本帖最后由 昌言 于 2021-9-27 10:34 编辑
la- 摧枯拉朽 cui-ku-la-xiu> (as easy as) crushing dry 3768
la- 摧枯拉朽~ cui-ku-la-xiu> weeds and smashing rotten 3769
la- 摧枯拉朽~ cui-ku-la-xiu> woods 3770
la- 哇啦乱叫 wa-la-luan`jiao` raise a hullabaloo 3771
la` 秉性剌戾 bing>xing`la`li` of a surly temperament 3772
la` 落在后头 la`zai`hou`tou lag behind 3773
la` 丢三落四 diu-san-la`si` forget this or that; be 3774
la` 丢三落四~ diu-san-la`si` always forgetting things 3775
la` 一字不落 yi-zi`bu`la` not missing any word 3776
la` 味同嚼蜡 wei`tong/jiao/la` like chewing wax--insipid 3777
lai/ 来客人了 lai/ke`ren/le We have guests. 3778
lai/ 来龙去脉 lai/long/qu`mai` origin and development;the 3779
lai/ 来龙去脉~ lai/long/qu`mai` whole process;beginning and 3780
lai/ 来龙去脉~ lai/long/qu`mai` end 3781
lai/ 来去自由 lai/qu`zi`you/ free to come and go 3782
lai/ 来日方长 lai/ri`fang-chang/ there will be plenty of time; 3783
lai/ 来日方长~ lai/ri`fang-chang/ there will be time for that 3784
lai/ 来之不易 lai/zhi-bu`yi` not easily come by;hard- 3785
lai/ 来之不易~ lai/zhi-bu`yi` earned 3786
lai/ 说来话长 shuo-lai/hua`chang/ It's a long story. 3787
lai/ 问题来了 wen`ti/lai/le There is a problem here. 3788
lai/ 我来唱歌 wo>lai/chang`ge- I'll sing a song. 3789
lai/ 二里来地 er`li>lai/di` a distance about two li 3790
lai/ 二十来岁 er`shi/lai/sui` about twenty years old 3791
lai/ 继往开来 ji`wang>kai-lai/ carry forward the cause and 3792
lai/ 继往开来~ ji`wang>kai-lai/ forge ahead into the future 3793
lai/ 信笔写来 xin`bi>xie/lai/ write at random 3794
lai/ 一觉醒来 yi-jiao`xing>lai/ wake up after a sound sleep 3795
lai` 百无聊赖 bai>wu/liao/lai` bored to death;bored stiff; 3796
lai` 百无聊赖~ bai>wu/liao/lai` overcome with boredom 3797
lai` 万籁俱寂 wan`lai`ju`ji` All is quiet in this part of 3798
lai` 万籁俱寂~ wan`lai`ju`ji` the world 3799
lan/ 蓝领工人 lan/ling>gong-ren/ blue-collar worker 3800
lan/ 绘制蓝图 hui`zhi`lan/tu/ design (or draw) blueprint 3801
lan/ 青出于蓝 qing-chu-yu/lan/ blue comes from the indigo 3802
lan/ 青出于蓝~ qing-chu-yu/lan/ plant but is bluer than the 3803
lan/ 青出于蓝~ qing-chu-yu/lan/ plant itself--the pupil sur- 3804
lan/ 青出于蓝~ qing-chu-yu/lan/ passes the master 3805
lan/ 彩色斑斓 cai>se`ban-lan/ bright-coloured 3806
lan/ 波澜起伏 bo-lan/qi>fu/ waves rise and fall 3807
lan/ 力挽狂澜 li`wan>kuang/lan/ do one's utmost to stem a 3808
lan/ 力挽狂澜~ li`wan>kuang/lan/ raging tide or save a des- 3809
lan/ 力挽狂澜~ li`wan>kuang/lan/ perate situation;make vigo- 3810
lan/ 力挽狂澜~ li`wan>kuang/lan/ rous efforts to turn the tide 3811
lan/ 推波逐澜 tui-bo-zhu`lan/ make a stormy sea stormier; 3812
lan/ 推波逐澜~ tui-bo-zhu`lan/ add fuel to the flames 3813
lan/ 夜阑人静 ye`lan/ren/jing` in the dead of night;in the 3814
lan/ 夜阑人静~ ye`lan/ren/jing` still(or quiet) of the night 3815
lan/ 春意阑珊 chun-yi`lan/shan- Spring is coming to an end. 3816
lan> 独揽大权 du/lan>da`quan/ arrogate all powers to one- 3817
lan> 独揽大权~ du/lan>da`quan/ self 3818
lan> 饱览美景 bao>lan>mei>jing> drink in the beautiful scenery 3819
lan> 一览无余 yi-lan>wu/yu/ take in everything at a glance 3820
lan` 臭鱼烂虾 chou`yu/lan`xia- stinking fishes and rotten 3821
lan` 臭鱼烂虾~ chou`yu/lan`xia- shrimps 3822
lan` 粗制滥造 cu-zhi`lan`zao` manufacture in a rough and 3823
lan` 粗制滥造~ cu-zhi`lan`zao` slipshod way 3824
lan` 烂醉如泥 lan`zui`ru/ni/ dead drunk;be as drunk as 3825
lan` 烂醉如泥~ lan`zui`ru/ni/ a lord 3826
lan` 破铜烂铁 po`tong/lan`tie> scrap iron and copper 3827
lan` 破衣烂衫 po`yi-lan`shan- worn out clothes 3828
lan` 天真烂漫 tian-zhen-lan`man` innocent and naive 3829
lan` 鞋穿烂了 xie/chuan-lan`le The shoes are worn-out. 3830
lan` 一本烂账 yi-ben>lan`zhang` messy accounts 3831
lang/ 狼心狗肺 lang/xin-gou>fei` with the heart of a wolf 3832
lang/ 狼子野心 lang/zi>ye>xin- as savage as a wolf in dispo- 3833
lang/ 狼子野心~ lang/zi>ye>xin- sition;wild and evil ambition 3834
lang/ 郎才女貌 lang/cai/nyu>mao` a brilliant young scholar 3835
lang/ 郎才女貌~ lang/cai/nyu>mao` and a beautiful woman -- 3836
lang/ 郎才女貌~ lang/cai/nyu>mao` a fine couple 3837
lang/ 前廊后厦 qian/lang/hou`sha` (of a traditional Chinese 3838
lang/ 前廊后厦~ qian/lang/hou`sha` house) having a veranda in the 3839
lang/ 前廊后厦~ qian/lang/hou`sha` front and a portion in the 3840
lang/ 前廊后厦~ qian/lang/hou`sha` rear 3841
lang/ 书声朗朗 shu-sheng-lang/lang/ reading loudly and clearly 3842
lang` 大风大浪 da`feng-da`lang` wind and waves;great storms 3843
lao- 大海捞针 da`hai>lao-zhen- fish for a needle in the 3844
lao- 大海捞针~ da`hai>lao-zhen- ocean;look for a needle in 3845
lao- 大海捞针~ da`hai>lao-zhen- a haystack 3846
lao- 水中捞月 shui>zhong-lao-yue` try to scoop the moon from 3847
lao- 水中捞月~ shui>zhong-lao-yue` the bottom of the sea;try to 3848
lao- 水中捞月~ shui>zhong-lao-yue` make the impossible possible 3849
lao/ 劳逸结合 lao/yi`jie/he/ strike a proper balance be- 3850
lao/ 劳逸结合~ lao/yi`jie/he/ tween work and rest;alternate 3851
lao/ 劳逸结合~ lao/yi`jie/he/ work with rest and recreation 3852
lao/ 牢不可破 lao/bu`ke>po` unbreakable;indestructible 3853
lao/ 唠唠叨叨 lao/lao/dao-dao babble on and on 3854
lao> 老马识途 lao>ma>shi/tu/ An old horse knows the way; 3855
lao> 老马识途~ lao>ma>shi/tu/ An old hand is a good guide. 3856
lao> 老羊皮袄 lao>yang/pi/ao> sheep fur coat 3857
le` 乐不可支 le`bu`ke>zhi- overwhelmed with joy; over- 3858
le` 乐不可支~ le`bu`ke>zhi- joyed 3859
le` 乐于助人 le`yu/zhu`ren/ find pleasure in helping 3860
le` 乐于助人~ le`yu/zhu`ren/ others 3861
le` 悬崖勒马 xuan/ya/le`ma> rein in at the brink of the 3862
le` 悬崖勒马~ xuan/ya/le`ma> precipice 3863
lei- 勒根绳子 lei-gen-sheng>zi tie a rope tight 3864
lei/ 果实累累 guo>shi/lei/lei/ fruit growing in close clus- 3865
lei/ 果实累累~ guo>shi/lei/lei/ ters;fruit hanging heavy in 3866
lei/ 果实累累~ guo/shi/lei/lei/ the trees 3867
lei/ 雷打不动 lei/da>bu`dong` not to be shaken by thunder-- 3868
lei/ 雷打不动~ lei/da>bu`dong` (of an arrangement of plan) 3869
lei/ 雷打不动~ lei/da>bu`dong` not to be altered under any 3870
lei/ 雷打不动~ lei/da>bu`dong` circumstances 3871
lei/ 雷电交加 lei/dian`jiao-jia- lightning accompanied by 3872
lei/ 雷电交加~ lei/dian`jiao-jia- peals of thunder 3873
lei/ 雷厉风行 lei/li`feng-xing/ with the power of a thunder- 3874
lei/ 雷厉风行~ lei/li`feng-xing/ bolt and the speed of light- 3875
lei/ 雷厉风行~ lei/li`feng-xing/ ning--(carry out orders,poli- 3876
lei/ 雷厉风行~ lei/li`feng-xing/ cies,etc.) vigorously and 3877
lei/ 雷厉风行~ lei/li`feng-xing/ speedily;vigorously and 3878
lei/ 雷厉风行~ lei/li`feng-xing/ resolutely 3879
lei/ 自吹自擂 zi`chui-zi`lei/ blow one's own trumpet or 3880
lei/ 自吹自擂~ zi`chui-zi`lei/ horn;beat one's own drum; 3881
lei/ 自吹自擂~ zi`chui-zi`lei/ (fig.) brag;praise oneself; 3882
lei/ 自吹自擂~ zi`chui-zi`lei/ self-glorification 3883
lei> 成千累万 cheng/qian-lei>wan` thousands upon thousands 3884
lei> 光明磊落 guang-ming/lei>luo` open and aboveboard 3885
lei> 护苗保蕾 hu`miao/bao>lei> protect the seedlings and 3886
lei> 护苗保蕾~ hu`miao/bao>lei> flower buds 3887
lei> 垒一道墙 lei>yi-dao`qiang/ build a wall 3888
lei> 两军对垒 liang>jun-dui`lei> two armies pitted against 3889
lei> 两军对垒~ liang>jun-dui`lei> each other 3890
lei> 日积月累 ri`ji-yue`lei> accumulate on a daily and 3891
lei> 日积月累~ ri`ji-yue`lei> monthly basis 3892
lei` 出类拔萃 chu-lei`ba/cui` excel one's fellow beings 3893
lei` 泪痕满面 lei`hen/man>mian` a face bathed in tears 3894
lei` 泪如雨下 lei`ru/yu>xia` tears falling like rain 3895
lei` 凄然泪下 qi-ran/lei`xia` Tears of sorrow roll down 3896
lei` 凄然泪下~ qi-ran/lei`xia` the cheeks. 3897
lei` 味同鸡肋 wei`tong/ji-lei` of little taste just like 3898
lei` 味同鸡肋~ wei`tong/ji-lei` chicken ribs 3899
leng/ 见棱见角 jian`leng/jian`jiao> angular 3900
leng> 冷酷无情 leng>ku`wu/qing/ unfeeling;cold-blooded 3901
leng> 冷冷清清 leng>leng>qing-qing- deserted;quiet;desolate; 3902
leng> 冷冷清清~ leng>leng>qing-qing- solitary;lonely 3903
leng> 冷言冷语 leng>yan/leng>yu> sarcastic comments;ironical 3904
leng> 冷言冷语~ leng>yan/leng>yu> remarks 3905
leng> 你冷不冷? ni>leng>bu`leng> Do you feel cold? 3906
li- 哩哩啦啦 li-li.la-la- scattered;sporadic 3907
li/ 寄人篱下 ji`ren/li/xia` live under another's roof; 3908
li/ 寄人篱下~ ji`ren/li/xia` depend on sb. for a living 3909
li/ 黎明即起 li/ming/ji/qi> rise at dawn;get up at dawn 3910
li/ 离弦的箭 li/xian/de~jian` an arrow shot out of the 3911
li/ 离弦的箭~ li/xian/de~jian` bowstring 3912
li/ 离弦走板 li/xian/zou>ban> (fig.)off the standard; off 3913
li/ 离弦走板~ li/xian/zou>ban> the beam 3914
li/ 离乡别井 li/xiang-bie/jing> leave one's native place; be 3915
li/ 离乡别井~ li/xiang-bie/jing> away from home 3916
li/ 淋漓尽致 lin/li/jin`zhi` vividly and incisively; in 3917
li/ 淋漓尽致~ lin/li/jin`zhi` great detail;thoroughly 3918
li/ 面目黧黑 mian`mu`li/hei- dark face 3919
li/ 让枣推梨 rang`zao>tui-li/ offer dates and decline pears 3920
li/ 让枣推梨~ rang`zao>tui-li/ --show brotherly love 3921
li/ 以蠡测海 yi>li/ce`hai> (fig.)make an appraisal in 3922
li/ 以蠡测海~ yi>li/ce`hai> one's superficial view;be 3923
li/ 以蠡测海~ yi>li/ce`hai> shallow in understanding 3924
li/ 竹篱茅舍 zhu/li/mao/she` bamboo hedge and thatched 3925
li/ 竹篱茅舍~ zhu/li/mao/she` hut bamboo fence 3926
li> 封建礼教 feng-jian`li>jiao` feudal ethical code 3927
li> 拱手施礼 gong>shou>shi-li> with a cupped-hand salute 3928
li> 理所当然 li>suo>dang-ran/ of course;as a matter of 3929
li> 理所当然~ li>suo>dang-ran/ course;naturally 3930
li> 理直气壮 li>zhi/qi`zhuang` with justice at one's side, 3931
li> 理直气壮~ li>zhi/qi`zhuang` one is bold and assured 3932
li> 里应外合 li>ying`wai`he/ collaborate from within with 3933
li> 里应外合~ li>ying`wai`he/ forces from without 3934
li> 雾里看花 wu`li>kan`hua- look at flowers in a fog-- 3935
li> 雾里看花~ wu`li>kan`hua- a blurred vision 3936
li> 礼仪之邦 li>yi/zhi-bang- land of ceremony and prop- 3937
li> 礼仪之邦~ li>yi/zhi-bang- riety 3938
li> 礼义廉耻 li>yi`lian/chi> propriety,righteousness,hones- 3939
li> 礼义廉耻~ li>yi`lian/chi> ty,and a sense of shame 3940
li> 行鞠躬礼 xing/ju/gong-li> salute with bowing 3941
li` 力大无比 li`da`wu/bi> have incomparable strength 3942
li` 力大无比~ li`da`wu/bi> of prodigous strength 3943
li` 力戒骄傲 li`jie`jiao-ao> guard against arrogance 3944
li` 力排众议 li`pai/zhong`yi` prevail over all dissenting 3945
li` 力排众议~ li`pai/zhong`yi` views;override all objections 3946
li` 大力支持 da`li`zhi-chi/ give energetic support 3947
li` 身强力壮 shen-qiang/li`zhuang` (of a person) strong;tough; 3948
li` 身强力壮~ shen-qiang/li`zhuang` sturdy 3949
li` 办事不力 ban`shi`bu`li` not do one's best in one's 3950
li` 办事不力~ ban`shi`bu`li` work 3951
li` 领导不力 ling>dao>bu`li` not exercise effective leader- 3952
li` 领导不力~ ling>dao>bu`li` ship 3953
li` 四肢无力 si`zhi-wu/li` feel weak in one's limbs 3954
li` 地心引力 di`xin-yin>li` terrestrial gravity;gravity 3955
li` 风和日丽 feng-he/ri`li` a bright sun and a gentle 3956
li` 风和日丽~ feng-he/ri`li` breeze;warm and sunny weather 3957
li` 口齿伶利 kou>chi>ling/li` speak eloquently and fluently 3958
li` 励精图治 li`jing-tu/zhi` exert oneself to make the 3959
li` 励精图治~ li`jing-tu/zhi` country prosperous 3960
li` 历尽沧桑 li`jin`cang-sang- have experienced various 3961
li` 历尽沧桑~ li`jin`cang-sang- vicissitudes of life 3962
li` 历历在目 li`li`zai`mu` come clearly into view;leap 3963
li` 历历在目~ li`li`zai`mu` up before the eyes 3964
li` 利国利民 li`guo/li`min/ benefit the country and the 3965
li` 利国利民~ li`guo/li`min/ people 3966
li` 薄利多销 bo/li`duo-xiao- small profits but quick 3967
li` 薄利多销~ bo/li`duo-xiao- turnover 3968
li` 手脚麻利 shou>jiao>ma/li` nimble limbs 3969
li` 无往不利 wu/wang>bu`li` go smoothly everywhere;be 3970
li` 无往不利~ wu/wang>bu`li` ever succesful 3971
li` 兴利除弊 xing-li`chu/bi` promote what is beneficial 3972
li` 兴利除弊~ xing-li`chu/bi` and abolish what is harmful 3973
li` 言词犀利 yan/ci/xi-li` be incisive in conversation 3974
li` 一本万利 yi-ben>wan`li` a small investment brings a 3975
li` 一本万利~ yi-ben>wan`li` ten-thousand-fold profit; make 3976
li` 一本万利~ yi-ben>wan`li` big profits with a small capi- 3977
li` 一本万利~ yi-ben>wan`li` tal 3978
li` 有利无害 you>li`wu/hai` have profit but no harm 3979
li` 例行公事 li`xing/gong-shi` routine;routine business;mere 3980
li` 例行公事~ li`xing/gong-shi` formality 3981
li` 立竿见影 li`gan-jian`ying> set up a pole and you see its 3982
li` 立竿见影~ li`gan-jian`ying> shadow--produce instant re- 3983
li` 立竿见影~ li`gan-jian`ying> sults 3984
li` 凌砾百姓 ling/li`bai>xing` oppress the people 3985
li` 披肝沥胆 pi-gan-li`dan> open one's heart;be open and 3986
li` 披肝沥胆~ pi-gan-li`dan> sincere;be loyal and faithful 3987
li` 泉声沥沥 quan/sheng-li`li` Water keeps gurgling from the 3988
li` 泉声沥沥~ quan/sheng-li`li` spring. 3989
li` 天生丽质 tian-sheng-li`zhi` natural beauty 3990
li` 呖呖莺声 li`li`ying-sheng- The orioles are warbling. 3991
li`~ 狐狸尾巴 hu/li.wei>ba fox's tail --something that 3992
li`~ 狐狸尾巴~ hu/li.wei>ba gives away one's real charac- 3993
li`~ 狐狸尾巴~ hu/li.wei>ba ter or evil intentions;cloven 3994
li`~ 狐狸尾巴~ hu/li.wei>ba hoof 3995
lian/ 浮想联翩 fu/xiang>lian/pian- thought throughing one's mind 3996
lian/ 连蹦带跳 lian/beng`dai`tiao` hopping and skipping 3997
lian/ 连打几枪 lian/da>ji>qiang- fire a succession of shots 3998
lian/ 连连叫好 lian/lian/jiao`hao> applaud repeatedly 3999
lian/ 连声称赞 lian/sheng-cheng-zan` praise again and again 4000
lian/ 连声道歉 lian/sheng-dao`qian` say "sorry" repeatedly 4001
lian/ 连声讨饶 lian/sheng-tao>rao/ ask for mercy repeatedly 4002
lian/ 根连着根 gen-lian/zhe.gen- roots are linked to each other 4003
lian/ 一连三排 yi-lian/san-pai/ third platoon of first company 4004
lian/ 秋雨连绵 qiu-yu>lian/mian/ the continuous autumn rain 4005
lian/ 水天相连 shui>tian-xiang-lian/ the water and the sky are 4006
lian/ 水天相连~ shui>tian-xiang-lian/ connected together(said of 4007
lian/ 水天相连~ shui>tian-xiang-lian/ a vast body of water) 4008
lian/ 怜香惜玉 lian/xiang-xi-yu` have pity and tenderness for 4009
lian/ 怜香惜玉~ lian/xiang-xi-yu` women 4010
lian/ 孤影自怜 gu`ying>zi`lian/ 1.look at one's reflection and 4011
lian/ 孤影自怜~ gu`ying>zi`lian/ admire oneself; 2.look at one's 4012
lian/ 孤影自怜~ gu`ying>zi`lian/ shadow and lament one's lot 4013
lian/ 同病相怜 tong/bing`xiang-lian/ those who have the same ill- 4014
lian/ 同病相怜~ tong/bing`xiang-lian/ ness sympathize with each 4015
lian/ 同病相怜~ tong/bing`xiang-lian/ other -- fellow sufferers 4016
lian/ 同病相怜~ tong/bing`xiang-lian/ commiserate with each other 4017
lian/ 摇尾乞怜 yao/wei>qi>lian/ (of dogs) wag the tail in- 4018
lian/ 摇尾乞怜~ yao/wei>qi>lian/ gratiatingly;(fig.) fawn 4019
lian/ 摇尾乞怜~ yao/wei>qi>lian/ obsequiously 4020
lian/ 价廉物美 jia`lian/wu`mei> good in quality and cheap in 4021
lian/ 价廉物美~ jia`lian/wu`mei> price;good and cheap 4022
lian/ 泣涕涟涟 qi`ti`lian/lian/ tears streaming down one's 4023
lian/ 泣涕涟涟~ qi`ti`lian/lian/ face;tears flowing continu- 4024
lian/ 泣涕涟涟~ qi`ti`lian/lian/ ously 4025
lian> 没脸见人 mei/lian>jian`ren/ be too ashamed to face anyone 4026
lian` 湖光潋滟 hu/guang-lian`yan` There are glistening ripples 4027
lian` 湖光潋滟~ hu/guang-lian`yan` on the lake. 4028
lian` 江平如练 jiang-ping/ru/lian` The river runs as smoothly as 4029
lian` 江平如练~ jiang-ping/ru/lian` silk. 4030
lian` 恋恋不舍 lian`lian`bu`she> be reluctant to part from;hate 4031
lian` 恋恋不舍~ lian`lian`bu`she> to see sb. go 4032
lian` 炼石补天 lian`shi/bu>tian- patch up the sky with multi- 4033
lian` 炼石补天~ lian`shi/bu>tian- hued stone 4034
lian` 百炼成钢 bai>lian`cheng/gang- (of iron) be tempered into 4035
lian` 百炼成钢~ bai>lian`cheng/gang- steel --become strong through 4036
lian` 百炼成钢~ bai>lian`cheng/gang- many trials 4037
lian` 练达老成 lian`da/lao>cheng/ experienced 4038
lian` 练习钢琴 lian`xi/gang-qin/ practise piano 4039
liang/ 粮尽援绝 liang/jin`yuan/jue/ grains have been exhausted 4040
liang/ 粮尽援绝~ liang/jin`yuan/jue/ and relief troops have dis- 4041
liang/ 粮尽援绝~ liang/jin`yuan/jue/ appeared 4042
liang/ 梁上君子 liang/shang`jun-zi> gentleman on the beam -- 4043
liang/ 梁上君子~ liang/shang`jun-zi> burglar;thief 4044
liang/ 良师益友 liang/shi-yi`you> good teacher and helpful friend 4045
liang/ 良师诤友 liang/shi-zheng`you> good teacher and frank friend 4046
liang/ 良师诤友~ liang/shi-zheng`you> who will give forthright criti- 4047
liang/ 良师诤友~ liang/shi-zheng`you> cism 4048
liang/ 完粮纳税 wan/liang/na`shui` pay the grain tax 4049
liang/ 用尺量布 yong`chi>liang/bu` measure cloth with a ruler 4050
liang> 两地分居 liang>di`fen-ju- (husband and wife) live in 4051
liang> 两地分居~ liang>di`fen-ju- different places 4052
liang> 两相对比 liang>xiang-dui`bi> contrast between the two things 4053
liang` 量力而行 liang`li`er/xing/ do what one is capable of; 4054
liang` 量力而行~ liang`li`er/xing/ act according to one's capa- 4055
liang` 量力而行~ liang`li`er/xing/ bility 4056
liang` 亮出底牌 liang`chu-di>pai/ put one's cards on the table 4057
liang` 亮得刺眼 liang`de.ci`yan> too bright to see clearly 4058
liang` 亮家底儿 liang`jia-di>r reveal frankly one's family 4059
liang` 亮家底儿~ liang`jia-di>r property 4060
liang` 亮开嗓子 liang`kai-sang>zi lift one's voice 4061
liang` 亮起嗓子 liang`qi>sang>zi raise one's voice;lift one's 4062
liang` 亮起嗓子~ liang`qi>sang>zi voice 4063
liang` 擦亮眼睛 ca-liang`yan>jing keep one's eyes peeled 4064
liang` 高风亮节 gao-feng-liang`jie/ noble character and sterling 4065
liang` 高风亮节~ gao-feng-liang`jie/ integrity 4066
liang` 心明眼亮 xin-ming/yan>liang` see and think clearly; be 4067
liang` 心明眼亮~ xin-ming/yan>liang` shape-eyed and clear-headed; 4068
liang` 心明眼亮~ xin-ming/yan>liang` discern things clearly 4069
liang` 谅不见怪 liang`bu`jian`guai` I trust that you will not 4070
liang` 谅不见怪~ liang`bu`jian`guai` blame me. 4071
liang` 踉踉跄跄 liang`liang`qiang`~ stagger;walk unsteadily 4072
liao- 撩起帘子 liao-qi>lian/zi lift (or raise) a curtain 4073
liao/ 歌声嘹亮 ge-sheng-liao/liang` loud singing 4074
liao/ 燎原烈火 liao/yuan/lie`huo> a blazing prairie fire 4075
liao/ 寥寥无几 liao/liao/wu/ji> very few;sparse;scanty 4076
liao/ 美景撩人 mei>jing>liao/ren/ The beautiful scenery is 4077
liao/ 美景撩人~ mei>jing>liao/ren/ teasing. 4078
liao/ 民不聊生 min/bu`liao/sheng- the people have no means 4079
liao/ 民不聊生~ min/bu`liao/sheng- of livelihood;the masses 4080
liao/ 民不聊生~ min/bu`liao/sheng- live in dire poverty;the 4081
liao/ 民不聊生~ min/bu`liao/sheng- people are destitute 4082
liao/ 青面獠牙 qing-mian`liao/ya/ green-faced and long-toothed 4083
liao/ 青面獠牙~ qing-mian`liao/ya/ --terrifying in appearance 4084
liao> 了解了解 liao>jie>liao>jie> make an investigation of... 4085
liao> 不了了之 bu`liao>liao>zhi- settle a matter by leaving 4086
liao> 不了了之~ bu`liao>liao>zhi- it unsettled;end up with 4087
liao> 不了了之~ bu`liao>liao>zhi- nothing definite 4088
lie- 大大咧咧 da`da~lie-lie- careless;casual 4089
lie- 骂骂咧咧 ma`ma.lie-lie- foul-mouthed;grumbling and 4090
lie- 骂骂咧咧~ ma`ma.lie-lie- swearing 4091
lie> 咧着嘴笑 lie>zhe.zui>xiao` grin from ear to ear 4092
lie> 胡诌八咧 hu/zhou-ba-lie> fabricate wild tales;cook 4093
lie> 胡诌八咧~ hu-zhou-ba-lie> up stories 4094
lie` 才力相埒 cai/li`xiang-lie` be equally talented 4095
lie` 富埒王侯 fu`lie`wang/hou/ one's wealth equals that of 4096
lie` 富埒王侯~ fu`lie`wang/hou/ the nobility 4097
lie` 红旗猎猎 hong/qi/lie`lie` The red flags flapped in the 4098
lie` 红旗猎猎~ hong/qi/lie`lie` wind. 4099
lie` 列队相送 lie`dui`xiang-song` line up to see sb. off 4100
lie` 列队相迎 lie`dui`xiang-ying/ line up to welcome sb. 4101
lie` 山高凛冽 shan-gao-lin>lie` The mountain is high and the 4102
lie` 山高凛冽~ shan-gao-lin>lie` weather is bitterly cold. 4103
lie` 四分五裂 si`fen-wu>lie` fall apart;be rent by dis- 4104
lie` 四分五裂~ si`fen-wu>lie` unity;be all split up; disin- 4105
lie` 四分五裂~ si`fen-wu>lie` tegrate 4106
lie` 优胜劣败 you-sheng`lie`bai` survival of the fittest 4107
lie` 壮烈牺牲 zhuang`lie`xi-sheng- heroically give one's life; 4108
lie` 壮烈牺牲~ zhuang`lie`xi-sheng- die a hero's death 4109
lin- 拎着饭盒 lin-zhe.fan`he/ carry a lunch box 4110
lin/ 白石粼粼 bai/shi/lin/lin/ clear white stones 4111
lin/ 鳞次栉比 lin/ci`zhi`bi> (of buildings)like fish scales 4112
lin/ 鳞次栉比~ lin/ci`zhi`bi> and comb teeth;in tight rows; 4113
lin/ 鳞次栉比~ lin/ci`zhi`bi> rows upon rows 4114
lin/ 一鳞半爪 yi-lin/ban`zhua> odd bits;fragments 4115
lin/ 遍体鳞伤 bian`ti>lin/shang- be covered all over with 4116
lin/ 遍体鳞伤~ bian`ti>lin/shang- cuts and bruises;be beaten 4117
lin/ 遍体鳞伤~ bian`ti>lin/shang- black and blue;be a mass of 4118
lin/ 遍体鳞伤~ bian`ti>lin/shang- bruises 4119
lin/ 麟角凤嘴 lin/jiao>feng`zui> the unicorn's horn and the 4120
lin/ 麟角凤嘴~ lin/jiao>feng`zui> phoenix's beak -- rare treas- 4121
lin/ 麟角凤嘴~ lin/jiao>feng`zui> ures 4122
lin/ 凤毛麟角 feng`mao/lin/jiao> phoenix feathers and unicorn 4123
lin/ 凤毛麟角~ feng`mao/lin/jiao> horns--unique and valuable 4124
lin/ 凤毛麟角~ feng`mao/lin/jiao> person or object 4125
lin/ 街坊邻舍 jie-fang-lin/she` neighbour 4126
lin/ 居高临下 ju-gao-lin/xia` occupy a commanding position 4127
lin/ 居高临下~ ju-gao-lin/xia` (or height) 4128
lin/ 琳琅满目 lin/lang/man>mu` a superb collection of beau- 4129
lin/ 琳琅满目~ lin/lang/man>mu` tiful things; a feast for the 4130
lin/ 琳琅满目~ lin/lang/man>mu` eyes 4131
lin/ 林间小道 lin/jian-xiao>dao` path in a forest 4132
lin/ 高楼林立 gao-lou/lin/li` There is a forest of tall 4133
lin/ 高楼林立~ gao-lou/lin/li` buildings 4134
lin/ 淋漓尽致 lin/li/jin`zhi` vividly and incisively;in great 4135
lin/ 淋漓尽致~ lin/li/jin`zhi` detail;thoroughly 4136
lin/ 日晒雨淋 ri`shai`yu>lin/ exposed to the sun and rain 4137
lin/ 山石嶙峋 shan-shi/lin/xun/ jagged mountain rocks 4138
lin/ 瘦骨嶙峋 shou`gu>lin/xun/ all skin and bones 4139
lin/ 遴选人才 lin/xuan>ren/cai/ select (talent) for a post 4140
lin/ 鹰膦鹗视 ying-lin/e`shi` eye vigilently;look fiercely 4141
lin/ 鹰膦鹗视~ ying-lin/e`shi` (at sth.) 4142
lin/ 粼粼碧波 lin/lin/bi`bo- clear blue waves 4143
lin> 大义凛然 da`yi`lin>ran/ inspire awe by upholding 4144
lin> 大义凛然~ da`yi`lin>ran/ justice 4145
lin> 大义懔然 da`yi`lin>ran/ inspire awe by upholding 4146
lin> 大义懔然~ da`yi`lin>ran/ justice 4147
lin> 威风懔懔 wei-feng-lin>lin> have an awesome bearing; have 4148
lin> 威风懔懔~ wei-feng-lin>lin> a commanding presence 4149
lin` 不吝赐教 bu`lin`ci`jiao` not be stinting with comments 4150
lin` 不吝赐教~ bu`lin`ci`jiao` or criticism 4151
ling/ 八面玲珑 ba-mian`ling/long/ be smooth and slick(in estab- 4152
ling/ 八面玲珑~ ba-mian`ling/long/ lishing social relations 4153
ling/ 高屋建瓴 gao-wu-jian`ling/ pour water off a steep roop 4154
ling/ 高屋建瓴~ gao-wu-jian`ling/ -- sweep down irresistibly 4155
ling/ 高屋建瓴~ gao-wu-jian`ling/ from a commanding height; 4156
ling/ 高屋建瓴~ gao-wu-jian`ling/ operate from a strategically 4157
ling/ 高屋建瓴~ gao-wu-jian`ling/ advantageous position 4158
ling/ 孤苦伶仃 gu-ku>ling/ding- orphant and helpless;alone and 4159
ling/ 孤苦伶仃~ gu-ku>ling/ding- uncared for;friendless and 4160
ling/ 孤苦伶仃~ gu-ku>ling/ding- wretched 4161
ling/ 娇小玲珑 jiao-xiao>ling/long/ delicate and supple;small and 4162
ling/ 娇小玲珑~ jiao-xiao>ling/long/ dainty 4163
ling/ 零敲碎打 ling/qiao-sui`da> do sth. bit by bit,off and on; 4164
ling/ 零敲碎打~ ling/qiao-sui`da> adopt a piecemeal approach 4165
ling/ 灵机一动 ling/ji-yi-dong` have a brainwave 4166
ling/ 脑瓜真灵 nao>gua-zhen-ling/ be really quick-witted 4167
ling/ 心灵手巧 xin-ling/shou>qiao> clever and deft 4168
ling/ 在天之灵 zai`tian-zhi-ling/ sb.'s soul in heaven (said 4169
ling/ 在天之灵~ zai`tian-zhi-ling/ when thinking fondly of a dead 4170
ling/ 在天之灵~ zai`tian-zhi-ling/ person) 4171
ling/ 陵谷变迁 ling/gu>bian`qian- vicissitutes;ups and downs 4172
ling/ 三零六号 san-ling/liu`hao` No 306 4173
ling/ 身陷囹圄 shen-xian`ling/yu> be jailed;be thrown into prison 4174
ling/ 掩耳盗铃 yan>er>dao`ling/ plug one's ears while steal- 4175
ling/ 掩耳盗铃~ yan>er>dao`ling/ ing a bell; burry one's head 4176
ling/ 掩耳盗铃~ yan>er>dao`ling/ in the sand; deceive oneself 4177
ling/ 壮志凌云 zhuang`zhi`ling/yun/ with soaring (or high) aspira- 4178
ling/ 壮志凌云~ zhuang`zhi`ling/yun/ tions 4179
ling/ 绫罗绸缎 ling/luo/chou/duan` silks and satins 4180
ling` 猜拳行令 cai-quan/xing/ling` play a finger-guessing 4181
ling` 另当别论 ling`dang-bie/lun` should be regarded as a dif- 4182
ling` 另当别论~ ling`dang-bie/lun` ferent matter 4183
ling` 另眼相看 ling`yan>xiang-kan` 1.regard (or look up to) sb. 4184
ling` 另眼相看~ ling`yan>xiang-kan` with special respect;give sb. 4185
ling` 另眼相看~ ling`yan>xiang-kan` special treatment;2.view sb. 4186
ling` 另眼相看~ ling`yan>xiang-kan` in a new,favourable light; 4187
ling` 另眼相看~ ling`yan>xiang-kan` see sb. in a new light 4188
ling` 令人满意 ling`ren/man>yi` satisfactory;satisfying ex- 4189
ling` 令人满意~ ling`ren/xing`fen` citing 4190
ling` 通令全国 tong-ling`quan/guo/ issue a general order to all 4191
ling` 通令全国~ tong-ling`quan/guo/ parts of the nation 4192
ling` 猜拳行令 cai-quan/xing/ling` play a finger-guessing game 4193
liu- 滑溜里肌 hua/liu-li>ji- saute fillet with thick granvy 4194
liu/ 留不住他 liu/bu`zhu`ta- cannot persuade him to stay on 4195
liu/ 留个名额 liu/ge.ming/e` keep a quota 4196
liu/ 留条后路 liu/tiao/hou`lu` keep a way open for retreat; 4197
liu/ 留条后路~ liu/tiao/hou`lu` leave a way out 4198
liu/ 留下意见 liu/xia`yi`jian` leave one's comments 4199
liu/ 留在家里 liu/zai`jia-li> stay at home 4200
liu/ 留职停薪 liu/zhi/ting/xin- take long leave of absence 4201
liu/ 留职停薪~ liu/zhi/ting/xin- without pay;retain post on 4202
liu/ 留职停薪~ liu/zhi/ting/xin- suspended salary 4203
liu/ 片甲不留 pian`jia>bu`liu/ not a single armoured warrior 4204
liu/ 片甲不留~ pian`jia>bu`liu/ remains--the army is complete- 4205
liu/ 片甲不留~ pian`jia>bu`liu/ ly wiped out 4206
liu/ 流毒甚广 liu/du/shen`guang> exert a widespread pernicious 4207
liu/ 流毒甚广~ liu/du/shen`guang> influence 4208
liu/ 流入云际 liu/ru`yun/ji` flow into the clouds 4209
liu/ 流血牺牲 liu/xue`xi-sheng- shed blood and lay down one's 4210
liu/ 流血牺牲~ liu/xue`xi-sheng- life for a just cause 4211
liu/ 流于形式 liu/yu/xing/shi` become a mere formality 4212
liu/ 流于庸俗 liu/yu/yong-su/ become vulgar 4213
liu/ 三流演员 san-liu/yan>yuan/ actor of the third class 4214
liu/ 三教九流 san-jiao`jiu>liu/ various religious sects and 4215
liu/ 三教九流~ san-jiao`jiu>liu/ acadenic schools; all sorts 4216
liu/ 三教九流~ san-jiao`jiu>liu/ of people 4217
liu> 柳暗花明 liu>an`hua-ming/ dark willows and blooming 4218
liu> 柳暗花明~ liu>an`hua-ming/ flowers--a beauteous scene; 4219
liu> 柳暗花明~ liu>an`hua-ming/ a new vista 4220
liu> 一绺头发 yi-liu>tou/fa` a lock of hair 4221
long/ 耳聋眼花 er>long/yan>hua- deaf ears and dim eyes 4222
long/ 林木葱茏 lin/mu`cong-long/ luxiriant vegetation 4223
long/ 龙飞凤舞 long/fei-feng`wu> (of mountains or calligraphy) 4224
long/ 龙飞凤舞~ long/fei-feng`wu> like dragons flying and phoe- 4225
long/ 龙飞凤舞~ long/fei-feng`wu> nixes dancing;lively and vigo- 4226
long/ 龙飞凤舞~ long/fei-feng`wu> rous flourishes in calligraphy 4227
long/ 龙马精神 long/ma>jing-shen/ vigorous spirit 4228
long/ 龙门石窟 long/men/shi/ku- Longmen Grottoes (in Luoyang, 4229
long/ 龙门石窟~ long/men/shi/ku- Henan province) 4230
long/ 龙争虎斗 long/zheng-hu>dou` fighting between a tiger and 4231
long/ 龙争虎斗~ long/zheng-hu>dou` a dragon;fight as closely as if 4232
long/ 龙争虎斗~ long/zheng-hu>dou` between a tiger and a dragon; 4233
long/ 龙争虎斗~ long/zheng-hu>dou` fierce struggle between well- 4234
long/ 龙争虎斗~ long/zheng-hu>dou` matched opponents;contest be- 4235
long/ 龙争虎斗~ long/zheng-hu>dou` tween giants 4236
long/ 隆情厚意 long/qing/hou`yi` profound feelings and great 4237
long/ 隆情厚意~ long/qing/hou`yi` friendship 4238
long> 烟笼雾罩 yan-long>wu`zhao` be shrouded in mist and smoke 4239
lou/ 空中楼阁 kong-zhong-lou/ge/ castles in the air;mirage; 4240
lou/ 空中楼阁~ kong-zhong-lou/ge/ (fig.) farfetched theory, plan, 4241
lou/ 空中楼阁~ kong-zhong-lou/ge/ etc. 4242
lou/ 近水楼台 jin`shui>lou/tai/ waterside pavilion -- a favour- 4243
lou/ 近水楼台~ jin`shui>lou/tai/ able position 4244
lou> 搂在怀里 lou>zai`huai/li> hold in one's arms 4245
lou` 因陋就简 yin-lou`jiu`jian> make do with whatever is avail- 4246
lou` 因陋就简~ yin-lou`jiu`jian> able;do things simply and 4247
lou` 因陋就简~ yin-lou`jiu`jian> thriftily 4248
lou` 走漏风声 zou>lou`feng-sheng- devulge a secret;leak infor- 4249
lou` 走漏风声~ zou`lou`feng-sheng- mation 4250
lou` 镂骨铭心 lou`gu>ming/xin- (fig.)engraved on one's bones 4251
lou` 镂骨铭心~ lou`gu`ming/xin- and heart;incribe in one's 4252
lou` 镂骨铭心~ lou`gu>ming/xin- heart;unforgetable 4253
lu- 撸起袖子 lu-qi>xiu`zi roll up the sleeves 4254
lu/ 另起炉灶 ling`qi>lu/zao` start sth. anew 4255
lu> 掳人勒赎 lu>ren/le`shu/ kidnap and blackmail 4256
lu` 陆陆续续 lu`lu`xu`xu` one after another;in succes- 4257
lu` 陆陆续续~ lu`lu`xu`xu` sion 4258
lu` 光怪陆离 guang-guai`lu`li/ grotesque in shape and gaudy 4259
lu` 光怪陆离~ guang-guai`lu`li/ in colour;bizarre and motley 4260
lu` 饥肠辘辘 ji-chang/lu`lu` one's stomach rumbling with 4261
lu` 饥肠辘辘~ ji-chang/lu`lu` hunger 4262
lu` 路人皆知 lu`ren/jie-zhi- be known to all;known by 4263
lu` 路人皆知~ lu`ren/jie-zhi- every passer-by 4264
lu` 鹿死谁手 lu`si>shui/shou> at whose hand will the deer 4265
lu` 鹿死谁手~ lu`si>shui/shou> die--who will win the prize; 4266
lu` 鹿死谁手~ lu`si>shui/shou> who will gain supremacy 4267
lu` 戮力同心 lu`li`tong/xin- unite in a concerted effort; 4268
lu` 戮力同心~ lu`li`tong/xin- make concerted efforts 4269
lu` 绿林起义 lu`lin/qi>yi` Lulin Uprising 4270
lu` 无功受禄 wu/gong-shou`lu` get a reward without deserving 4271
lu` 无功受禄~ wu/gong-shou`lu` it 4272
luan/ 蓥銮护驾 ying/luan/hu`jia` greet and protect the emperor 4273
luan/ 鸾凤和鸣 luan/feng`he/ming/ be a happy couple 4274
luan> 以卵击石 yi>luan>ji-shi/ throw an egg against a rock 4275
luan` 乱七八糟 luan`qi-ba-zao- in great disorder;in an awful 4276
luan` 乱七八糟~ luan`qi-ba-zao- mess 4277
luan` 以假乱真 yi>jia>luan`zhen- mix the false with true; mix 4278
luan` 以假乱真~ yi>jia>luan`zhen- the spurious with the genuine 4279
lun/ 荒谬绝伦 huang-miu`jue/lun/ absolutely (or utterly) 4280
lun/ 荒谬绝伦~ huang-miu`jue/lun/ preposterous 4281
lun/ 四轮马车 si`lun/ma>che- four-wheeled waggonette 4282
lun/ 头轮影院 tou/lun/ying>yuan` top-class cinema (which has the 4283
lun/ 头轮影院~ tou/lun/ying>yuan` priority to show a new film) 4284
lun/ 一轮红日 yi-lun/hong/ri` red sun 4285
lun/ 一轮明月 yi-lun/ming/yue` bright moon 4286
lun/ 无以伦比 wu/yu>lun/bi> incomparable;unparalleled; 4287
lun/ 无以伦比~ wu/yu>lun/bi> peerless;unique 4288
lun` 论文答辩 lun`wen/da-bian` thesis defence 4289
lun` 就事论事 jiu`shi`lun`shi` consider (or judge) sth. as it 4290
lun` 就事论事~ jiu`shi`lun`shi` stands;deal with a mtter on 4291
lun` 就事论事~ jiu`shi`lun`shi` its merits 4292
luo- 捋起袖子 luo-qi>xiu`zi roll up one's sleeves 4293
luo/ 鸣锣开道 ming/luo/kai-dao` beat gongs to clear the way 4294
luo/ 鸣锣开道~ ming/luo/kai-dao` (for officials in feudal 4295
luo/ 鸣锣开道~ ming/luo/kai-dao` times)-- prepare the public 4296
luo/ 鸣锣开道~ ming/luo/kai-dao` for a coming event; pave the 4297
luo/ 鸣锣开道~ ming/luo/kai-dao` way for sth. 4298
luo/ 敲锣打鼓 qiao-luo/da>gu> beat drums and gongs (in 4299
luo/ 敲锣打鼓~ qiao-luo/da>gu> celebration of sth.) 4300
luo/ 网罗人才 wang>luo`ren/cai/ enlist talented people 4301
luo/ 星罗棋布 xing-luo/qi/bu` scattered all over like stars 4302
luo/ 星罗棋布~ xing-luo/qi/bu` in the sky or men on a chess- 4303
luo/ 星罗棋布~ xing-luo/qi/bu` board; spread all over the 4304
luo/ 星罗棋布~ xing-luo/qi/bu` place 4305
luo> 赤身裸体 chi`shen-luo>ti> naked without a stitch of 4306
luo> 赤身裸体~ chi`shen-luo>ti> clothing on 4307
luo` 落下话柄 luo`xia`hua`bing> leave behind a subject for 4308
luo` 落下话柄~ luo`xia`hua`bing> ridicule 4309
luo` 不落痕迹 bu`luo`hen/ji` leave no trace 4310
luo` 下落不明 xia`luo`bu`ming/ Whereabouts of sth. is not 4311
luo` 下落不明~ xia`luo`bu`ming/ known. 4312
luo` 大权旁落 da`quan/pang/luo` lose one's power to sb. else 4313
luo` 话音未落 hua`yin-wei`luo` have hardly finished speaking 4314
luo` 话音未落~ hua`yin-wei`luo` when... 4315
luo` 洛阳纸贵 luo`yang/zhi>gui` paper is dear in Luoyang (said 4316
luo` 洛阳纸贵~ luo`yang/zhi>gui` of the wide circulation of a 4317
luo` 洛阳纸贵~ luo`yang/zhi>gui` popular work) 4318
luo` 络腮胡须 luo`sai-hu/xu- whiskers 4319
luo` 荦荦大端 luo`luo`da`duan- major items;salient points 4320
luo` 英才卓荦 ying-cai/zhuo-luo` outstanding talent 4321
lyu/ 非驴非马 fei-lyu/fei-ma> neither ass nor horse -- 4322
lyu/ 非驴非马~ fei-lyu/fei-ma> neither fish,flesh,nor 4323
lyu/ 非驴非马~ fei-lyu/fei-ma> fowl 4324
lyu> 旅美华侨 lyu>mei>hua/qiao/ overseas Chinese residing 4325
lyu> 旅美华侨~ lyu>mei>hua/qiao/ in USA 4326
lyu> 屡次三番 lyu>ci`san-fan- again and again;over and over 4327
lyu> 屡次三番~ lyu>ci`san-fan- again 4328
lyu> 屡见不鲜 lyu>jian`bu`xian- common occurrence;nothing new 4329
lyu> 千丝万缕 qian-si-wan`lyu> linked in a hundred and one 4330
lyu> 千丝万缕~ qian-si-wan`lyu> ways to sb. 4331
lyu> 一缕炊烟 yi-lyu>chui-yan- a curl of smoke;a wisp of 4332
lyu> 一缕炊烟~ yi-lyu>chui-yan- smoke 4333
lyu> 一缕头发 yi-lyu>tou/fa` a lock of hair 4334
lyu> 如履薄冰 ru/lyu>bo/bing- as if walking on thin ice; be 4335
lyu> 如履薄冰~ ru/lyu>bo/bing- very careful 4336
lyu> 衣衫褴褛 yi-shan-lan/lyu> in rags 4337
lyu> 膂力过人 lyu>li`guo`ren/ possessing extraodinary muscu- 4338
lyu> 膂力过人~ lyu`li`guo`ren/ lar (or physical) strength 4339
lyu` 红男绿女 hong/nan/lyu`nyu> gaily dressed young men and 4340
lyu` 红男绿女~ hong/nan/lyu`nyu> young women 4341
lyu` 深谋远虑 shen-mou/yuan>lyu` think deeply and plan careful- 4342
lyu` 深谋远虑~ shen-mou>yuan>lyu` ly;be circumspect and far- 4343
lyu` 深谋远虑~ shen-mu/yuan>lyu` sighted 4344
lyu` 不足为虑 bu`zu/wei/lyu` give no cause for anxiety 4345
lyu` 严于律己 yan/yu/lyu`ji> be strict with oneself;dis- 4346
lyu` 严于律己~ yan/yu/lyu`ji> cipline oneself 4347
lyue` 浮光掠影 fu/guang-lyue`ying> skimming over the surface; 4348
lyue` 浮光掠影~ fu/guang-lyue`ying> hasty and casual;cursory 4349
lyue` 略加修改 lyue`jia-xiu-gai> edit slightly;make some slight 4350
lyue` 略加修改~ lyue`jia-xiu-gai> changes 4351
lyue` 略有改进 lyue`you>gai>jin` improve a little 4352
lyue` 略知一二 lyue`zhi-yi-er` know a little 4353
lyue` 攻城略地 gong-cheng/lyue`di` attack cities and seize ter- 4354
lyue` 攻城略地~ gong-cheng/lyue`di` ritories 4355
lyue` 雄才大略 xiong/cai/da`lyue` (a man of) great talent and 4356
lyue` 雄才大略~ xiong/cai/da`lyue` bold vision;(a stateman or 4357
lyue` 雄才大略~ xiong/cai/da`lyue` general of) rare gifts and 4358
lyue` 雄才大略~ xiong/cai/da`lyue` bold strategy 4359