du/
椟~ dú mai>du/huan/zhu- tained in it to the sellar 4966du/
椟~ dú mai>du/huan/zhu- -- show poor sense of 4966du/
椟~ dú mai>du/huan/zhu- judgement 4966du/
#黩 dú [穷兵黩武]
qiobg/bing-du/wu> use all one's armed might 8213du/
黩~ dú qiong/bing-du/wu> to wage wars of aggression; 8213du/
黩~ dú qiong/bing-du/wu> wantonly engage in military 8213du/
黩~ dú qiong/bing-du/wu> ventures 8213du/
毒 dú [以毒攻毒]
yi>du/gong-du/ fight poison with poi- 130du/
毒~ dú yi>du/gong-du/ son;use poison as an 130du/
毒~ dú yi>du/gong-du/ antidote for poison 130du/
#睹 dǔ [睹物思人]
du>wu`si-ren/ seeing a thing makes one 6264du>
睹~ dǔ du>wu`si-ren/ think of the person as- 6264du>
睹~ dǔ du>wu`si-ren/ sociated with it; sth. 6264du>
睹~ dǔ du>wu`si-ren/ that reminds one of its 6264du>
睹~ dǔ du>wu`si-ren/ owner;memento is remi- 6264du>
睹~ dǔ du>wu`si-ren/ niscent of the person 6264du>
睹~ dǔ du>wu`si-ren/ who gave it 6264du>
堵 dǔ [观者如堵]
guan-zhe>ru/du> The crowd was like a 1624du>
堵~ dǔ guan-zhe>ru/du> barricade. 1624du>
杜2 dù [杜门谢客]
du`men/xie`ke` close one's door to vi- 4774du`
杜2~ dù du`men/xie`ke` sitors;live in seclusion 4774du`
杜2 dù [以杜流弊]
yi>du`liu/bi` so as to put an end to 4774du`
杜2~ dù yi>du`liu/bi` abuse 4774du`
度1 dù [度过童年]
du'guo`tong/nian/ spend one's chilhood 3339du`
度1 dù [度日如年]
du`ri`ru/nian/ one day seems like a 3339du`
度1~ dù du`ri`ru/nian/ year;the days drag on 3339du`
度1~ dù du`ri`ru/nian/ like years 3339du`
渡 dù [渡过难关]
du`guo`nan/guan- tide over a difficulty; 3713du`
渡~ dù du`guo`nan/guan- pull through 3713du`
#妒 dù [妒火中烧]
du`huo>zhong-shao- be burning with jealousy 4309du`
#蠹 dù [户枢不蠹]
hu`shu-bu`du` a door-hinge never gets 7325du`
蠹~ dù hu`shu`bu`du` moth-eaten 7325du`
肚2 dù [牵肠挂肚]
qian-chang/gua`du` feel deep anxiety;be 5597du`
肚2~ dù qian-chang/gua`du` very worried 5597du`
端 duān [端端正正]
duan-duan-zheng`zheng` upright;regular 6925duan-
断 duàn [断断续续]
duan`duan`xu`xu` off and on;intermittentl 5570duan`
断 duàn [断章取义]
duan`zhang-qu>yi` quote out of context; 5570duan`
断~ duàn duan`zhang-qu>yu` garble a statement,etc. 5570duan`
断 duàn [一刀两断]
yi-dao-liang>duan` make a clean break 5570duan`
段 duàn [告一段落]
gao`yi-duan`luo` come to the end of a 5803duan`
段~ duàn gao`yi-duan`luo` stage;be brought to a 5803duan`
段~ duàn gao`yi-dun`luo` temporary close 5803duan`
堆 duī [堆积如山]
dui-ji-ru/shan- be piled up mountain- 1634dui-
堆~ duī dui-ji-ru/shan- high on the ground 1634dui-
对1 duì [对答如流]
dui`da/ru/liu/ answer fluently;answer 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`da/ru/liu/ questions without hesi- 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`da/ru/liu/ tation 1482dui`
对1 duì [对牛弹琴]
dui`niu/tan/qin/ play the lute to a cow 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`niu/tan/qin/ -- address the wrong 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`niu/tan/qin/ listener;talk over sb.'s 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`niu/tan/qin/ head;cast pearls before 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`niu/tan/qin/ a swine 1482dui`
对1 duì [对症下药]
dui`zheng`xia`yao` suit the medicine to 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`zheng`xia`yao` the illness;suit the re- 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`zheng`xia`yao` medy to the case;pres- 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`zheng`xia`yao` cribe the right remedy 1482dui`
对1~ duì dui`zheng`xia`yao` for an illness 1482dui`
对2 duì [一对夫妻]
yi-dui`fu-qi- a married couple 1483dui`
#憝 duì [元凶大憝]
yuan/xiong-da`dui` prime culprit;arch-crim- 6075dui`
憝~ duì yuan/xiong-da`dui` inal;man of iniquity 6075dui`
蹲1 dūn [蹲在家里]
dun-zai`jia-li> stay at home 7849dun-
#趸 dǔn [现趸现卖]
xian`dun>xian`mai` sell goods immediately 7765dun>
趸~ dǔn xian`dun>xian`mai` after buying them 7765dun>
钝 dùn [成败利钝]
cheng/bai`li`dun` succes or failue,smooth 6401dun`
钝~ dùn cheng/bai`li`dun` going or rough 6401dun`
顿1 dùn [顿开茅塞]
dun`kai-mao/se` suddenly see the light; 7112dun`
顿1~ dùn dun`kai-mao/se` be suddenly enlightened 7112dun`
遁 dùn [遁迹空门]
dun`ji`kong-men/ become a monk or nun 4155dun`
#炖 dùn [清炖排骨]
qing-dun`pai/gu> stew spareribs 5861dun`
#哆 duō [哆哆嗦嗦]
duo-duo-suo-suo- tremble;shiver 2700duo-
多 duō [多多益善]
duo-duo-yi`shan` the more,the better 3241duo-
#咄 duō [咄咄逼人]
duo-duo-bi-ren/ overbearing;aggressive 2649duo-
咄 duō [咄咄称奇]
duo-duo-cheng-qi/ cannot help wondering 2649duo-
咄~ duō duo-duo-cheng-qi/ out loud 2649duo-
咄 duō [咄咄怪事]
duo-duo-guai`shi` monstrous absurdity 2649duo-
#度2 duó [度德量力]
duo/de/liang`li` estimate one's own moral 3340duo/
夺 duó [巧夺天工]
qiao>duo/tian-gong- superb or wonderful work- 2464duo/
夺~ duó qiao>duo/tian-gong- manship surpassing nature; 2464duo/
夺~ duó qiao>duo/tian-gong- so wonderful in workmanship 2464duo/
夺~ duó qiao>duo/tian-gong- as to surpass nature;superb 2464duo/
夺~ duó qiao>duo/tian-gong- craftsmanship 2464duo/
#踱 duó [踱来踱去]
duo/lai/duo/qu` pace to and fro;pace up 7827duo/
踱~ duó duo/lai/duo/qu` and down 7827duo/
踱 duó [踱着方步]
duo/zhe~fang-bu` walk with measured steps 7827duo/
躲 duǒ [躲躲闪闪]
duo>duo>shan>han> be evasive;hedge;equivocate 7867duo>
朵1 duǒ [红霞万朵]
hong/xia/wan`duo> thousands of rosy clouds 4767duo>
舵 duò [见风使舵]
jian`feng-shi>duo` trim one's sails 7502duo`