gai- 该当何罪 gai-dang-he/zui` What punishment do you think 1193 2007
you deserve? 2008
gai- 该当如此 gai-dang-ru/ci> It's as it should be. 1194 2009
gai- 该起床了 gai-qi>chuang/le It's time to get up. 1195 2010
gai- 该上班了 gai-shang`ban-le It's time to go to work. 1196 2011
gai- 该上学了 gai-shang`xue/le It's time to go to school. 1197 2012
gai- 言简意赅 yan/jian>yi`gai- concise and comprehensive; 1198 2013
compendious 2014
gai- 以偏陔全 yi>pian-gai-quan/ regard the part as the whole; 1199 2015
be lopsided 2016
gai> 改天换地 gai>tian-huan`di` reshape or change nature;great 1200 2017
transformation;change the world 2018
gai> 改头换面 gai>tou/huan`mian` change the appearance but not 1201 2019
the essence;dish up sth. in a 2020
new form 2021
gai` 盖世无双 gai`shi`wu/shuang- unequalled 1202 2022
gai` 铺天盖地 pu-tian-gai`di` blot out the sky and cover 1203 2023
up the earth 2024
gai` 一概而论 yi-gai`er/lun` treat (different matters) as 1204 2025
the same 2026
gan- 不尴不尬 bu`gan-bu`ga` in a dilenmma;in an awkward 1205 2027
predicament 2028
gan- 干干净净 gan-gan-jing`jing` clean,neat and tidy 1206 2029
gan- 甘心情愿 gan-xin-qing/yuan` willingly and gladly 1207 2030
gan- 甘愿受罚 gan-yuan`shou`fa/ be ready to be punished 1208 2031
gan- 同甘共苦 tong/gan-gong`ku> share weal and woe (or com- 1209 2032
forts and hardships, joys and 2033
sorrows) 2034
gan- 肝胆相照 gan-dan>xiang-zhao` treat each other with all sin- 1210 2035
cerity;be devoted to each other 2036
heart and soul 2037
gan> 赶尽杀绝 gan>jin`sha-jue/ kill all;ruthlessly extermi- 1211 2038
nate;spare none 2039
gan> 感慨万端 gan>kai>wan`duan- all sorts of feelings well up 1212 2040
in one's mind 2041
gan> 敢做敢为 gan>zuo`gan>wei/ bold and decisive in one's 1213 2042
actions 2043
gan` 宵衣旰食 xiao-yi-gan`shi/ get up and dress before dawn 1214 2044
and not eat until dusk; be 2045
busy all day with affirs of 2046
state 2047
gan` 宣传干事 xuan-chuan/gan`shi` person in charge of promotiom 1215 2048
gang- 刚柔相济 gang-rou/xiang-ji` couple hardness with softness 1216 2049
(in dealing with people); 2050
temper toughness with gentle- 2051
ness 2052
gang- 纲举目张 gang-ju>mu`zhang- Once the key link is grasped, 1217 2053
everything falls into place. 2054
gang- 提纲挈领 ti/gang-qie`ling> take a net by the head rope 1218 2055
or a coat by the collar -- 2056
concentrate on the main points; 2057
bring out the essentials 2058
gang- 力能扛鼎 li`neng/gang-ding> (of a man) strong enough to 1219 2059
lift an ancient bronze caul- 2060
dron 2061
gang` 戆头戆脑 gang`tou/gang`nao> muddle-headed 1220 2062
gao- 高背椅子 gao-bei`yi>zi a high-back chair 1221 2063
gao- 高不可攀 gao-bu`ke>pan- be too high to reach it 1222 2064
gao- 高等教育 gao-deng>jiao`yu` higher education 1223 2065
gao- 高高兴兴 gao-gao-xing`xing` very glad;very happy 1224 2066
gao- 高歌一曲 gao-ge-yi-qu> sing a song heartily 1225 2067
gao- 高粱杆子 gao-liang/gan>zi sorghum stalk 1226 2068
gao- 高粱米饭 gao-liang/mi>fan` cooked hylled sorghum 1227 2069
gao- 高山峻岭 gao-shan-jun`ling> towering and pricipitous moun- 1228 2070
tains 2071
gao- 高山深涧 gao-shan-shen-jian` high mountains and deep ravines 1229 2072
gao- 高声说话 gao-sheng-shuo-hua` talk loudly 1230 2073
gao- 高耸入云 gao-song>ru`yun/ tower into the sky;soar to 1231 2074
the clouds 2075
gao- 高谈阔论 gao-tan/kuo`lun` indulge in loud and empty talk 1232 2076
gao- 高瞻远瞩 gao-zhan-yuan>zhu> stand high and see far; take 1233 2077
a broad and long view;show 2078
great fore-sight 2079
gao- 好高鹜远 hao`gao-wu`yuan> reach for what is beyond one's 1234 2080
grasp;aim too high 2081
gao> 搞好团结 gao>hao>tuan/jie/ strengthen unity 1235 2082
gao> 秋阳杲杲 qiu-yang/gao>gao> bright autumn sun 1236 2083
gao> 槁木死灰 gao>mu`si>hui- rotten trees and cold ashes; 1237 2084
(fig.)lifeless and complete 2085
apathy;living corpse 2086
gao` 告老还乡 gao`lao>huan/xiang- retire and return to one's 1238 2087
hometown 2088
gao` 不可告人 bu`ke>gao`ren/ to be held in secrecy;convert 1239 2089
gao` 诰命夫人 gao`ming`fu-ren/ (in feudal times) titled lady 1240 2090
ge- 大动干戈 da`dong`gan-ge- take up arms;go to war 1241 2091
ge- 歌功颂德 ge-gong-song`de/ eulogize sb.'s virtues and 1242 2092
achievements;sing the praises 2093
of sb. 2094
ge- 歌声嘹亮 ge-sheng-liao/liang` singing cearly and loudly 1243 2095
ge- 歌声荡漾 ge-sheng-dang`yang` Songs filled the air. 1244 2096
ge- 思想疙瘩 si-xiang>ge-da/ a knot in one's heart 1245 2097
ge/ 马革裹尸 ma>ge/guo>shi- be wrapped in horse-hide after 1246 2098
laying down one's life in the 2099
battlefield;die in the last 2100
ditch 2101
ge/ 西装革履 xi-zhuang-ge/lyu> in Western dress and leather 1247 2102
shoes 2103
ge/ 革除陋习 ge/chu/lou`xi/ eliminate irrational practices 1248 2104
ge/ 革故鼎新 ge/gu`ding>xin- discard the old and introduce 1249 2105
the new 2106
ge/ 格杀勿论 ge/sha-wu`lun` kill on the spot with the au- 1250 2107
thority of the law 2108
ge/ 格格不入 ge/ge/bu`ru` incompatible with;out of tune 1251 2109
with;out of one's element;like 2110
a square;peg in a round hole 2111
ge/ 格于成例 ge/yu/cheng/li` be hindered by conventions 1252 2112
ge/ 束之高阁 shu`zhi-gao-ge/ leave something aside and 1253 2113
neglect it 2114
ge/ 亭台楼阁 ting/tai/lou/ge/ pavilions,terraces and open 1254 2115
halls 2116
ge` 个中奥妙 ge`zhong-ao-miao` inside story 1255 2117
ge` 个中滋味 ge`zhong-zi-wei` the feeling of sth. 1256 2118
ge` 各式各样 ge`shi`ge`yang` various kinds of 1257 2119
ge` 各抒己见 ge`shu-ji>jian` each airs his own view 1258 2120
gen- 紧跟形势 jin>gen-xing/shi` keep abreast of the current 1259 2121
situation 2122
gen- 袜子后跟 wa`zi.hou`gen- heel of a sock 1260 2123
gen` 亘古未有 gen`gu>wei`you> no such thing from times of 1261 2124
immemorial;unheard of;unpre- 2125
cedented 2126
geng- 残羹剩饭 can/geng-sheng`fan` remains of a meal;leftovers; 1262 2127
crumbs from the table 2128
geng- 更深人静 geng-shen-ren/jing` deep is the night and all is 1263 2129
quiet 2130
geng- 男耕女织 nan/geng-nyv>zhi- men plough the fields and 1264 2131
women weave-- an agricul- 2132
tural community's ideal of 2133
peace and order 2134
geng> 从中作梗 cong/zhong-zuo`geng> hinder sb. from carrying out 1265 2135
a plan;place obstacles in the 2136
way;put a spoke in sb.'s wheel 2137
geng> 耿耿于怀 geng>geng>yu/huai/ take sth. to heart 1266 2138
geng> 忠心耿耿 zhong-xin-geng>geng> loyal and faithful 1267 2139
geng> 如鲠在喉 ru/geng>zai`hou/ like having a fishbone caught 1268 2140
in one's throat(said of sb. 2141
who has sth. he must say) 2142
geng> 绠短汲深 geng>duan>ji/shen- short rope for a deep well-- 1269 2143
inadequate ability for a 2144
major task 2145
gong- 反躬自问 fan>gong-zi`wen` examine oneself;examine one's 1270 2146
conscience 2147
gong- 工书善画 gong-shi-shan`hua` be well-versed in painting 1271 2148
and poetry 2149
gong- 攻守同盟 gong-shou>tong/meng/ an offensive and defensive 1272 2150
alliance -- an agreement be- 2151
tween partners in crime not 2152
give each other away;a pack 2153
to shield each other 2154
gong- 攻无不克 gong-wu/bu`ke` all-conquering;evervictorious 1273 2155
gong- 功德无量 gong-de/wu/liang` boundless beneficence;great 1274 2156
service 2157
gong- 恭贺新禧 gong-he`xin-xi- Happy New Year 1275 2158
gong- 供不应求 gong-bu`ying`qiu/ supply falls short of demand; 1276 2159
in short supply 2160
gong- 躬逢其盛 gong-feng/qi/sheng` be present in person on a 1277 2161
grand occasion 2162
gong- 躬身下拜 gong-shen-xia`bai` bend at the waist 1278 2163
gong- 躬行节俭 gong-xing/jie/jian` personally practise thrift 1279 2164
gong- 事必躬亲 shi`bi`gong-qin- take care of every single 1280 2165
thing personally 2166
gong- 公共场所 gong-gong`chang>suo` public place 1281 2167
gong- 一心为公 yi-xin-wei`gong- serve the public heart and 1282 2168
soul 2169
gong- 以攻为守 yi>gong-wei/shou> use attack as a means of de- 1283 2170
fence;attack in order to 2171
defend 2172
gong- 觥筹交错 gong-chou/jiao-cuo` wine cups and mora chips ly- 1284 2173
ing about in disorder -- a hi- 2174
larious party 2175
gong> 拱手让人 gong>shou>rang`ren/ surrender sth. submissively; 1285 2176
hand sth. over on a silver 2177
platter 2178
gong> 众星拱月 zhong`xing-gong>yue` Stars twinkle around the bright 1286 2179
moon. 2180
gong` 供认不讳 gong`ren`bu`hui` Candidly confess;confess every- 1287 2181
thing 2182
gong` 共青团员 gong`qing-tuan/yuan/ member of the Communist Youth 1288 2183
League 2184
gong` 和平共处 he/ping/gong`chu> peaceful coexistence 1289 2185
gou- 钩心斗角 gou-xin-dou`jiao> intrigue against each other; 1290 2186
jockey for position 2187
gou- 沟沟坎坎 gou-gou-kan>kan> (fig.)twists and turns; 1291 2188
difficulties;obstacles 2189
gou- 一笔勾销 yi-bi>gou-xiao- write off at one stroke;cancel 1292 2190
gou> 不苟言笑 bu`gou>yan/xiao` reserved;reticent;sober 1293 2191
gou> 苟延残喘 gou>yan/can/chuan> be on one's last legs;linger 1294 2192
on in a steadily worsening 2193
condition 2194
gou> 狗急跳墙 gou>ji/tiao`qiang/ cornered beast will do some- 1295 2195
thing desperate 2196
gou` 藏污纳垢 cang/wu-na`gou` shelter evil people and coun- 1296 2197
tenance evil practices 2198
gou` 忍辱含垢 ren>ru>han/gou` bite the dust;eat humble pie 1297 2199
gou` 抢购一空 qiang>gou`yi-kong- rush to purchase all goods 1298 2200
gu- 不可低估 bu`ke>di-gu- must not underestimate 1299 2201
gu- 三姑六婆 san-gu-liu`po/ women of dubious character 1300 2202
making a living by dishonest 2203
means ( e.g. women matchmakers, 2204
sorce-resses,etc.) 2205
gu- 姑妄言之 gu-wang`yan/zhi- tell sb. sth. for what it's 1301 2206
worth 2207
gu- 姑息养奸 gu-xi-yang>jian- to torelate evil is to abet it 1302 2208
gu- 姑置勿论 gu-zhi`wu`lun` leave sth. aside for the moment 1303 2209
gu- 待价而沽 dai`jia`er/gu- wait to sell at a good price; 1304 2210
wait for the highest bid 2211
gu- 沽名钓誉 gu-ming/diao`yu` fish for fame and compliments 1305 2212
gu- 孤单失群 gu-dan-shi-qun/ live alone and feel lonely 1306 2213
gu- 孤单一人 gu-dan-yi-ren/ all alone;all by oneself 1307 2214
gu- 势力孤单 shi`li`gu-dan- weak and isolated 1308 2215
gu- 孤胆英雄 gu-dan>ying-xiong/ lone fighter 1309 2216
gu- 孤芳自赏 gu-fang-zi`shang> a solitary flower in love with 1310 2217
its own fragrance;a lone soul 2218
admiring his own purity; in- 2219
dulge in self-admiration 2220
gu- 孤老婆子 gu-lao>po/zi lone old woman 1311 2221
gu- 孤掌难鸣 gu-zhang>nan/ming/ it's impossible to clap with 1312 2222
one hand--it's hard to succeed 2223
without support 2224
gu- 骨碌一转 gu-lu.yi-zhuan` roll quickly 1313 2225
gu- 死有余辜 si>you>yu/gu- death would be too good for 1314 2226
him;even death would not ex- 2227
piate all his crimes 2228
gu- 株连无辜 zhu-lian/wu/gu- implicate an innocent person 1315 2229
gu- 呱呱坠地 gu-gu-zhui`di` (of a baby) come into the 1316 2230
world with a cry;raise the 2231
first cry of life; be born 2232
gu> 多财善贾 duo-cai/shan`gu> if you have much money, you'll 1317 2233
be good at business---given 2234
the facilities success is 2235
assured 2236
gu> 鼓足干劲 gu>zu/gan`jin` go all out 1318 2237
gu> 蛊惑人心 gu>huo`ren/xin- confuse people;poison the minds 1319 2238
of people;resort to demagogy 2239
gu> 骨瘦如柴 gu>shou`ru/chai/ extremely thin;reduced to mere 1320 2240
shadow lean as a rake;worn to 2241
a shadow;mere skeleton;bag of 2242
bones 2243
gu> 进退维谷 jin`tui`wei/gu> in a dilemma;between the devil 1321 2244
and the deep blue sea 2245
gu> 古色古香 gu>se`gu>xiang- antique;quaint 1322 2246
gu> 古往今来 gu>wang>jin-lai/ through the ages;of all ages 1323 2247
gu> 古为今用 gu>wei/jin-yong` make the past serve the present 1324 2248
gu> 鼓起勇气 gu>qi>yong>qi` pluck one's courage rouse 1325 2249
gu> 一鼓作气 yi-gu>zuo`qi` press on to the finish with- 1326 2250
out letup;get sth. done in one 2251
sustained effort 2252
gu> 欢欣鼓舞 huan-xin-gu>wu> be overjoyed;be elated;filled 1327 2253
with joy 2254
gu> 旗鼓相当 qi/gu>xiang-dang- be matched in stength; be 1328 2255
well-matched 2256
gu> 万丈深谷 wan`zhang`shen-gu> a vey deep valley 1329 2257
gu> 五谷丰登 wu>gu>feng-deng- an abundant harvest of all 1330 2258
crops;a bumper grain harvest 2259
gu> 五谷杂粮 wu>gu>za/liang/ five cereals 1331 2260
gu> 股市暴跌 gu>shi`bao`die- The stock prices fall drasti- 1332 2261
cally 2262
gu> 一股泉水 yi-gu>quan/shui> a stream of spring water 1333 2263
gu> 一股香味 yi-gu>xiang-wei` a whiff of fragrance 1334 2264
gu` 固执己见 gu`zhi/ji>jian` stubbornly persist in one's 1335 2265
opinions 2266
gu` 本固枝荣 ben>gu`zhi-rong/ When the roots are firm,the 1336 2267
branches and leaves flourish; 2268
(fig.) things only develop 2269
from sound fundamentals. 2270
gu` 故步自封 gu`bu`zi`feng- stand still and refuse to make 1337 2271
progress 2272
gu` 故伎重演 gu`ji`chong/yan> be up to one's old tricks; 1338 2273
play the same old trick 2274
gu` 排除故障 pai/chu/gu`zhang` fix a breakdown;clear a stop- 1339 2275
page 2276
gu` 顾此失彼 gu`ci>shi-bi> take care of one thing and miss 1340 2277
another 2278
gu` 顾名思义 gu`ming/si-yi` seeing the name of a thing one 1341 2279
thinks of its function;just as 2280
its name implies;as the term 2281
suggests 2282
gu` 顾全大局 gu`quan/da`ju/ take the interests of the 1342 2283
whole into account 2284
gu` 三顾茅庐 san-gu`mao/lu/ make three calls at the thatch- 1343 2285
ed cottage (as Liu Bei did when 2286
he sought the aid of Zhuge 2287
Liang,a master strategist then 2288
living in seclusion) -- re- 2289
peatedly request sb. to take 2290
up a responsible post 2291
gu` 雇定船只 gu`ding`chuan/zhi- engage a boat 1344 2292
gua- 刮风下雨 gua-feng-xia`yu> It is blowing and raining. 1345 2293
gua- 刮目相看 gua-mu`xiang-kan` marvel to a person's progress 1346 2294
or achievements 2295
gua- 瓜田李下 gua-tian/li>xia` in a melon patch or under a 1347 2296
plum tree--in suspicious cir- 2297
cumstances or surroundings 2298
gua- 瓜秧拖蔓 gua-yang-tuo-wan` The melon vine has stretched 1348 2299
away. 2300
gua> 孤家寡人 gu-jia-gua>ren/ a person who is utterly iso- 1349 2301
lated 2302
gua> 寡不敌众 gua>bu`di/zhong` be hopelessly outnumered; 1350 2303
be overwhelmed by sheer number; 2304
fight against hopeless odds 2305
gua> 千刀万剐 qian-dao-wan`gua> be hacked to pieces 1351 2306
gua` 挂一漏万 gua`yi-lou`wan` incomplete listing with many 1352 2307
missings;list is far from 2308
complete 2309
guai- 乖觉伶俐 guai-jue/ling/li` clever and quick-witted 1353 2310
guai- 命途乖舛 ming`tu/guai-chuan> The course of one's life is 1354 2311
not smooth (or successful). 2312
guai` 怪石嶙峋 guai`shi/lin/xun/ jagged rocks of grotesque 1355 2313
shapes 2314
guai` 咄咄怪事 duo-duo-guai`shi` monstrous absurdity 1356 2315
guan- 盖棺论定 gai`guan-lun`ding` final judgment can be passed 1357 2316
on a person only when the 2317
lid is on his coffin;no final 2318
verdict can be pronounced on 2319
a man until after his death 2320
guan- 关得严严 guan-de.yan/yan/ be tightly closed 1358 2321
guan- 人命关天 ren/ming`guan-tian- with human life at stake 1359 2322
guan- 观察动静 guan-cha/dong`jing` watch what is going on 1360 2323
guan- 观察观察 guan-cha/guan-cha/ observe carefully 1361 2324
guan- 官样文章 guan-yang`wen/zhang- officialese;bureucratic red 1362 2325
tape;mere formalitics 2326
guan- 五官端正 wu>guan-duan-zheng` have regular features 1363 2327
guan- 冠冕堂皇 guan-mian>tang/huang highfalutin;high-sounding 1364 2328
guan- 衣冠整齐 yi-guan-zheng>qi/ neatly dressed 1365 2329
guan- 羽扇纶巾 yu>shan`guan-jin- feather fan and silk kerchief 1366 2330
guan- 坐井观天 zuo`jing>guan-tian- look at the sky from the 1367 2331
bottom of a well --have 2332
a very narrow view 2333
guan> 管吃管住 guan>chi-guan>zhu` have free meals and residence 1368 2334
provided 2335
guan> 汽车旅馆 qi`che-lyu>guan> motel 1369 2336
guan` 娇生惯养 jiao-sheng-guan`yang> have been delicately brought 1370 2337
up;be pampered and spoiled 2338
guan` 罐头牛肉 guan`tou/niu/rou` tinned(or canned) beef 1371 2339
guan` 破罐破摔 po`guan`po`shuai- smash a pot to pieces just be- 1372 2340
cause it's cracked --write off 2341
one's situation as hopeless 2342
and act recklessly 2343
guan` 勇冠三军 yong>guan`san-jun- the bravest of the brave in 1373 2344
the whole army;distinguish 2345
oneself by peerless valour 2346
guan` 鱼贯而入 yu/guan`er/ru` enter in single file; file in 1374 2347
guan` 掼手榴弹 guan`shou>liu/dan` throw a hand grenate 1375 2348
guang- 光彩夺目 guang-cai>duo/mu` brilliant 1376 2349
guang- 光明正大 guang-ming/zheng`da` just and honourable;open and 1377 2350
aboveboard 2351
guang> 广开言路 guang>kai-yan/lu` providing wide opportunoties 1378 2352
for airing views;encourage the 2353
free airing of views 2354
guang` 把线桄上 ba>xian`guang`shang` reel the thread 1379 2355
guang` 东游西逛 dong-you/xi-guang` roam about 1380 2356
gui- 大家闺秀 da`jia-gui-xiu` a girl from a good family; 1381 2357
a well-bred girl;lady 2358
gui- 规规矩矩 gui-gui-ju`ju` (of a person's conduct)well- 1382 2359
behaved;law-abiding 2360
gui- 缩头乌龟 suo`tou/wu-gui- a tortoise which tucked its 1383 2361
head away in its shell 2362
gui> 焚膏继晷 fen/gao-ji`gui> burn a candle to prolong the 1384 2363
day;study or work hard day 2364
and night 2365
gui> 鬼斧神功 gui>fu>shen/gong- uncanny workmanship;superative 1385 2366
craftsmanship 2367
gui> 诡计多端 gui>ji`duo-duan- have a whole bag of tricks;be 1386 2368
very crafty 2369
gui> 阴谋诡计 yin-mou/gui>ji` schemes and intrigues 1387 2370
gui> 图谋不轨 tu/mou/bu`gui> engage in underhand activities; 1388 2371
hatch a sinister plot;plot 2372
illegal activities 2373
gui> 无轨电车 wu/gui>dian`che- trolley (bus); trackless tram 1389 2374
gui` 高抬贵手 gao-tai/gui`shou> be magnanimous;be generouse; 1390 2375
not be too hard on sb. 2376
gun> 滚瓜烂熟 gun>gua-lan`shu/ (recite,etc.) fluently; 1391 2377
(know sth.) by heart 2378
guo/ 国计民生 guo/ji`min/sheng- national economy and the 1392 2379
people's livelihood 2380
guo/ 国际关系 guo/ji`guan-xi` international relations 1393 2381
guo/ 国际友人 guo/ji`you>ren/ foreign friends 1394 2382
guo/ 国际主义 guo/ji`zhu>yi` internationism 1395 2383
guo/ 国泰民安 guo/tai`min/an- The country is peaceful and 1396 2384
the people have a stable life. 2385
guo/ 巾帼英雄 jin-guo/ying-xiong/ heroic woman;heroine 1397 2386
guo> 裹足不前 guo>zu/bu`qian/ hesitate to proceed 1398 2387
guo` 过意不去 guo`yi`bu`qu` feel apologetic;feel sorry 1399 2388
guo` 将功补过 jiang-gong-bu>guo` make amends for one's faults 1400 2389
by good deeds 2390
guo` 知过必改 zhi-guo`bi`gai> always correct an error when 1401 2391
one becomes aware of it 2392
ha- 哈哈大笑 ha-ha-da`xiao` ha ha;laugh heartedly; roar 1402 2393
with laughter 2394
hai/ 三尺孩童 san-chi>hai/tong/ small kid;young child 1403 2395
hai> 海底捞月 hai>di>lao-yue` try to fish out the moon from 1404 2396
the bottom of the sea --strive 2397
for the impossible or illusury 2398
hai> 海底捞针 hai>di>lao-zhen- fish for a needle in the ocean; 1405 2399
search for a pin in a heystack 2400
hai> 海防前哨 hai>fang/qian/shao` coastal defence outpost 1406 2401
hai> 海防前线 hai>fang/qian/xian` coastal front 1407 2402
hai> 海枯石烂 hai>ku-shi/lan` (even if) the seas run dry and 1408 2403
the rocks crumble 2404
hai> 海阔天空 hai>kuo`tian-kong- as boundless as the sea and the 1409 2405
sky 2406
hai> 海天交界 hai>tian-jiao-jie` the joint of the sea and the 1410 2407
sky in appearance 2408
hai` 害群之马 hai`qun/zhi-ma> an evil member of the herd; 1411 2409
one who brings disgrace on 2410
his group;a boack sheep 2411
hai` 害人不浅 hai`ren/bu`qian> no small harm is done;do people 1412 2412
great harm 2413
hai` 害人害己 hai`ren/hai`ji> do great harm to others and 1413 2414
to oneself as well 2415
hai` 有益无害 you>yi`wu/hai` have profit but no harm 1414 2416
hai` 骇人听闻 hai`ren/ting-wen/ astounding;shocking;appal- 1415 2417
ling;terrifying;horrifying; 2418
shocking to ear 2419
han- 酣然入梦 han-ran/ru`meng` fall into a sound sleep 1416 2420
han- 笔墨酣畅 bi>mo`han-chang` write with ease and verve 1417 2421
han- 鼾声如雷 han-sheng-ru/lei/ snore thunderously 1418 2422
han/ 寒冬腊月 han/dong-la`yue` severe winter;dead of winter 1419 2423
han/ 寒来暑往 han/lai/shu>wang> as summer goes and winter comes 1420 2424
with the passage of time 2425
han/ 寒气逼人 han/qi`bi-ren/ There is a nip in the air. 1421 2426
han/ 不寒而栗 bu`hai/er/li` shiver all over though though 1422 2427
cold--tremble with fear;shud- 2428
shudder 2429
han/ 邯郸学步 han/dan-xue/bu` learn the Handan walk--in 1423 2430
trying to acquire a new 2431
trick, lose the ability 2432
one already has 2433
han/ 含苞待放 han/bao-dai`fang` a bud just ready to burst 1424 2434
han/ 含糊不清 han/hu/bu`qing- vague;not exact and not clear 1425 2435
han/ 含糊其辞 han/hu/qi/ci/ talk ambiguously;equivocate 1426 2436
han/ 含沙射影 han/sha-she`ying> innuendo;insinuations 1427 2437
han/ 含血喷人 han/xue`pen-ren/ make slanderous accusaton; 1428 2438
make viccious attacks 2439
han/ 含英咀华 han/ying-ju>hua/ relish the joys of literature 1429 2440
han/ 函授教育 han/shou`jiao`yu` corespondence education 1430 2441
han> 大喊大叫 da`han>da`jiao` 1.shout at the top of one's 1431 2442
voice;2.conduct vigorous 2443
propaganda 2444
han> 古今罕有 gu>jin-han>you> be rare in ancient and modren 1432 2445
times 2446
han> 人迹罕至 ren/ji`han>zhi` (of a place) rarely visited by 1433 2447
a soul;uncharted (territory ) 2448
han` 不胜憾然 bu`sheng`han`ran/ very disappointed 1434 2449
han` 短小精悍 duan>xiao>jing-han` 1.not of imposing stature but 1435 2450
strong and capable; 2.9of a 2451
piece of writing)short and 2452
pithy;terse and forceful 2453
han` 撼天动地 han`tian-dong`di` shake heaven and earth-- very 1436 2454
loud sound or high-spirited 2455
atmosphere;cause a great sen- 2456
sation 2457
han` 旱涝保收 han`lao`bao>shou- ensure stable yields despite 1437 2458
drought or excessive rain; 2459
(fig.) gain benefit whatever 2460
happens;ensure a safe income 2461
han` 汗马功劳 han`ma>gong-lao/ distinctions won on battle; 1438 2462
war exploits 2463
han` 自觉汗颜 zi`jue/han`yan/ be aware of shame 1439 2464
han` 颔首微笑 han`shou>wei-xiao` nod smilingly 1440 2465
han` 浩浩瀚瀚 hao`hao`han`han` 1.vast;expansive;2.numerous; 1441 2466
immense 2467
han` 引以为憾 yin>yi>wei/han` deem it regretable 1442 2468
hang/ 行伍出身 hang/wu>chu-shen- rise through (or from) the 1443 2469
ranks;army background 2470
hang/ 各行各业 ge`hang/ge`ye` all walks of life 1444 2471
hang/ 航程万里 hang/cheng/wan`li> voyage (or flight) of ten 1445 2472
thousand li 2473
hang/ 航天飞机 hang/tian-fei-ji- shattlecraft;space shuttle; 1446 2474
space plane 2475
hang/ 引吭高歌 yin>hang/gao-ge- sing at the top of one's voice; 1447 2476
sing lustily 2477
hao/ 豪情满怀 hao/qing/man>huai/ imbued with pride 1448 2478
hao/ 豪言壮语 hao/yan/zhuang`yu> brave words;proud words 1449 2479
hao/ 巧取豪夺 qiao>qu>hao/duo/ (of property or rights)obtain 1450 2480
hao/ 巧取豪夺 qiao>qu>hao/duo/ by cheating or by force;obtain 1451 2481
by trickery or deize by force 2482
hao/ 毫不动摇 hao/bu`dong`yao/ not waver in the least; be 1452 2483
unswerving 2484
hao/ 毫不可惜 hao/bu`ke>xi- It is not pitty at all. 1453 2485
hao/ 毫不示弱 hao/bu`shi`ruo` not to yield at all 1454 2486
hao/ 毫不松弛 hao/bu`song-chi/ not lax at all 1455 2487
hao/ 毫不犹豫 hao/bu`you/yu` not hesitate at all 2 1456 2488
hao/ 毫不在意 hao/bu`zai`yi` not mind at all 1457 2489
hao/ 毫不足怪 hao/bu`zu/guai` not at all surprising 1458 2490
hao/ 毫无办法 hao/wu/ban`fa> can do nothing about it 1459 2491
hao/ 毫无道理 hao/wu/dao`li> utterly unjustifiable; for 1460 2492
no reason whatsoever 2493
hao/ 毫无顾虑 hao/wu/gu`lyu` free from all inhibitions 1461 2494
hao/ 毫无头绪 hao/wu/tou/xu` no clue at all 1462 2495
hao/ 明察秋毫 ming/cha/qiu-hao/ have eyes sharp enough to 1463 2496
perceive an animal's autumn 2497
hair --be perceptive of the 2498
minutest detail 2499
hao/ 一丝一毫 yi-si-yi-hao/ a tiny bit;an iota; a trace 1464 2500
hao/ 秋风怒号 qiu/feng-nu`hao/ The north wind is howling. 1465 2501
hao> 好景不长 hao>jing>bu`chang/ Good times don't last long. 1466 2502
hao> 好声好气 hao>sheng-hao>qi` in a kindly manner;gently 1467 2503
hao> 好意难却 hao>yu`nan/que` unable to refuse sb.'s kind- 1468 2504
ness 2505
hao> 好自为之 hao>zi`wei/zhi- look out for yourself 1469 2506
hao` 好大喜功 hao`da`xi>gong- crave for greatness and suc- 1470 2507
cess;have a fondness for the 2508
grandiose 2509
hao` 好高骛远 hao`gao-wu`yuan> aim too high 1471 2510
hao` 耗尽心血 hao`jin`xin-xue` exhaust all one's energies 1472 2511
hao` 浩浩荡荡 hao`hao`dang`dang` vast and mighty 1473 2512
hao` 浩气长存 hao`qi`chang/cun/ A noble spirit will never 1474 2513
perish. 2514
hao` 浩如烟海 hao`ru/yan-hai> vast as the open sea; a tre- 1475 2515
mendous amount of (literature; 2516
data,etc.) 2517
hao` 声势浩大 sheng-shi`hao`da` great in strength and imputus; 1476 2518
powerful and dynamic 2519
hao` 皓月当空 hao`yue`dang-kong- a bright moon hung in the sky 1477 2520
he- 喝西北风 he-xi-bei>feng- drink the northwest wind;live 1478 2521
on air;have nothing to eat 2522
he- 大吃大喝 da`chi-da`he- eat and drink extravagantly 1479 2523
he/ 大好河山 da`hao>he/shan- beautiful rivers and mountains 1480 2524
(of a country);beautiful coun- 2525
country 2526
he/ 河清海宴 he/qing-hai>yan` The Yellow River is clear and 1481 2527
the sea is calm;The world is 2528
at peace. 2529
he/ 和风细雨 he/feng-xi`yu> like a gentle breeze and light 1482 2530
rain; in a gentle and mild way 2531
he/ 和睦相处 he/mu`xiang-chu> live in harmony 1483 2532
he/ 何去何从 he/qu`he/cong/ what course to follow;what 1484 2533
attitude to take; what de- 2534
sion to make 2535
he/ 合不拢眼 he/bu`long>yan> cannot close up the eyes 1485 2536
he/ 合情合理 he/qing/he/li> fair and reasonable;fair and 1486 2537
sensible 2538
he/ 一丘之貉 yi-qiu-zhi-he/ jackals from the same lair; 1487 2539
birds of a feather 2540
he/ 振翮高飞 zhen`he/gao-fei- flap the wings and soar high 1488 2541
into the sky 2542
he/ 盍往视之? he/wang>shi`zhi- Why not go and see it? 1489 2543
he` 大喝一声 da`he`yi-sheng- give a loud shout 1490 2544
he` 荷枪实弹 he`qiang-shi/dan` carry loaded rifles and ready 1491 2545
for an emergency 2546
he` 赫赫有名 he`he`you>ming/ distinguished;illustrious 1492 2547
he` 鹤发童颜 he`fa`tong/yan/ white hair and ruddy comple- 1493 2548
xion -- healthy in old age; 2549
hale and hearty 2550
he` 鹤立鸡群 he`li`ji-qun/ like a crane standing among 1494 2551
chickens -- stand head and 2552
shoulders above others 2553
he` 千山万壑 qian-shan-wan`he` innumerable mountains and 1495 2554
valleys 2555
he` 奉和一首 feng`he`yi-shou> write a poem in reply 1496 2556
he` 随声附和 sui/sheng-fu`he` echo what others say;chime 1497 2557
in with others 2558
he` 一唱百和 yi-chang`bai>he` join in the singing 1498 2559
hei- 黑不溜秋 hei-bu.liu-qiu- swarthy; having a dark com- 1499 2560
plexion 2561
hei- 黑咕隆咚 hei-gu.long-dong- very dark;pitch-dark 1500 2562
hei- 颠倒黑白 dian-dao>hei-bai/ confound black and white;con- 1501 2563
fuse right and wrong; stand 2564
facts on their heads 2565
hen> 狠抓工作 hen>zhua-gong-zuo` keep a firm hand on work 1502 2566
hen> 心狠手辣 xin-hen>shou>la` cruel and ruthless;wicked and 1503 2567
merciless 2568
hen` 恨之入骨 hen`zhi-ru`gu> hate the marrow of one's 1504 2569
bones 2570
heng- 哼儿哈儿 hengrhar hum and haw 1505 2571
heng- 万事亨通 wan`shi`heng-tong- Everthing goes without a hitch. 1506 2572
heng/ 持之以恒 chi/zhi-yi>heng/ make unremitting effort;persue 1507 2573
with determinationg;persevere 2574
in doing sth.;persist in 2575
heng/ 横冲直撞 heng/chong-zhi/zhuang push one's way by shoving or 1508 2576
bumping;jostle and elbow one's 2577
dash around madly 2578
heng/ 横七竖八 heng/qi-shu`ba- in disorder;at sixes and 1509 2579
sevens;higgledy-pigledy 2580
heng/ 横行霸道 heng/xing/ba`dao` ride roughshod over;trample 1510 2581
on;tyrannize;domineer 2582
heng/ 一脸横肉 yi-lian>heng/rou` look ugly and ferocious 1511 2583
heng` 雨横疯狂 yu>heng`feng-kuang/ The wind blew hard and the 1512 2584
rain came up violently 2585
hong- 轰轰烈烈 hong-hong-lie`lie` vigorous;dynamic;on a grand 1513 2586
and spectacular scale 2587
hong- 雷轰电闪 lei/hong-dian`shan> Thunder rumbled and lightning 1514 2588
splashed. 2589
hong- 哄堂大笑 hong-tang/da`xiao` The whole room is rocking with 1515 2590
laughter. 2591
hong- 烘云托月 hong-yun/tuo-yue` paint clouds to set off the 1516 2592
moon 2593
hong/ 鸿篇巨制 hong/pian-ju`zhi` monumental work;magnumopus 1517 2594
hong/ 洪水猛兽 hong/shui>meng>shou` (fig.)fierce floods and savage 1518 2595
beasts;great scourges 2596
hong/ 红底镶金 hong/di>xiang-jin- red bottom inlaid with gold 1519 2597
hong/ 红光满面 hong/guang-man>mian` one's face growing with health; 1520 2598
in the pink 2599
hong/ 红绿相映 hong/lyu`xiang-ying` The red and green colours set 1521 2600
each other off beautifully. 2601
hong/ 红装素裹 hong/zhuang-su`guo> clad in white,adorned in red 1522 2602
hong/ 宏图大略 hong/tu/da`lue` great plan with broad outlines 1523 2603
hong/ 宽宏大量 kuan-hong`da`liang` broad-minded 1524 2604
hong/ 气贯长虹 qi`guan`chang/hong/ full of noble aspirations 1525 2605
hong/ 一泓清泉 yi-hong/qing-quan/ a clear spring 1526 2606
hong/ 黉门学子 hong/men/xue/zi school students 1527 2607
hong/ 闳中肆外 hong/zhong-si`wai` (of writings) rich in content 1528 2608
and bold and unconstrained in 2609
writing style(内容丰富,文笔 2610
豪放) 2611
hong` 一哄而散 yi-hong`er/san` break up (or disperse)in a 1529 2612
hubbub 2613
hou/ 尖嘴猴腮 jian-zui>hou/sai- have a mouth that sticks out 1530 2614
and a chin like an ape's; 2615
have a wretched look 2616
hou> 吼声震天 hou-sheng-zhen`tian- thunderous roaring 1531 2617
hou` 厚古薄今 hou`gu>bo/jin- stress the past,not the present 1532 2618
hou` 厚今薄古 hou`jin-bo/gu>- stress the present,not the past 1533 2619
hou` 高官厚禄 gao-guan-hou`lu` high position and handsome 1534 2620
salary;high position with high 2621
pay 2622
hou` 后来居上 hou`lai/ju-shang` the latecomers surpass the 1535 2623
old-timers 2624
hou` 后起之秀 hou`qi>zhi-xiu` an up-and-coming youngster; 1536 2625
a promising young person 2626
hu- 汝知之乎? ru>zhi-zhi-hu- Do you know it? 1537 2627
hu- 出乎意料 chu-hu-yi`wai` unexpectedly 1538 2628
hu- 合乎情理 he/hu-qing/li> stand to reason; be reasonable; 1539 2629
be sensible 2630
hu- 呼风唤雨 hu-feng-huan`yu> summon wind and rain --exercize 1540 2631
magic powers;stir up trouble 2632
hu- 呼之欲出 hu-zhi-yu`chu- ready to come out at one's 1541 2633
call--be vividly portrayed 2634
hu- 忽飞忽落 hu-fei-hu-luo` suddenly fly sudenly stop 1542 2635
hu- 忽高忽低 hu-gao-hu-di- suddenly high,suddenly low 1543 2636
hu- 忽略不计 hu-lue`bu`ji` neglect 1544 2637
hu- 忽左忽右 hu-zuo>hu-you` suddenly left,suddenly right 1545 2638
hu- 玩忽职守 wan/hu-zhi/shou> neglect (or dereliction) of 1546 2639
duty;be remiss in one's duty 2640
hu/ 狐假虎威 hu/jia>hu>wei- the fox borrows the tiger's 1547 2641
fierceness (by walking in 2642
the latter's company) 2643
hu/ 狐朋狗友 hu/peng/gou>you> a gang of scoundrels; evil 1548 2644
cohorts 2645
hu/ 湖光山色 hu/guang-shan-se` beautiful scenery of moun- 1549 2646
tains silhouetted in a lake 2647
hu/ 糊里糊涂 hu/ muddle-headed;mixed up 1550 2648
hu/ 养家糊口 yang>jia-hu/kou> support a family 1551 2649
hu/ 囫囵吞枣 hu/lun/tun-zao> swallow a date whole;(fig.) 1552 2650
lap up information without 2651
digesting it;read without 2652
understanding 2653
hu> 虎背熊腰 hu>bei`xiong/yao- have a tiger's back and a 1553 2654
bear's waist --tough and 2655
stocky 2656
hu> 虎头虎脑 hu>tou/hu>nao> look strong and good-natured 1554 2657
hu> 虎头蛇尾 hu>tou/she/wei> start off okay,then hurtle 1555 2658
downhill fast;tiger's head 2659
and a snake's tail --a fine 2660
start and a poor finish;in 2661
like a lion,out like a lamb 2662
hu> 一员虎将 yi-yuan/hu>jiang` a brave general 1556 2663
hu` 家喻户晓 jia-yu`hu`xiao> known to every household;wide- 1557 2664
ly known;known to all 2665
hu` 门当户对 men/dang-hu`dui` be well-matched in social and 1558 2666
economic status (for marriage) 2667
hu` 安家落户 an-jia-luo`hu` resettle one's family in a 1559 2668
new place 2669
hu` 夜不闭户 ye`bu`bi`hu` doors are not bolted at night; 1560 2670
law and order preveil 2671
hu` 飞扬拔扈 fei-yang/ba/hu` arrogant and domineering 1561 2672
hu` 官官相护 guan-guan-xiang-hu` officials shield one another 1562 2673
hu` 互敬互爱 hu`jing`hu`ai` respect and love each other 1563 2674
hu` 互助互爱 hu`zhu`hu`ai` help and love each other 1564 2675
hu` 互通有无 hu`tong-you>wu/ supply each other's needs 1565 2676
hu` 互相谩骂 hu`xiang-man`ma` call each other pot and kettle 1566 2677
hu` 互助互爱 hu`zhu`hu`ai` help and love each other 1567 2678
hu` 受天之祜 shou`tian-zhi-hu` gain good fortune from the 1568 2679
Heaven 2680
hu` 怙恶不悛 hu`e`bu`quan- be steeped in evil and refuse 1569 2681
to repent;remain impenitent 2682
hua- 花红柳绿 hua-hong/liu>lyu` red flowers and green willows 1570 2683
--a beautiful spring scene 2684
hua- 花花绿绿 hua-hua-lyu`lyu` colourful; brightly coloured 1571 2685
hua- 花天酒地 hua-tian-jiu>di` indulge in disipation 1572 2686
hua- 花香醉人 hua-xiang-zui`ren/ be intoxicated with the frag- 1573 2687
rance of flowers 2688
hua- 花言巧语 hua-yan/qiao>yu> sweet words;fine words 1574 2689
hua- 花枝招展 hua-zhi-zhao-zhan> (of women)be gorgeously dressed 1575 2690
hua- 生花之笔 sheng-hua-zhi-bi> brilliant pen;brilliant style 1576 2691
of writing 2692
hua- 哗的一声 hua-de~yi-sheng- with a gang 1577 2693
hua/ 哗众取宠 hua/zhong`qu>chong> try to please the public with 1578 2694
claptrap 2695
hua/ 滑头滑脑 hua/tou/hua/nao> crafty;artful;slick 1579 2696
hua/ 老奸巨猾 lao>jian-ju`hua/ old crafty person;wild old fox; 1580 2697
old hand at trickery and de- 2698
ception 2699
hua` 画蛇添足 hua`she/tian-zu/ draw a snake and add feet to 1581 2700
it -- ruin the effect by add- 2701
ding sth. superfluous 2702
hua` 出谋画策 chu-mou/hua`ce` offer advice;work out a 1582 2703
strategy 2704
hua` 划着十字 hua/zhe.shi/zi` making the sign of the cross 1583 2705
(a Christian religious rite) 2706
hua` 出谋划策 chu-mou/hua`ce` offer advice;work out a 1584 2707
strategy 2708
hua` 化为乌有 hua`wei/wu-you> melt into thin air;vanish 1585 2709
hua` 化学药品 hua`xue/yao`pin> chemical reagents 1586 2710
hua` 春风化雨 chun-feng-hua`yu> life-giving spring breeze and 1587 2711
rain--salutary influence of 2712
education 2713
hua` 话里有话 hua`li~you>hua` the words mean more than they 1588 2714
say 2715
hua` 无话不谈 wu/hua`bu`tan/ keep no secrets from each 1589 2716
other;be in each other's con- 2717
fidence 2718
huai/ 怀才不露 huai/cai/bu`lu` refrain from showing one's 1590 2719
abilities 2720
huai/ 怀才不遇 huai/cai/bu`yu` have unrecognized talents 1591 2721
huai/ 心怀壮志 xin-huai/zhuang`zhi` have great aspirations 1592 2722
huai/ 指桑骂槐 zhi>sang-ma`huai/ (fig.)pretend to be telling 1593 2723
one person off when it is 2724
another person one is dig- 2725
ging at;point at one but 2726
scold another 2727
huai` 坏人坏事 huai`ren/huai`shi` evildoer and bad deed 1594 2728
huan- 欢天喜地 huan-tian-xi>di` with boundless joy;in high 1595 2729
glee 2730
huan- 皆大欢喜 jie-da`huan-xi> everyone is happy 1596 2731
huan/ 还不得口 huan/> cannot answer back 1597 2732
huan/ 还清债务 huan/qing-zhaiwu` pay off one's debts 1598 2733
huan/ 骂不还口 ma`bu`huan/kou> not answer back when insulted 1599 2734
huan> 缓兵之计 huan>bing-zhi-ji` measures to stave off an 1600 2735
attack; a stratagem to gain 2736
a respite 2737
huan` 变幻莫测 bian`huan`mo`ce` changeable;unpredictable 1601 2738
huan` 躬擐甲胄 gong-huan`jia>zhou` put on armour 1602 2739
huan` 患得患失 huan`de/huan`shi- worry about personal gains 1603 2740
and losses; be swayed by con- 2741
siderations of loss and gain 2742
huan` 患难与共 huan`nan`yu>gong` go through thick and thin to- 1604 2743
gether;share weal and woe 2744
huan` 患难之交 huan`nan`zhi-jiao- friends in adversity;tested 1605 2745
friends 2746
huan` 后患无穷 hou`huan`wu/qiong/ endless trouble in the future 1606 2747
huan` 换个姿势 huan`ge~zi-shi` make another pose 1607 2748
huan` 换换口味 huan`huan`kou>wei` change one's taste 1608 2749
huan` 换句话说 huan`ju`hua`shuo- in other words 1609 2750
huan` 换帖弟兄 huan`tie>di`xiong- sworn brothers 1610 2751
huan` 以旧换新 yi>jiu`huan`xin- replace the old goods with 1611 2752
new ones(with some additional 2753
money) 2754
huan` 焕然一新 huan`ran/yi-xin- take on an altogether new 1612 2755
aspect 2756
huan` 容光焕发 rong/guang-huan`fa- one's face glowing with health 1613 2757
huan` 焕然冰释 huan`ran/bing-shi` melt away;disappear;vanish 1614 2758
huan` 宦海沉浮 huan`hai>chen/fu/ vicisitudes of an official 1615 2759
career 2760
huan` 美奂绝伦 mei>huan`jue/lun/ unequally magnificent 1616 2761
huan` 千呼万唤 qian-hu-wan`huan` a thousand calls;a thousand 1617 2762
entreaties 2763
huan` 罪不可逭 zui`bu`ke>huan` One cannot evade resonsi- 1618 2764
bility or guilt.(逭:逃避) 2765
huan` 擐甲执兵 huan`jia>zhi/bing- put on one's armour and take 1619 2766
up arms 2767
huang- 病入膏肓 bing`ru`gao-huang- the disease has attacked the 1620 2768
vitals--is beyond cure 2769
huang- 荒无人烟 huang-wu/ren/yan- desolate and uninhabited 1621 2770
huang- 慌手慌脚 huang-shou>huang-jiao in a rush;in a flurry 1622 2771
huang- 不慌不忙 bu`huang-bu`mang/ unhurried;calm;leisurely 1623 2772
huang/ 惶恐不安 huang/kong>bu`an- in a state of alarm 1624 2773
huang/ 明星煌煌 ming/xing-huang/huang The stars are twinkling bright- 1625 2774
ly. 2775
huang/ 巧舌如簧 qiao>she/ru/huang/ have a smooth tongue like the 1626 2776
red of a wind instrument -- 2777
have a glib tongue 2778
huang/ 装潢门面 zhuang-huang/men/mian do window dressing;put up a 1627 2779
facade;keep up appearances 2780
huang> 恍恍惚惚 huang>huang>hu-hu- 1.absent-minded;in a trance; 1628 2781
2.dimly;faintly;seemingly 2782
huang> 恍然大悟 huang>ran/da`wu` suddenly see the light;sudden- 1629 2783
ly realize what has happened 2784
huang> 恍如隔世 huang>ru/ge/shi` there seems to be an interval 1630 2785
of a whole generation (said 2786
on finding things greatly 2787
changed) 2788
huang> 弥天大谎 mi/tian-da`huang> whopper;monstrous lie;out- 1631 2789
rageous lie 2790
huang> 虚晃一枪 xu-huang>yi-qiang- make a feint 1632 2791
huang> 一晃而过 yi-huang>er/guo` (of time) pass in a flash 1633 2792
huang` 晃晃荡荡 huang`huang`dang`dang shake;sway 1634 2793
huang` 摇头晃脑 yao/tou/huang`nao> wag one's head -- look pleased 1635 2794
with oneself;assume an air of 2795
self-approbation or self-satis- 2796
tisfaction 2797
hui- 挥金如土 hui-jin-ru/tu> throw money about like dirt; 1636 2798
spend money like water 2799
hui- 恢弘士气 hui-hong/shi`qi` boost moral 1637 2800
hui- 身败名堕 shen-bai`ming/hui- bring shame and ruin upon 1638 2801
oneself 2802
hui- 心灰意冷 xin-hui-yi`leng> be dishearted;be downherted; 1639 2803
be dispirited 2804
hui- 星月交辉 xing-yue`jiao-hui- The moon and the stars are 1640 2805
shining together. 2806
hui- 咴儿咴儿 hui-r~hui-r (of horse) neigh;whinny 1641 2807
hui/ 回归自然 hui/gui-zi`ran/ return to nature 1642 2808
hui/ 回归祖国 hui/gui-zu>guo/ return to one's motherland 1643 2809
hui/ 回首遥望 hui/shou>yao/wang` look back into the distance 1644 2810
hui/ 回心转意 hui/xin-zhuan>yi` change one's mind; come around; 1645 2811
have a change of heart 2812
hui/ 回旋盘绕 hui/xuan/pan/rao> circle round and twin about 1646 2813
hui> 毁家纾难 hui>jia-shu-nan` donate all one's possesions 1647 2814
to help alleviate a national 2815
crises 2816
hui> 毁于一旦 hui>yu/yi-dan` be destroyed in a single 1648 2817
day 2818
hui> 毁誉参半 hui>yu`can-ban` equal parts of censure or 1649 2819
praise;get both praise and 2820
blame 2821
hui> 悔不当初 hui>bu`dang-chu- regret having done sth. or 1650 2822
not having done sth. 2823
hui> 悔恨不已 hui>hen`bu`yi> regret deeply 1651 2824
hui> 死而不悔 si>er/bu`hui> no regret before death 1652 2825
hui` 不容置喙 bu`rong/zhi`hui` permit no interruption 1653 2826
hui` 风雨如晦 feng-yu>ru/hui` wind and rain sweeping across 1654 2827
a glooming sky-- a grim situ- 2828
ation 2829
hui` 欢迎惠顾 huan-ying/hui`gu` Your patronage is solicited. 1655 2830
hui` 讳疾忌医 hui`ji/ji`yi- refuse to be treated for fear 1656 2831
that others will know one's 2832
illness 2833
hui` 绘声绘色 hui`sheng-hui`se` describe vividly 1657 2834
hui` 绘影绘声 hui`ying>hui`sheng- describe or narrate vividly; 1658 2835
give a lifelike portrayal; 2836
give a vivid account 2837
hui` 绘制蓝图 hui`zhi`lan/tu/ design a blueprint 1659 2838
hui` 奇花异卉 qi/hua-yi`hui` exotic flowers and precious 1660 2839
herbs 2840
hui` 人才荟萃 ren/cai/hui`cui` gathering of talented people 1661 2841
hui` 以文会友 yi>wen/hui`you> make friends through literary 1662 2842
activities 2843
hui` 直言不讳 zhi/yan/bu`hui` speak without reservationn; 1663 2844
not mince words;call a spade 2845
a spade 2846
hun- 昏昏沉沉 hun-hun-chen/chen/ dazed;be fuddled 1664 2847
hun- 昏迷不醒 hun-mi/bu`xing> remain unconscious 1665 2848
hun- 三荤一素 san-hun-yi-su` three meat dishes and one 1666 2849
vegetable dish 2850
hun- 谈婚论嫁 tan/hun-lun`jia` discuss about the marriage 1667 2851
hun- 天昏地暗 tian-hun-di`an` 1.murky heavens over a dark 1668 2852
earth;dark all around;2. in 2853
a state of chaos and darkness 2854
hun- 叩阍无门 kou`hun-wu/men/ not know where to air one's 1669 2855
grivances 2856
hun/ 魂不附体 hun/bu`fu`ti> feel as if one's soul had left 1670 2857
one's body 2858
hun/ 魂不守舍 hun/bu`shou>she` be scared out of one's wits; 1671 2859
have lost one's mind 2860
hun/ 惊魂稍定 jing-hun/shao-ding` barely recovered from a fright 1672 2861
hun/ 混水摸鱼 hun/shui>mo-yu/ fish in troubled waters 1673 2862
hun/ 浑然一体 hun/ran/yi-ti> one integrated mass;a unofied 1674 2863
entity;an integrsal whole 2864
hun/ 浑身是胆 hun/shen-shi`dan> be every inch a hero 1675 2865
hun/ 浑水摸鱼 hun/shui>mo-yu/ (=混水摸鱼) 1676 2866
hun` 混为一谈 hun`wei/yi-tan/ mix up;confuse;confuse one 1677 2867
thing with another;lump or 2868
jumble things together 2869
huo/ 活活打死 huo/huo/da>si> be beaten to death 1678 2870
huo/ 活活气死 huo/hui/qi`si> die of fury 1679 2871
huo/ 活活烧死 huo/huo/shao-si> be burned to death 1680 2872
huo/ 活灵活现 huo/ling/huo/xian` vivid;lifelike 1681 2873
huo> 火力掩护 huo>li`yan>hu` fire cover 1682 2874
huo> 火上加油 huo>shang`jia-you/ pour oil on the fire(or flames) 1683 2875
huo> 火势很猛 huo>shi`hen>meng> The fire burned fiercely. 1684 2876
huo> 十万火急 shi/wan`huo>ji/ most urgent;posthaste 1685 2877
huo> 获益甚夥 huo`yi`shen`huo> gain much from;benefit greatly 1686 2878
from 2879
huo` 货到付款 huo`dao`fu`kuan> pay on delivery 1687 2880
huo` 百货商店 bai>huo`shang-dian` general store;department store 1688 2881
huo` 不可或缺 bu`ke>huo`que- indispensable 1689 2882
huo` 不劳而获 bu`lao/er/huo` reap without sowing 1690 2883
huo` 祸不单行 huo`bu`dan-xing/ Misfortunes never come singly. 1691 2884
huo` 尺蠖求伸 chi>huo`qiu/shen- a looper trying to stretch 1692 2885
itself 2886
huo` 挥霍无度 hui-huo`wu/du` spend without restraint 1693 2887
huo` 豁然开朗 huo`ran/kai-lang> suddenly see the light;be 1694 2888
suddenly enlightened 2889
huo` 或多或少 huo`duo-huo`shao> more or less 1695 2890
huo` 惑人耳目 huo`ren/er>mu` refuse one's mind 1696 2891
huo` 谣言惑众 yao/yan/huo`zhong` spread rumours to baffle people 1697 2892
ji- 饥不择食 ji-bu`ze/shi/ a hungry person is not picky 1698 2893
and choosy. 2894
ji- 饥寒交迫 ji-han/jiao-po` live in hunger and cold; 1699 2895
poverty-stricken 2896
ji- 冰肌玉骨 bing-ji-yu`gu> flesh of ice and bones of 1700 2897
jade --1.a beautiful woman; 2898
2.noble and unsullied 2899
ji- 反唇相讥 fan>chun/xiang-ji- answer back sarcastically 1701 2900
ji- 放荡不羁 fang`dang`bu`ji- unconventional and unres- 1702 2901
trained 2902
ji- 基础设施 ji-chu>she`shi- infrastructural facilities; 1703 2903
infrastructure 2904
ji- 开基立业 kai-ji-li`ye` lay a foundation and establish 1704 2905
a career 2906
ji- 积聚力量 ji-ju`li`liang` build up strength 1705 2907
ji- 积劳成疾 ji-lao/cheng/ji/ fall ill from overwork 1706 2908
ji- 积少成多 ji-shao>cheng/duo- many drops make a shower 1707 2909
ji- 激动人心 ji-dong`ren/xin- moving 1708 2910
ji- 激起公愤 ji-qi>gong-fen` arouse public indignation 1709 2911
ji- 慷慨激昂 kang-kai>ji-ang/ impassioned;vehement and with 1710 2912
deep feeling 2913
ji- 鸡飞蛋打 ji-fei-dan`da> the hen has flown away and 1711 2914
eggs in the coop are broken; 2915
(fig.)all is lost 2916
ji- 鸡毛掸子 ji-mao/dan>zi feather duster 1712 2917
ji- 缉拿归案 ji-na/gui-an` bring (a criminal) to justice 1713 2918
ji- 通缉逃犯 tong-ji-tao/fan` order the arrest of a criminal 1714 2919
at large 2920
ji- 碾成齑粉 nian>cheng/ji-fen> be ground to dust 1715 2921
ji- 击掌为号 ji-zhang>wei/hao` signal by clapping hands 1716 2922
ji- 声东击西 sheng-dong-ji-xi- make a feint to the east and 1717 2923
attack to the west 2924
ji- 无稽之谈 wu/ji-zhi-tan/ unfounded statement;fantastic 1718 2925
talk 2926
ji- 无羁之马 wu/ji-zhi-ma> unbridled horse 1719 2927
ji- 字字珠玑 zi`zi`zhu-ji- exquisitely worded piece of 1720 2928
writing 2929
ji- 叽叽咕咕 ji-ji-gu-gu- whisper 1721 2930
ji- 跻身文坛 ji-shen-wen/tan/ find one's way into the 1722 2931
literary world 2932
ji/ 吉祥如意 ji/xiang/ru/yi` good luck 1723 2933
ji/ 大吉大利 da`ji/da`li` good luck and great prosperity 1724 2934
(an expression of good wishes) 2935
ji/ 万事大吉 wan`shi`da`ji/ All went well. 1725 2936
ji/ 负笈从师 fu`ji/cong/shi- carry a book case and leave 1726 2937
home to pursue studies 2938
ji/ 急风迅雨 ji/feng-xun`yu> strong wind and pelting rain 1727 2939
ji/ 疾恶如仇 ji/e`ru/chou/ hate evil like an enemy 1728 2940
ji/ 疾似流星 ji/si`liu/xing- as fast as shooting star 1729 2941
ji/ 大声疾呼 da`sheng-ji/hu- loudly appeal to the public; 1730 2942
raise a cry of warning 2943
ji/ 极口称扬 ji/kou>cheng-yang/ speak highly of 1731 2944
ji/ 极口诋毁 ji/kou>di>hui> defame sb. or sth. with utmost 1732 2945
causticity 2946
ji/ 极目了望 ji/mu`liao`wang` gaze far into instance 1733 2947
ji/ 乐极生悲 le`ji/sheng-bei- extreme joy begets sorrow 1734 2948
ji/ 物极必反 wu`ji/bi`fan> things turn into their op- 1735 2949
posites when they reach the 2950
extreme 2951
ji/ 集腋成裘 ji/ye`cheng/qiu/ the finist fragments of fox 1736 2952
fur,sewn together,will make a 2953
robe --many a little make a 2954
mickle 2955
ji/ 集思广益 ji/si-guang>yi` draw on collective wisdom and 1737 2956
absorb all useful ideas 2957
ji/ 急急忙忙 ji/ji/mang/mang/ hastily;in a hurry 1738 2958
ji/ 急流勇退 ji/liu/yong>tui` step down resolutely at the 1739 2959
height of one's official 2960
carrier 2961
ji/ 急起直追 ji/qi>zhi/zhui- rouse oneself to catch up; do 1740 2962
one's atmost to overtake 2963
ji/ 汲取经验 ji/qu>jing-yan` draw on experience 1741 2964
ji/ 嫉贤妒能 ji/xian/du`neng/ be envious of people of worth 1742 2965
and ability 2966
ji/ 嫉恶如仇 ji/e`ru/chou/ hate evil like an enemy 1743 2967
ji/ 披荆斩棘 pi-jing-zhan>ji/ clear away all difficulties 1744 2968
and obstacles to one's pro- 2969
gress 2970
ji/ 若即若离 ruo`ji/ruo`li/ be neither close nor distant; 1745 2971
keep sb. at arm's length 2972
ji/ 声名狼藉 sheng-ming/lang/ji/ have a bad name;be notorious; 1746 2973
be utterly discredited 2974
ji/ 望尘莫及 wang`chen/mo`ji/ so far behind that one can 1747 2975
only see the dust of the rider 2976
ahead;(fig.)too far behind to 2977
catch up;too inferior to bear 2978
comparison 2979
ji/ 由表及里 you/biao>ji/li> from the outside to the inside; 1748 2980
from the surface to the centre 2981
ji/ 亟待解决 ji/dai`jie>jue/ (of a problem)demanding prompt 1749 2982
ji/ 亟须纠正 ji/xu-jiu-zheng` must be speedily put right 1750 2983
ji/ 亟亟奔走 ji/ji/ben-zou> go on errands in a hurry 1751 2984
ji/ 佶屈聱牙 ji/qu-ao/ya/ (of a piece of writing) dif- 1752 2985
ficult to read or comprehend 2986
ji/ 岌岌可危 ji/ji/ke>wei- in imminent danger 1753 2987
ji> 挤眉弄眼 ji>mei/nong`yan> make eyes at;wink at 1754 2988
ji> 挤作一团 ji>zuo`yi-tuan/ be closely pressed together 1755 2989
ji> 几绺丝线 ji>liu>si-xian` several skeins of silk thread 1756 2990
ji> 曾几何时 ceng/ji>he/shi/ before long;not long after 1757 2991
ji> 人才济济 ren/cai/ji>ji> an abundance of capable peo- 1758 2992
ple;a galaxy of talent 2993
ji> 折戟沉沙 zhe/ji>chen/sha- broken halberds embedded in 1759 2994
sand--reminder of a fierce 2995
battle or beaten army 2996
ji> 知己知彼 zhi-ji>zhi-bi> know one's own situation and 1760 2997
that of one's opponent 2998
ji> 自给自足 zi`ji>zi`zu/ self-sufficiency;autarky 1761 2999
ji> 掎角之势 ji>jiao>zhi-shi` divide forces to contain or 1762 3000
assemble forces to attack the 3001
enemy in fighting battles 3002
ji> 挤挤眼睛 ji>ji>yan>jing wink purposely 1763 3003
ji` 按图索骥 an`tu/suo>ji` look for a horse with the aid 1764 3004
of its picture;try to locate 3005
sth. by following up a clue 3006
ji` 百年大计 bai>nian/da`ji` a matter of fundamental im- 1765 3007
portance for generations to 3008
come;a project of vital and 3009
lasting importance;a major 3010
project 3011
ji` 一技之长 yi-ji`zhi-chang/ proficiency in a particular 1766 3012
line (or field); professional 3013
skill;speciality 3014
ji` 雕虫小技 diao-chong/xiao>ji` insignificant skill(esp. in 1767 3015
writing);the trifling skill 3016
of a scribe 3017
ji` 赋诗寄怀 fu`shi-ji`huai/ compose a poem to express 1768 3018
one's feelings 3019
ji` 绩效显著 ji`xiao`xian>zhu` notable results 1769 3020
ji` 济世安民 ji`shi`an-min/ benefit society and pacify 1770 3021
the people 3022
ji` 同舟共济 tong/zhou-gong`ji` cross a river in the same 1771 3023
boat--pull together in times 3024
of trouble 3025
ji` 无济于事 wu/ji`yu/shi` not help matters;of no help; 1772 3026
of no avail;to no effect 3027
ji` 寂无一人 ji`wu/yi-ren/ quiet and deserted 1773 3028
ji` 万念俱寂 wan`nian`ju`ji` all desires disappeared 1774 3029
ji` 记不起来 ji`bu`qi>lai/ cannot remember 1775 3030
ji` 一记耳光 yi-ji`er>guang- a slap in the face; a slap 1776 3031
on the cheek 3032
ji` 一如既往 yi-ru/ji`wang> just as in the past; as 1777 3033
before;as always 3034
ji` 违法乱纪 wei/fa>luan`ji` violate law and discipline; 1778 3035
break the law and violate 3036
discipline 3037
ji` 无技可施 wu/ji`ke>shi- at one's wits' end;at the 1779 3038
end of one's resources 3039
ji` 系着围裙 ji`zhe~wei/qun/ wear a kitchen apron 1780 3040
ji` 心有余悸 xin-you>yu/ji` one's heart still flutters 1781 3041
with fear;have a lingering 3042
fear; the memory of sth. 3043
still haunts one 3044
ji` 名胜古迹 ming/sheng`gu>ji` scenic spots and historical 1782 3045
sites 3046
ji` 形迹可疑 xing/ji`ke>yi/ doubtful tracks( of sb.) 1783 3047
ji` 一剂中药 yi-ji`zhong-yao` a dose of Chinese herbal 1784 3048
medicine 3049
ji` 自古洎今 zi`gu>ji`jin- from ancient times up to now; 1785 3050
since ancient times 3051
jia- 汗流浃背 han`liu/jia-bei` perspire all over;sweat pro- 1786 3052
fusely 3053
jia- 夹道欢迎 jia-dao`huan-ying/ line both sides of the street 1787 3054
to welcome sb. 3055
jia- 家家户户 jia-jia-hu`hu` each and every family;every 1788 3056
household 3057
jia- 精神可嘉 jing-shen/ke>jia- a praiseworthy spirit 1789 3058
jia- 披枷带锁 pi-jia-dai`suo> wear the cangue with a lock 1790 3059
jia- 身体欠佳 shen-ti>qian`jia- not feel well 1791 3060
jia- 释迦牟尼 shi`jia-mu/ni/ Sakyamuni(founder of Buddhism) 1792 3061
jia- 文件夹子 wen/jian`jia-zi document folder 1793 3062
jia- 无以复加 wu/yi>fu`jia- in the extreme 1794 3063
jia/ 戛然而止 jia/ran/er/zhi> (of a sound etc.) cease ab- 1795 3064
ruptly;come to an abrupt end 3065
jia/ 恝然置之 jia/ran/zhi`zhi- be different;be unconcerned 1796 3066
(恝然:冷漠不在意) 3067
jia> 甲乙丙丁 jia>yi>bing>ding- ABCD 1797 3068
jia> 假公济私 jia>gong-ji`si- use public office for private 1798 3069
gain;jobbery 3070
jia` 嫁祸于人 jia`huo`yu/ren/ shift the misfortune onto 1799 3071
sb. else; put the blame on 3072
sb. else;lay one's own fault 3073
at sb. else's door 3074
jia` 等价交换 deng>jia`jiao-huan` exchange at equal value 1800 3075
jia` 毫无价值 hao/wu/jia`zhi/ of no value 1801 3076
jia` 一架飞机 yi-jia`fei-ji- an aeroplne 1802 3077
jian- 德才兼备 de/cai/jian-bei` have both good moral character 1803 3078
and professional ability; have 3079
both ability and political in- 3080
tegrity 3081
jian- 日夜兼程 ri`ye`jian-cheng/ travel day and night 1804 3082
jian- 东渐于海 dong-jian-yu/hai> flow east and empty into the 1805 3083
sea 3084
jian- 监守自盗 jian-shou>zi`dao` steal what is entrusted to 1806 3085
one's care;embezzle;defalcate 3086
jian- 监外执行 jian-wai`zhi/xing/ excute(sentence) outside 1807 3087
prison 3088
jian- 尖端技术 jian-duan-ji`shu` most advanced technology 1808 3089
jian- 尖声尖气 jian-sheng-jian-qi` in a shril voice 1809 3090
jian- 尖嘴薄舌 jian-zui>bo/she/ have a caustic and bitting 1810 3091
tongue 3092
jian- 艰苦创业 jian-ku>chuang`ye` pioneer an enterprise with 1811 3093
arduous efforts 3094
jian- 艰苦奋斗 jian-ku>fen`dou` hard struggle 1812 3095
jian- 艰苦卓绝 jian-ku>zhuo-jue/ extreme hardship and difficulty 1813 3096
jian- 艰难困苦 jian-nan/kun`ku> difficulties and hardships 1814 3097
jian- 步履为艰 bu`lyu>wei/jian- have difficulty walking;walk 1815 3098
with difficulty 3099
jian- 物力维艰 wu`li`wei/jian- shortage of material power; 1816 3100
scarce in resources 3101
jian- 缄口无言 jian-kou>wu/yan/ hold one's tongue and say 1817 3102
jian- 缄口无言 jian-kou>wu/yan/ nothing 1818 3103
jian- 聚而歼之 ju`er/jian-zhi- annihilate en masse 1819 3104
jian- 披坚执锐 pi-jian-zhi/rui` buckle on one's armour and 1820 3105
take up weapons --go forth 3106
to battle 3107
jian- 身肩重任 shen-jian-zhong`ren` shoulder heavy responsibili- 1821 3108
ties 3109
jian- 受尽煎熬 shou`jin`jian-ao/ suffer severely;be severely 1822 3110
tortured 3111
jian- 为数戋戋 wei/shu`jian-jian- insignificant amount; very 1823 3112
small amount;little bit 3113
jian- 削尖脑袋 xiao-jian-nao>dai` try hard to squeeze in 1824 3114
jian- 削尖铅笔 xiao-jian-qian-bi> sharpen a pencil 1825 3115
jian- 谫洗前罪 jian-xi>qian/zui` redeem a crime 1826 3116
jian- 谫雪冤屈 jian-xue`yuan-qu- redress a wrong 1827 3117
jian- 师生之间 shi-sheng-zhi-jian- between teacher and pupil 1828 3118
jian> 才高运蹇 cai/gao-yun`jian> be unlucky talents 1829 3119
jian> 剪草除根 jian>cao>chu/gen- cut the grass and remove its 1830 3120
root 3121
jian> 精简机构 jing-jian>ji-gou` simplify (or streamline) the 1831 3122
administrative structure 3123
jian> 勤工俭学 qin/gong-jian>xue/ part-work and part-study sys- 1832 3124
tem;work-study programme 3125
jian> 挑肥拣瘦 tiao-fei/jian>shou` pick the fat or choose the 1833 3126
lean --choose whatever is to 3127
one's personal advantage 3128
jian> 行为不检 xing/wei/bu`jian> be careless in one's conduct 1834 3129
jian> 言行失检 yan/xing/shi-jian> indiscreet;indiscreet in be- 1835 3130
haviour 3131
jian> 学识谫陋 xue/shi/jian>lou` be possessed of meagre knowl- 1836 3132
edge 3133
jian> 有增无减 you>zeng-wu/jian> never reduce but increase; 1837 3134
grow on and on 3135
jian` 从谏如流 cong/jian`ru/liu/ follow good advice as natural 1838 3136
as a river follows its course 3137
jian` 剑拔弩张 jian`ba/nu>zhang- with swords drawn and bows 1839 3138
bent;at daggers drawn;very 3139
critical situation 3140
jian` 刀光剑影 dao-guang-jian`ying> glint and flash of steel; 1840 3141
fierce fighting; under the 3142
flashes of knives and the 3143
shadows of swords 3144
jian` 航空母舰 hang/kong-mu>jian` carrier;aircraft carrier 1841 3145
jian` 见多识广 jian`duo-shi/guang> experienced and knowledge- 1842 3146
able 3147
jian` 箭在弦上 jian`zai`xian/shang` high time to shoot the arrow 1843 3148
already fitted to the bow- 3149
string;do sth. that has to 3150
be done 3151
jian` 建功立业 jian`gong-li`ye` make contributions and estab- 1844 3152
lish a career 3153
jian` 毛遂自荐 mao/sui`zi`jian` (fig.)recommend oneself for a 1845 3154
position or task 3155
jian` 贫贱之交 pin/jian`zhi-jiao- friends that have seen prover- 1846 3156
ty together;friends in days of 3157
poverty 3158
jian` 亲密无间 qin-mi`wu/jian` be on intimate terms 1847 3159
jian` 身强体健 shen-qiang/ti>jian` (of a person) strong;tough; 1848 3160
sturdy 3161
jian` 水清可鉴 shui>qing-ke>jian` The water is so clear that you 1849 3162
can see your reflection in it. 3163
jian` 引以为鉴 yin>yi>wei/jian` take warning from it 1850 3164
jian` 循序渐进 xun/xu`jian`jin` (of study or work) follow in 1851 3165
order and advance step by step 3166
jiang- 驰骋疆场 chi/cheng>jiang-chang>gallop across the battle field 1852 3167
jiang- 僵持不下 jiang-chi/bu`xia` (of both parties) refuse to 1853 3168
budge 3169
jiang- 打破僵局 da>po`jiang-ju/ break a deadlock 1854 3170
jiang- 思想僵化 si-xiang>jiang-hua` a rigid (or ossified) way of 1855 3171
thinking;stereotyped thinking 3172
jiang- 将错就错 jiang-cuo`jiu`cuo` leave a mistake uncorrected 1856 3173
and make the best of it;make 3174
the best of a bad bargrain 3175
jiang- 将功折罪 jiang-gong-zhe/zui` atone for a crime by good deeds 1857 3176
expiate one's guilt by good 3177
deeds 3178
jiang- 将计就计 jiang-ji`jiu`ji` turn sb.'s trick against him; 1858 3179
beat sb. at his own game;coun- 3180
terplot 3181
jiang- 将信将疑 jiang-xin`jiang-yi/ half believing,half doubting 1859 3182
jiang- 江山如画 jiang-shan-ru/hua` a picturesque landscape; 1860 3183
beautiful scenery 3184
jiang- 信马由缰 xin`ma>you/jiang- ride with lax reins 1861 3185
jiang> 讲求效率 jiang>qiu/xiao`lyu` strive for efficiency 1862 3186
jiang` 别具匠心 bie/ju`jiang`xin- show ingenuity;have originali- 1863 3187
ty 3188
jiang` 将门虎子 jiang`men/hu>zi> capable young man from a dis- 1864 3189
tinguish family 3190
jiang` 降落伞包 jiang`luo`san>bao- parachute bag 1865 3191
jiang` 温度下降 wen-du`xia`jiang` drop in temperature 1866 3192
jiang` 夜色降临 ye`se`jiang`lin/ Night fell. 1867 3193
jiao- 焦头烂额 jiao-tou/lan`e/ in a sorry plight;in a ter- 1868 3194
rible fix 3195
jiao- 胶东半岛 jiao-dong-ban`dao> Shandong Peninsula 1869 3196
jiao- 交换意见 jiao-huan`yi`jian` compare notes 1870 3197
jiao- 交桃花运 jiao-tao/hua-yun` (of man) have good luck in love 1871 3198
jiao- 交通工具 jiao-tong-gong-ju` means of transportation 1872 3199
jiao- 交通要道 jiao-tong-yao`dao` vital communication line 1873 3200
jiao- 交头接耳 jiao-tou/jie-er> whisper to each other;speak in 1874 3201
each other's ears;speak head 3202
to head 3203
jiao- 远交近攻 yuan>jiao-jin`gong- befriend distant states while 1875 3204
attacking those nearby 3205
jiao- 百感交集 bai>gan>jiao-ji/ all sorts of feelings well 1876 3206
up in one's heart 3207
jiao- 风雨交加 feng-yu>jiao-jia- It's raining and blowing hard; 1877 3208
It's wet and windy. 3209
jiao- 春夏之交 chun-xia`zhi-jiao- time of the year when spring 1878 3210
gives way to summer 3211
jiao- 一面之交 yi-mian`zhi-jiao- have met only once; be casually 1879 3212
acquainted 3213
jiao- 两省之交 liang>sheng>zhi-jiao- on the boundary between two 1880 3214
provinces 3215
jiao- 明清之交 ming/qing-zhi-jiao- the years when Ming Dynasty 1881 3216
gives way to Qing Dynasty 3217
jiao- 骄阳似火 jiao-yang/si`huo> a scorching sun beating down 1882 3218
jiao- 天之骄子 tian-zhi-jiao-zi> God's favoured one-- an un- 1883 3219
usually lucky person 3220
jiao- 教书育人 jiao-shu-yu`ren/ impart knowledge and educate 1884 3221
people 3222
jiao- 人情浇薄 ren/qing/jiao-bo/ impersonal relationship 1885 3223
jiao> 百般狡赖 bai>ban-jiao>lai` try by every means to deny 1886 3224
jiao> 胡搅蛮缠 hu/jiao>man/chan/ argue tediously and vexatious- 1887 3225
ly;plague sb. with unreasonble 3226
demands 3227
jiao> 矫若游龙 jiao>ruo`you/long/ as vigorous as a flying dragon; 1888 3228
as strong and brave as a lion 3229
jiao> 侥幸心理 jiao>xing`xin-li> metality to leave things to 1889 3230
chances 3231
jiao> 脚踏实地 jiao>ta`shi/di` down-to-earth;solid and 1890 3232
earnest;do things conscien- 3233
tiously and reliably 3234
jiao> 狡兔三窟 jiao>tu`san-ku- a wily hare has three burrows; 1891 3235
(fig.)have more than one hiding 3236
place 3237
jiao> 缴纳会费 jiao>na`hui`fei` pay membership dues 1892 3238
jiao> 缴枪不杀 jiao>qiang-bu`sha- Lay down your arms and we'll 1893 3239
spare your lives! 3240
jiao> 心存侥幸 xin-cun/jiao>xing` want to try one's luck 1894 3241
jiao> 庸中佼佼 yong-zhong-jiao>jiao> distinguished from the common 1895 3242
run;a giant among dwarfs 3243
jiao> 钻牛角尖 zuan-niu/jiao>jian- split hairs;get into a dead 1896 3244
end (or a blind alley) 3245
jiao> 挢首高视 jiao>shou>gao-shi` raise one's head and look up 1897 3246
jiao` 教学相长 jiao`xue/xiang-zhang> Teaching benefits teacher and 1898 3247
student alike;Teaching benefits 3248
teachers as well as students 3249
jiao` 叫苦连天 jiao`ku>lian/tian- complain to high heaven;com- 1899 3250
plain bitterly 3251
jiao` 饮噍自若 yin>jiao`zi`ruo` drink and eat with composure 1900 3252
jie- 皆大欢喜 jie-da`huan-xi> eveyone is happy;all are satis- 1901 3253
fied 3254
jie- 比比皆是 bi>bi>jie-shi` can be seen here,there and 1902 3255
everywhere 3256
jie- 揭不开锅 jie-bu`kai-guo- have nothing in the pot;have 1903 3257
nothing to eat;go hungry 3258
jie- 揭竿而起 jie-gan-er/qi> raise the standard of revolt; 1904 3259
start an uprising; rise in re- 3260
bellion 3261
jie- 接二连三 jie-er`lian/san- one after another;in quick 1905 3262
succession;repeatedly 3263
jie- 街头巷尾 jie-tou/xiang`wei> streets and lanes 1906 3264
jie- 结结实实 jie-jie-shi/shi/ very strong;very sturdy 1907 3265
jie- 开花结果 kai-hua-jie-guo> blossom and bear fruit--yield 1908 3266
positive results 3267
jie- 接二连三 jie-er`lian/san- one after another;in quick suc- 1909 3268
cesion;repeatedly 3269
jie- 青黄不接 qing-huang/bu`jie- When the crop is still in 1910 3270
the blade and the old stock 3271
is all consumed-- temporary 3272
shortage 3273
jie- 钟鼓喈喈 zhong-gu>jie-jie- Bells and drums resounded 1911 3274
harmoniously. 3275
jie- 嗟悔无及 jie-hui>wu/ji/ too late for regrets and 1912 3276
lamentations 3277
jie- 喈叹不已 jie-tan`bu`yi> endless sighs 1913 3278
jie/ 把马截住 ba>ma>jie/zhu` Stop the horse. 1914 3279
jie/ 残碑断碣 can/bei-duan`jie/ crumbling monuments and di- 1915 3280
lapidated walls;desolate scene 3281
jie/ 打家劫舍 da>jia-jie/she` loot;plunder (or rob) houded 1916 3282
jie/ 逢年过节 feng/nian/guo`jie/ on New Year's Day or other 1917 3283
festivals 3284
jie/ 归根结底 gui-gen-jie/di> in the final analysis;fanda- 1918 3285
mentally 3286
jie/ 截长补短 jie/chang/bu>duan> take from the long to add to 1919 3287
the short; draw on the strength 3288
of each to offset the weekness 3289
of the other 3290
jie/ 两截木头 liang>jie/mu`tou two pieces of wood 1920 3291
jie/ 一截铁丝 yi-jie/tie>si- an iron wire 1921 3292
jie/ 劫持人质 jie/chi/ren/zhi` kidnap a histage 1922 3293
jie/ 劫后余生 jie/hou`yu/sheng- be a survivor of a disaster 1923 3294
jie/ 万劫不复 wan`jie/bu`fu` lost forever;beyond redemption 1924 3295
jie/ 捷足先登 jie/zu/xian-deng- the swift-footed arrive first; 1925 3296
the early bird catches the worm 3297
jie/ 竭尽全力 jie/jin`quan/li` pull out the stops;spare no 1926 3298
effort;exert one's utmost; 3299
do all one can 3300
jie/ 声嘶力竭 sheng-si-li`jie/ shout oneself blue in the face; 1927 3301
shout oneself hoarse; be hoarse 3302
and exhausted 3303
jie/ 洁身自好 jie/shen-zi`hao` 1.refuse to be comteminated 1928 3304
by evil influence;preserve 3305
one's purity;2.mind one's own 3306
business in order to keep out 3307
of trouble 3308
jie/ 近在眉睫 jin`zai`mei/jie/ as close to the eye as the 1929 3309
eyebrows and eyelashes 3310
jie/ 目不交睫 mu`bu`jiao-jie/ not sleep a wink 1930 3311
jie/ 小麦拔节 xiao>mai`ba/jie/ jointing of wheat 1931 3312
jie/ 两节火车 liang>jie/huo>che- two railway coaches(or car- 1932 3313
riages or compartments) 3314
jie/ 盘根错节 pan/gen-cuo`jie/ with twisted roots and gnarled 1933 3315
branches -- complicated and 3316
difficult to deal with;deep- 3317
rooted 3318
jie/ 节水节电 jie/shui>jie/dian` economize on water and elec- 1934 3319
tricity 3320
jie/ 节衣缩食 jie/yi-suo`shi/ economize on food and clothing; 1935 3321
(in a broad sense) be thrifty; 3322
be frugal 3323
jie/ 开源节流 kai-yuan/jie/liu/ increase revenue and curtail 1936 3324
expenditure 3325
jie/ 人杰地灵 ren/jie/di`ling/ The greatness of a man lends 1937 3326
glory to a place. 3327
jie/ 孑然一身 jie/ran/yi-shen- all alone in the world 1938 3328
jie> 大惑不解 da`huo`bu`jie> be extremely puzzled;be unable 1939 3329
to make head or tail of dth. 3330
jie> 迎刃而解 ying/ren`er/jie> (bamboo) splits as it meets 1940 3331
the edge of the knife --(of 3332
a problem) be readily solved 3333
jie` 大开眼界 da`kai-yan>jie` be a real eye-opener 1941 3334
jie` 毫不介怀 hao/bu`jie`huai/ not mind at all 1942 3335
jie` 一介书生 yi-jie`shu-sheng- a mere scholar 1943 3336
jie` 一介武夫 yi-jie`wu>fu- a plain soldier 1944 3337
jie` 借花献佛 jie`hua-xian`fo/ borrow a flower and present 1945 3338
to the Buddha as a gift--- 3339
make a gift of sth. belonging 3340
to sb. else 3341
jie` 借景抒情 jie`jing>shu-qing/ express one's emotions by 1946 3342
using the sight 3343
jie` 借事抒情 jie`shi`shu-qing/ express one's emotions by re- 1947 3344
lating sth. 3345
jie` 易如拾芥 yi`ru/shi/jie` as easy as picking up a grass 1948 3346
from the ground 3347
jie`~ 震天价响 zhen`tian-jie~xiang> The sound is deafening. 1949 3348
jin- 不矜不夸 bu`jin-bu`kua- be neither arrogant nor boast- 1950 3349
ful 3350
jin- 筋疲力尽 jin-pi/li`jin` be run ragged;spent;exhausted; 1951 3351
played out;worn out;tired out; 3352
all in;dead-beat;dog-tired 3353
jin- 斤斤计较 jin-jin-ji`jiao` haggle over every ounce; be 1952 3354
jin- 斤斤计较 jin-jin-ji`jiao` calculating 1953 3355
jin- 金碧辉煌 jin-bi`hui-huang/ splendid in green and gold; 1954 3356
resplendent and magnificent 3357
jin- 金兰之交 jin-lan/zhi-jiao- intimate friendship;sworn 1955 3358
brotherhood 3359
jin- 金玉良言 jin-yu`liang/yan/ golden sayings;invaluable ad- 1956 3360
vice 3361
jin- 金科玉律 jin-ke-yu`lyu` golden rule and precious 1957 3362
precept 3363
jin- 津津乐道 jin-jin-le`dao` take delight in talking about; 1958 3364
dwell upon with great relish 3365
jin- 津津有味 jin-jin-you>wei` with relish;with gusto;with 1959 3366
keen pleasure 3367
jin- 生津止渴 sheng-jin-zhi>ke> help produce saliva and slake 1960 3368
thirt 3369
jin- 无人问津 wu/ren/wen`jin- nobody troubles to ask;nobody 1961 3370
is interested 3371
jin- 津浦铁路 jin-pu/tie>lu` the Tianjin-Pukou Railway 1962 3372
jin- 平津战役 ping/jin-zhan`yi` the Beijing-Tianjin campaign 1963 3373
jin- 襟怀坦白 jin-huai/tan>bai/ open-hearted and aboveboard; 1964 3374
honest and straightforward 3375
jin- 襟飘带舞 jin-piao-dai`wu> The front garments and the 1965 3376
ribbons flutter in the wind 3377
jin- 禁受考验 jin-shou`kao>yan` withstand a test 1966 3378
jin- 忍俊不禁 ren>jun`bu`jin- cannot help laughing 1967 3379
jin> 紧锣密鼓 jin>luo/mi`gu> a wild beating of gongs and 1968 3380
drums--an intense publicity 3381
campaign (usualy in prepara- 3382
ration for some sinister under- 3383
taking) 3384
jin> 锦上添花 jin>shang`tian-hua- (fig.) add flowers to the 1969 3385
brocade;make what is good 3386
even better 3387
jin> 锦衣玉食 jin>yi-yu`shi/ live in luxury;live an extra- 1970 3388
vagant life 3389
jin> 谨小慎微 jin>xiao>shen`wei- overcautious in handling small 1971 3390
matters;overcautious 3391
jin> 绝无仅有 jue/wu/jin>you> only one of its kind; unique 1972 3392
jin` 进退两难 jin`tui`liang>nan/ find it difficult to advance 1973 3393
or to retreat--be in a dilemma 3394
jin` 禁食疗法 jin`shi/liao/fa> fasting treatment;starvation 1974 3395
cure 3396
jin` 禁止吸烟 jin`zhi>xi-yan- No smoking! 1975 3397
jin` 严禁赌博 yan/jin`du>bo/ strictly forbid gambling 1976 3398
jin` 百无禁忌 bai>wu/jin`ji` all daboos in abeyance 1977 3399
jin` 令行禁止 ling`xing/jin`zhi> any order will be carried out, 1978 3400
jin` 令行禁止 ling`xing/jin`zhi> any prohibition will be heeded 1979 3401
jin` 入国问禁 ru`guo/wen`jin` On entering a country,inquire 1980 3402
about its prohibitions (or 3403
taboos). 3404
jin` 尽人皆知 jin`ren/jie-zhi- be known to all;be common 1981 3405
knowledge 3406
jin` 想尽办法 xiang>jin`ban`fa> do everything possible;try 1982 3407
all means 3408
jin` 平易近人 ping/yi`jin`ren/ amiable and easy in approach 1983 3409
jin` 友情浸厚 you>qing/jin`hou` The friendship gradually 1984 3410
deepened. 3411
jin` 禁口不言 jin`kou>bu`yan/ keep silent 1985 3412
jin` 噤若寒蝉 jin`ruo`han/chan/ as silent as a cicada in cold 1986 3413
weather--keep quiet out of fear 3414
jing- 画龙点睛 hua`long/dian>jing- bring a picture of a dragon to 1987 3415
life by putting in the pupils 3416
of its eyes -- add the touch 3417
that brings a work of art to 3418
life;add an apt word to clinch 3419
the point 3420
jing- 目不转睛 mu`bu`zhuan>jing- look with fixed gaze;regard 1988 3421
with rapt attention 3422
jing- 荆棘载道 jing-ji/zai`dao` a path overgrown with bram- 1989 3423
bles --a path beset with 3424
difficulties 3425
jing- 兢兢业业 jing-jing-ye`ye` cautious and conscientious 1990 3426
jing- 晶莹发亮 jing-ying/fa-liang` sparkling and crystal-clear 1991 3427
jing- 惊弓之鸟 jing-gong-zhi-niao> bird that starts at the mere 1992 3428
twang of a bowstring;(fig.) 3429
badly frightened person 3430
jing- 惊天动地 jing-tian-dong`di` shaking heaven and earth; 1993 3431
earth-shaking;world-shaking 3432
jing- 精兵简政 jing-bing-jian>zheng` better troops and simpler 1994 3433
administration;better staff 3434
and simpler administration 3435
jing- 精明强干 jing-ming/qiang/gan` intelligent and capable; 1995 3436
able and efficient 3437
jing- 精疲力尽 jing-pi/li`jie/ exhausted;worn out;tired out 1996 3438
jing- 养精蓄锐 yang>jing-xu`rui` conserve energy and build 1997 3439
up strength 3440
jing- 装备精良 zhuang-bei`jing-liang/well-equipped 1998 3441
jing- 天经地义 tian-jing-di`yi` (in line with) the principles 1999 3442
of heaven and perfectly justi- 3443
fied earth--right and prooper 3444
jing- 经年累月 jing-nian/lei>yue` for years and years;year in 2000 3445
year out 3446
jing- 泾渭分明 jing-wei`fen-ming/ as different as the waters of 2001 3447
Jinghe and the Weihe --entirely 3448
different 3449
jing- 旌旗招展 jing-qi/zhao-zhan> flags flutter 2002 3450
jing> 惩一警百 cheng/yi-jing>bai> punish a few to warn a great 2003 3451
number of people 3452
jing> 通风天井 tong-feng-tian-jing> air raise 2004 3453
jing> 井底之蛙 jing>di>zhi-wa- a frog in a well(that can see 2005 3454
only a tiny patch of sky no 3455
bigger than the mouth of the 3456
well);(fig.) a person with 3457
limited vision 3458
jing> 井井有条 jing>jing>you>tiao/ in perfect order;orderly; 2006 3459
methodical 3460
jing> 景物宜人 jing>wu`yi/ren/ The scenery is attractive. 2007 3461
jing> 好景不常 hao>jing>bu`chang/ good times don't last long 2008 3462
jing> 深秋景色 shen-qiu-jing>se` a late autumn scene 2009 3463
jing> 闻之憬然 wen/zhi-jing>ran/ come to understand it after 2010 3464
hearing the news 3465
jing> 以儆效尤 yi>jing>xiao`you/ warn others against following 2011 3466
a bad example;as a warning 3467
to others 3468
jing` 不胫而走 bu`jing`er/zou> get around fast;spread like 2012 3469
wildfire 3470
jing` 大相径庭 da`xiang-jing`ting/ widely devergent;entirely 2013 3471
different;poles apart 3472
jing` 疾风劲草 ji/feng-jing`cao> Sturdy grass withstands high 2014 3473
winds. 3474
jing` 渐入佳境 jian`ru`jia-jing` (of a situation)be improving; 2015 3475
be getting better 3476
jing` 时过境迁 shi/guo`jing>qian- things have changed with the 2016 3477
lapse of time 3478
jing` 静观其变 jing`guan-qi/bian` watch quietly the changes calm 2017 3479
down 3480
jing` 夜深人静 ye`shen-ren/jing` in the dead of night 2018 3481
jing` 敬而远之 jing`er/yuan>zhi- stay at a respectful distance 2019 3482
from sb. 3483
jing` 镜花水月 jing`hua-shui>yue` flowers in a mirror or the moon 2020 3484
in the water-- an illusion 3485
jing` 净说瞎话 jing`shuo-xia-hua` He lies all the time. 2021 3486
jing` 细收净打 xi`shou-jing`da> harvest carefully and thrash 2022 3487
thoroughly 3488
jing` 一干二净 yi-gan-er`jing` thoroughly;completely 2023 3489
jing` 千帆竞发 qian-fan-jing`fa- Thousands of sails shoot ahead. 2024 3490
jiong> 炯炯有神 jiong>jiong>you>shen/ have bright and piercing eyes 2025 3491
jiong> 目光炯炯 mu`guang-jiong>jiong> flashing eyes 2026 3492
jiong> 性格迥异 xing`ge/jiong>yi` totally different in character 2027 3493
jiong> 迥然不同 jiong>ran/bu`tong/ utterly different;not in the 2028 3494
least alike 3495
jiu- 有错必纠 you>cuo`bi`jiu- Every wrong will be righted. 2029 3496
jiu- 追根究底 zhui-gen-jiu-di> get to the root of the matter 2030 3497
jiu- 赳赳武夫 jiu-jiu-wu>fu- stalwart,martial man 2031 3498
jiu> 久别重逢 jiu>bie/chong/feng/ meet again after a long sepa- 2032 3499
ration;reunite after a long 3500
parting 3501
jiu> 久而久之 jiu>er/jiu>zhi- in the course of time;with the 2033 3502
lapse of time;as time passes 3503
jiu> 久假不归 jiu>jia>bu`gui- put off indefinitely returning 2034 3504
sth. one has borrowed;appropri- 3505
ate sth. borrowed 3506
jiu> 久立四望 jiu>li`si`wang` stand long and look all around 2035 3507
jiu> 年代久远 nian/dai`jiu>yuan> of the remote past;age-old; 2036 3508
time-honoured 3509
jiu> 年深日久 nian/shen-ri`jiu> aged-old;after a long lapse 2037 3510
(or period) of time 3511
jiu> 十年之久 shi/nian/zhi-jiu> as long as ten years 2038 3512
jiu> 九牛一毛 jiu>niu/yi-mao/ a single hair out of nine ox 2039 3513
hides;a drop in the ocean 3514
jiu> 九死一生 jiu>si>yi-sheng- a narrow escape from death; 2040 3515
survival after many harzards 3516
jiu> 九霄云外 jiu>xiao-yun/wai` beyond the highest heavens; 2041 3517
far,far away 3518
jiu` 咎由自取 jiu`you/zi`qu> have only oneself to blame 2042 3519
jiu` 既往不咎 ji`wang>bu`jiu` forgive sb.'s past misdeeds; 2043 3520
jiu` 既往不咎 ji`wang>bu`jiu` let bygones be bygones 2044 3521
jiu` 引咎辞职 yin>jiu`ci/zhi/ take the blame and resign 2045 3522
jiu` 救死扶伤 jiu`si>fu/shang- heal the wounded and rescue 2046 3523
the dying 3524
jiu` 旧调重弹 jiu`diao`chong/tan/ play the same old tune 2047 3525
jiu` 新旧交替 xin-jiu`jiao-ti` The new replaces the old. 2048 3526
jiu` 内疚于心 nei`jiu`yu/xin- have a guilty conscience 2049 3527
ju- 丢卒保车 diu-zu/bao>ju- give up a pawn to save a 2050 3528
chariot--sacrifice minor 3529
things to save major ones 3530
ju- 居安思危 ju-an-si-wei- think of danger in times of 2051 3531
safety;be vigilant in peacetime 3532
ju- 居高临下 ju-gao-lin/xia` occupy a commanding position 2052 3533
(or height);in a favourable 3534
position 3535
ju- 居功自傲 ju-gong-zi`ao` become arrogant because of 2053 3536
one's achievements;claim cedit 3537
and put on airs 3538
ju- 奇货可居 qi/huo`ke>ju- a rare commodity worth hoarding 2054 3539
ju- 手头拮据 shou>tou/jie/ju- go short of money 2055 3540
ju- 无拘无束 wu/ju-wu/shu` unrestrained;unconstrained; 2056 3541
free and easy 3542
ju- 笑容可掬 xiao`rong/ke>ju- be radiant with smiles (as if 2057 3543
they could be scooped up with 3544
both hands) 3545
ju- 玉佩琼琚 yu`pei`qiong/ju- fine jasper pendant 2058 3546
ju/ 局促不安 ju/cu`bu`an- ill at ease 2059 3547
ju/ 大局已定 da`ju/yi>ding` The outcome is a foregone con- 2060 3548
clusion. 3549
ju> 举手之劳 ju>shou>zhi-lao/ turn of the hand;as easy as 2061 3550
ju> 举手之劳 ju>shou>zhi-lao/ turning one's hands over 2062 3551
ju> 举起手来 ju>qi>shou>lai/ Hangs up! 2063 3552
ju> 循规蹈矩 xun/gui-dao>ju` observe rules;conform to con- 2064 3553
vention;toe the line;obey 3554
docilely 3555
ju> 踽踽而行 ju>ju>er/xing/ walk alone; walk in solitue 2065 3556
ju` 初具规模 chu-ju`gui-mo/ be just beginning to take 2066 3557
shape 3558
ju` 付之一炬 fu`zhi-yi-ju` commit to the flames 2067 3559
ju` 虎踞龙盘 hu>ju`long/pan/ coiling dragon and crouing 2068 3560
tiger -- occupy a strategic 3561
stronghold 3562
ju` 久踞山寨 jiu>ju`shan-zhai` occupy mountain fastness for 2069 3563
a long time 3564
ju> 举手之劳 ju>shou>zhi-lao/ turn of the hand;as easy as 2070 3565
turning one's hands over 3566
ju> 举一反三 ju>yi-fan>san- draw differences about other 2071 3567
cases from one instance 3568
ju` 聚精会神 ju`jing-hui`shen/ in rapt attention;be all at- 2072 3569
tention 3570
ju` 拒之门外 ju`zhi-men/wai` refuse to negotiate or co- 2073 3571
operate 3572
ju` 拒谏饰非 ju`jian`shi`fei- reject representations and 2074 3573
gloss over errors;reject 3574
criticism and whitewash 3575
one's mistakes 3576
ju` 来者不拒 lai/zhe>bu`ju` refuse nobody;refuse nobody's 2075 3577
request or offer 3578
ju` 据理力争 ju`li>li`zheng- argue strongly on just grounds 2076 3579
ju` 临危不惧 lin/wei-bu`ju` face danger fearlessly 2077 3580
ju` 面无惧色 mian`wu/ju`se` show no sign of fear 2078 3581
ju` 面面俱到 mian`mian`ju`dao` attend to each and every as- 2079 3582
pect of matter 3583
ju` 目光如炬 mu`guang-ru/ju` 1.eyes blazing like torches-- 2080 3584
blazing with anger;2.looking 3585
ahead with wisdom;far-sighted 3586
ju` 前倨后恭 qian/ju`hou`gong- indicating a change in attitude 2081 3587
ju` 巨额利润 ju`e/li`run` enormous profits 2082 3588
ju` 为数甚巨 wei/shu`shen`ju` have a huge sum 2083 3589
ju` 文坛巨匠 wen/tan/ju`jiang` a giant of the literary world; 2084 3590
a literary giant 3591
juan- 为国捐躯 wei`guo/juan-qu- sacrifice one's life for one's 2085 3592
motherland 3593
juan- 涓涓清泉 juan-juan-qing-quan/ sluggish trickle of spring 2086 3594
water 3595
juan- 蠲除旧例 juan-chu/jiu`li` abolish old practices 2087 3596
juan> 风卷残云 feng-juan>can/yun/ a strong wind scattering the 2088 3597
last clouds -- make a clean 3598
sweep of sth. 3599
juan> 卷土重来 juan>tu>chong/lai/ stage a comeback after regain- 2089 3600
ing one's strength 3601
juan` 诲人不倦 hui`ren/bu`juan` be tireless in teaching 2090 3602
juan` 牛鼻桊儿 niu/bi/juan`r nose halter for leading an ox 2091 3603
juan` 圈养牲畜 juan`yang>sheng-chu` raise livestock in a sty 2092 3604
juan` 三亲六眷 san-qin-liu`juan` one's wife,children and rela- 2093 3605
tives 3606
juan` 手不释卷 shou>bu`shi`juan` always have a book in one's 2094 3607
hand;be very studious;be a di- 3608
ligent reader 3609
juan` 语颇隽永 yu>po-juan`yong> These remarks are meaningful. 2095 3610
jue- 蹶着尾巴 jue-zhe~wei>ba stick up the tail 2096 3611
jue/ 大放厥词 da`fang`jue/ci/ talk a lot of nonsense 2097 3612
jue/ 加官进爵 jia-guan-jin`jue/ be promoted to a higher office 2098 3613
and rank 3614
jue/ 精美绝伦 jing-mei>jue/lun/ exquisite beyond compare; 2099 3615
superb 3616
jue/ 络绎不绝 luo`yi`bu`jue/ in an endless stream 2100 3617
jue/ 攫为己有 jue/wei/ji>you> grab sth. by force;take 2101 3618
possession of;appropriate 3619
jue/ 抉择真伪 jue/zhai-zhen-wei> choose between the true and 2102 3620
the fake 3621
jue/ 可发一噱 ke>fa-yi-jue/ make sb. laugh loudly 2103 3622
jue/ 临渴掘井 lin/ke>jue/jing> not dig a well until one is 2104 3623
thirsty --start acting too 3624
late 3625
jue/ 自掘坟墓 zi`jue/fen/mu` dig one's own grave;work for 2105 3626
one's own destruction 3627
jue/ 群雄角逐 qun/xiong/jue/zhu/ tussle among warlords 2106 3628
jue/ 谲诈多端 jue/zha`duo-duan- extremely crafty 2107 3629
jue/ 虚伪谲诈 xu-wei>jue/zha` hypocritical and cunning 2108 3630
jue/ 一蹶不振 yi-jue/bu`zhen` colapse after a single set- 2109 3631
back;be unable to recover 3632
after a setback 3633
jue/ 自觉自愿 zi`jue/zi`yuan` voluntarily;willingly;of one's 2110 3634
own free will 3635
jun- 军法审判 jun-fa>shen>pan` court-martial 2111 3636
jun- 军令如山 jun-ling`ru/shan- Military orders must be 2112 3637
obeyed unconditionally. 3638
jun- 军事演习 jun-shi`yan>xi/ military manoeuvre;war exer- 2113 3639
cise 3640
jun- 势均力敌 shi`jun-li`di/ match each other in strength 2114 3641
jun` 英俊有为 ying-jun`you>wei/ brilliant and promising 2115 3642
jun` 捃其精华 jun`qi/jing-hua/ grasp the essence of sth. 2116 3643
kai- 开诚布公 kai-cheng/bu`gong- be frank;put one's cards on 2117 3644
the table;wear one's heart on 3645
one's sleeve 3646
kai- 开花结果 kai-hua-jie/guo> blossom and bear fruits --- 2118 3647
yield positive results 3648
kai- 开怀畅饮 kai-huai/chang`yin> drink with abandon;have a 2119 3649
hearty drink 3650
kai- 开门见山 kai-men/jian`shan- (fig.) come straight to the 2120 3651
point 3652
kai- 开卷有益 kai-juan`you>yi` reading is always profitable 2121 3653
kai- 开山祖师 kai-shan-zu>shi- (fig.) initiator of a school of 2122 3654
thought,discipline of learning, 3655
field of endeavour,etc. 3656
kai- 开天辟地 kai-tian-pi`di` the creation of heaven and 2123 3657
earth -- the beginning of his- 3658
tory 3659
kai- 开学典礼 kai-xue/dian>li> school-opening ceremony 2124 3660
kai- 开闸放水 kai-zha/fang`shui> open the sluice (gate) 2125 3661
kai> 慨然长叹 kai>ran/chang/tan` heave a sigh of regret 2126 3662
kai> 慨然相助 kai>ran/xiang-zhu` help readily 2127 3663
kai> 感慨万分 gan>kan>wan`fen- sigh with strong emotion 2128 3664
kai> 凯旋之日 kai>xuan/zhi-ri` day of triumphant return 2129 3665
kai> 奏凯而归 zou`kai>er/gui- return in triumph 2130 3666
kai` 同仇敌忾 tong/chou/di/kai` share a bitter hatred of the 2131 3667
enemy;be bound by a common 3668
hadred for the enemy 3669
kan- 堪当重任 kan-dang-zhong`ren` be capable of shouldering im- 2132 3670
portant tasks;can hold a post 3671
of great responsibility 3672
kan- 不堪设想 bu`kan-she`xiang> too ghastly (or dreadful) to 2133 3673
contemplate 3674
kan- 不堪一击 bu`kan-yi-ji- cannot withstand a single blow; 2134 3675
collapse at the first blow 3676
kan- 狼狈不堪 lang/bei`bu`kan- in an extremely awkward po- 2135 3677
sition;in a sorry plight;in 3678
sore straits 3679
kan- 刊谬补缺 kan-miu`bu>que- correct mistakes and make up 2136 3680
for deficiencies 3681
kan- 看家本领 kan-jia-ben>ling> one's special skill;one's 2137 3682
stock-in-trade 3683
kan` 看风使舵 kan`feng-shi>duo` trim one's sails 2138 3684
kang- 康庄大道 kang-zhuang-da`dao` broad road;main road 2139 3685
kang- 小康之家 xiao>kang-zhi-jia- well off family 2140 3686
kang- 慷慨陈词 kang-kai>chen/ci/ present one's views vehemently 2141 3687
kang- 慷慨解囊 kang-kai>jie>nang/ loosen one's purse strings 2142 3688
generously;help sb. generouse- 3689
ly with money 3690
kang- 吃糠咽菜 chi-kang-yan`cai` eat chaff and herbs 2143 3691
kang` 不卑不亢 bu`bei-bu`kang` neither haughty nor humble; 2144 3692
neither supercilious nor obse- 3693
quious;neither overbearing 3694
nor servile 3695
kang` 分庭抗礼 fen-ting/kang`li> stand up to sb. as an equal act 2145 3696
independently and defiantly 3697
kang` 抗日战争 kang`ri`zhan`zheng- the War of Resistance Against 2146 3698
Japan(1937-1945) 3699
kang` 伉俪情深 kang`li`qing/shen- deep affection between husband 2147 3700
and wife 3701
kao> 考上大学 kao>shang`da`xue/ be admitted to a university 2148 3702
after passing an entrance exam 3703
kao> 久经考验 jiu>jing-kao>yan` long-steeled 2149 3704
kao> 如丧考妣 ru/sang-kao>bi> (look) as if one had lost one's 2150 3705
parents --- (look) utterly 3706
wretceh 3707
kao` 靠边儿站 kao`bian-r~zhan` step aside;(fig.)(often forced 2151 3708
to) step down from one's post 3709
kao` 投亲靠友 tou/qin-kao`you> go and seek refuge with one's 2152 3710
relatives and friends;join 3711
relatives and friends in order 3712
to sustain a means to live 3713
kao` 犒劳将士 kao`lao/jiang`shi` feast the officers and men 2153 3714
of an army 3715
ke- 苛捐杂税 ke-juan-za/shui` exorbitant taxes and levies 2154 3716
ke- 磕磕碰碰 ke-ke-peng`peng` 1.knock against;bump against; 2155 3717
2.clask;aquabble 3718
ke- 磕头求饶 ke-tou/qiu/rao/ kowtow to sb. and beg for 2156 3719
mercy 3720
ke- 颗粒归仓 ke-li`gui-cang- Every grain to the grainery. 2157 3721
ke- 一颗黄豆 yi-ke-huang/dou` a soya bean 2158 3722
ke- 一颗牙齿 yi-ke-ya/chi> a tooth 2159 3723
ke- 一颗珍珠 yi-ke-zhen-zhu- a pearl 2160 3724
ke- 一颗子弹 yi-ke-zi>dan` a bullet 2161 3725
ke- 科教影片 ke-jiao`ying>pian` popular science film;science 2162 3726
and educational film 3727
ke- 科学技术 ke-xue/ji`shu` science and technology 2163 3728
ke- 作奸犯科 zuo`jian-fan`ke- violate the law and commit 2164 3729
crimes;commit offences against 3730
law and discipline 3731
ke- 科以罚金 ke-yi>fa/jin- impose a fine on sb.; fine 2165 3732
ke- 南柯一梦 nan/ke-yi-meng` the dream of the southern 2166 3733
tributary,meaning a fond 3734
dream or wishful thinking 3735
ke> 爱才若渴 ai`cai/ruo`ke> cherish talented persons as 2167 3736
one thirsts for water 3737
ke> 坎坷一生 kan>ke>yi-sheng- a liftime of frustrations 2168 3738
ke> 半世坎坷 ban`shi`kan>ke> half a lifetime of frustrations 2169 3739
ke> 可歌可泣 ke>ge-ke>qi` stirring;heroic and moving; so 2170 3740
heroic and touching as to bring 3741
people to tears 3742
ke> 可亲可敬 ke>qin-ke>jing` very dear and respectable 2171 3743
ke> 可喜可贺 ke>xi>ke>he` heartening an laudable 2172 3744
ke> 和蔼可亲 he/ai>ke>qin- affable and genial 2173 3745
ke` 克勤克俭 ke`qin/ke`jian` industry and frugality 2174 3746
ke` 刻不容缓 ke`bu`rong/huan> brook no delay;demand im- 2175 3747
mediate attention;be of 3748
great urgency 3749
ke` 刻舟求剑 ke`zhou-qiu/jian` nick the boat to seek the 2176 3750
sword--do sth. in disregard 3751
of changed circumstances 3752
ke` 客客气气 ke`ke`qi`qi` very polite;really modest 2177 3753
ke` 作客他乡 zuo`ke`ta-xiang- sojourn in a strange land 2178 3754
ke` 课间活动 ke`jian-huo/dong` break-time activity 2179 3755
ke` 恪尽职守 ke`jin`zhi/shou> carry out one's duties with 2180 3756
dedication 3757
ke` 溘然长逝 ke`ran/chang/shi` pass away;die 2181 3758
ken> 啃老玉米 ken>lao>yu`mi> nibble at an ear of corn 2182 3759
ken> 勤勤恳恳 qin/qin/ken>ken> diligent and conscientious 2183 3760
ken> 深中肯綮 shen-zhong`ken>qing` to the point 2184 3761
keng- 坑坑洼娃 keng-keng-wa-wa- full of bumps and hollows 2185 3762
keng- 铿然有声 keng-ran/you>sheng- gurgling and babbling 2186 3763
keng- 铿锵入耳 keng-qiang-ru`er> sonorous and pleasant 2187 3764
kong- 空跑一趟 kong-pao>yi-tang` make a journey for nothing; 2188 3765
make a wasted trip 3766
kong- 空前绝后 kong-qian/jue/hou` unprecedented and unrepeatable 2189 3767
kong- 空中小姐 kong-zhong-xiao>jie> air stewardess 2190 3768
kong- 空着肚子 kong-zhe.du`zi on an empty stomach 2191 3769
kong- 人财两空 ren/cai/liang>kong- lose both a person and money 2192 3770
kong- 腾空而起 teng/kong-er/qi> rise high into the sky 2193 3771
kong> 戎马倥偬 rong/ma>kong>zong> at a moment of military emer- 2194 3772
gency 3773
kong> 无孔不入 wu/kong>bu`ru` get in by every opening;seize 2195 3774
every opportunity 3775
kong> 有恃无恐 you>shi`wu/kong> have nothing to fear because 2196 3776
of strong backing 3777
kong` 空余时间 kong`yu/shi/jian- spare time;free time 2197 3778
kong` 填补空额 tian/bu`kong`e/ fill in the vacancy 2198 3779
kou> 口若悬河 kou>ruo`xuan/he/ let loose a stream of elo- 2199 3780
quence;be eloquent; speak 3781
volubly 3782
kou> 口是心非 kou>shi`xin-fei- say yes and mean no;say one 2200 3783
thing and mean another 3784
kou> 有口难言 you>kou>nan/yan/ cannot bring oneself to men- 2201 3785
tion sth.;find it hard or em- 3786
barrassing to bring up a matter 3787
kou` 不折不扣 bu`zhe/bu`kou` one hundred per cent; pure and 2202 3788
simple 3789
kou` 扣人心弦 kou`ren/xin-xian/ (of literature,performance, 2203 3790
etc.) exciting,breath-taking 3791
kou` 拧了三扣 ning>le~san-kou` drive in a screw in three 2204 3792
twists 3793
kou` 丝丝入扣 si-si-ru`kou` (fig.)(mostly of writing or 2205 3794
artistic performance) done 3795
with meticulous care and 3796
flawless artistry 3797
kou` 穷寇勿追 qiong/kou`wu`zhui- don't persue a beaten enemy 2206 3798
ku- 枯木逢春 ku-mu`feng/chun- get a new lease of life 2207 3799
ku- 枯井暗沟 ku-jing>an`gou- dry well and underground 2208 3800
drainage ditch 3801
ku- 枯枝败叶 ku-zhi-bai`ye` withered branches and leaves 2209 3802
ku- 枯燥无味 ku-zao`wu/wei` dry as dust;dull;uninteresting 2210 3803
ku- 哭哭啼啼 ku-ku-ti/ti/ weep and wail;cry without end 2211 3804
ku- 哭丧着脸 ku-sang.zhe.lian> with displeasure written on 2212 3805
one's face 3806
ku- 哭笑不得 ku-xiao`bu`de/ not know whether to laugh or 2213 3807
to cry;find sth. both funny 3808
and annoying 3809
ku- 刳木为舟 ku-mu`wei/zhou- hollow out a tree trunk to 2214 3810
make a canoe 3811
ku> 苦不堪言 ku>bu`kan-yan/ (of a person) suffer untold 2215 3812
misery and hardship 3813
ku> 苦尽甘来 ku>jin`gan-lai/ When the bitterness ends,the 2216 3814
sweetness begins. 3815
ku> 苦口婆心 ku>kou>po/xin- (admonish) earnestly and mater- 2217 3816
nally;(advise) patiently and 3817
sincerely 3818
ku> 苦苦哀求 ku>ku>ai-qiu/ implore urgently 2218 3819
ku> 苦思冥想 ku>si-ming/xiang> think long and hard;rack one's 2219 3820
brains (to solve a problem,etc. 3821
ku> 苦难深重 ku>nan`shen-zhong` be in deep distress; be in the 2220 3822
depth of misery 3823
ku` 穿连裆裤 chuan-lian/dang-ku` band together;collude;gang up 2221 3824
kua- 夸大其词 kua-da`qi/ci/ make an overstatement in speak- 2222 3825
ing or writing;exagerate;puff 3826
sth. up 3827
kua- 夸夸其谈 kua-kua-qi/tan/ (of speaking or writing)in- 2223 3828
dulge in exaggeration;indulge 3829
in verbiage 3830
kua- 夸下海口 kua-xia`hai>kou> brag about;talk big 2224 3831
kua- 夸张其辞 kua-zhang-qi/ci/ exaggerate;overstake 2225 3832
kua` 跨凤乘鸾 kua-feng`cheng/luan/ mount a phoenix 2226 3833
kuai` 财会制度 cai/kuai`zhi`du` financial and accounting regu- 2227 3834
lations 3835
kuai` 快搭把手 kuai`da-ba>shou> come over quickly and give 2228 3836
me a hand 3837
kuai` 快回来了 kuai`hui/lai/le be back soon 2229 3838
kuai` 快马加鞭 kuai`ma>jia-bian- spur on a flying horse to full 2230 3839
speed;(fig) redouble one's 3840
speed; at top speed 3841
kuai` 快人快语 kuai`ren/kuai`yu> straight talk from a straight- 2231 3842
forward person 3843
kuai` 进步很快 jin`bu`hen>kuai` make a rapid progress 2232 3844
kuai` 人心大快 ren/xin-da`kuai` to the immense satisfaction of 2233 3845
the people 3846
kuai` 手疾眼快 shou>ji/yan>kuai` quick of eye and deft of hand 2234 3847
kuai` 天快黑了 tian-kuai`hei-le It will be dark soon. 2235 3848
kuai` 心直口快 xin-zhi/kou>kuai` frank and outspoken; straight- 2236 3849
forward and plain-spoken 3850
kuai` 脍炙人口 kuai`zhi`ren/kou> win universal praise; enjoy 2237 3851
great popularity 3852
kuan- 宽打窄用 kuan-da>zhai>yong` budget liberally and spend 2238 3853
sparingly 3854
kuan- 宽大处理 kuan-da`chu>li> lenient treatment 2239 3855
kuan- 宽广无边 kuan-guang>wu/bian- broad and boundless 2240 3856
kuan- 宽宏大量 kuan-hong/da`liang` large-minded;magnanimous 2241 3857
kuan> 款步向前 kuan>bu`xiang`qian/ step forward deliberately 2242 3858
kuang- 编竹筐儿 bian-zhu/kuang-r weave bamboo baskets 2243 3859
kuang- 一筐苹果 yi-kuang-ping/guo> a basket of apples 2244 3860
kuang/ 狂风暴雨 kuang/feng-bao`yu> violent storms 2245 3861
kuang/ 狂风怒号 kuang/feng-nu`hao/ A violent wind howling. 2246 3862
kuang/ 狂轰烂炸 kuang/hong-lan`zha` wanton and indiscriminate 2247 3863
bombing 3864
kuang/ 狂妄自大 kuang/wang`zi`da` arrogant and conceited 2248 3865
kuang` 旷日持久 kuang-ri`chi/jiu> long and drawn-out;prolonged; 2249 3866
long-lasting 3867
kuang` 地旷人稀 di`kuang`ren/xi- vast and sparesly populated 2250 3868
area 3869
kuang` 年代旷远 nian/dai`kuang`yuan> of the remote past;age-old 2251 3870
kuang` 热泪盈眶 re`lei`ying/kuang` tears coming to one's eyes; 2252 3871
one's eyes brimming with 3872
tears 3873
kui- 功亏一蒉 gong-kui-yi-kui` fail to build a mound for want 2253 3874
of one final basket of earth-- 3875
fall short of success for lack 3876
of final effort 3877
kui- 岿然不动 kui-ran/bu`dong` steadfastly stand one's ground 2254 3878
kui- 窥豹一斑 kui-bao`yi-ban- narrow view of sth. 2255 3879
kui/ 众目暌暌 zhong`mu`kui/kui/ in the public eye 2256 3880
kui/ 揆其本意 kui/qi/ben>yi` make a guess about sb.'s 2257 3881
intention(揆:推测) 3882
kui/ 总揆百事 zong>kui/bai>shi` be in charge of all things 2258 3883
(揆:管理) 3884
kui> 傀儡政权 kui>lei>zheng`quan/ puppet regime 2259 3885
kui> 跬步不离 kui>bu`bu`li/ follow closely behind;keep 2260 3886
close to 3887
kui` 愧不敢当 kui`bu`gan>dang` I'm flattered but I honestly 2261 3888
don't deserve it. 3889
kui` 自愧不如 zi`kui`bu`ru/ be ashamed of one's inferi- 2262 3890
ority 3891
kui` 面带愧色 mian`dai`kui`se` look guilty;look ashamed 2263 3892
kui` 当之无愧 dang-zhi-wu/kui` deserve (one's title,honour, 2264 3893
award,or praise) 3894
kui` 发聋振聩 fa-long/zhen`kui` make a noise loud enough to 2265 3895
rouse the deaf and awaken 3896
the unhearing;(fig.)enlighten 3897
the ignorant or the benighted 3898
through spoken or written 3899
words 3900
kui` 溃不成军 kui`bu`cheng/jun- be utterly routed;break and 2266 3901
scatter after a series of 3902
defeats 3903
kui` 一触即溃 yi-chu`ji/kui` collapse at the first en- 2267 3904
counter 3905
kui` 喟然长叹 kui`ran/chang/tan` sigh deeply;heave a deep sigh 2268 3906
kun> 聊表谢悃 liao/biao>xie`kun> Its just a token of my sin- 2269 3907
cere gratitude 3908
kun> 一捆柴火 yi-kun>chai/huo> a bundle of firewood 2270 3909
kun` 困难险阻 kun`nan/xian>zu> dangerous and difficult roads 2271 3910
kun` 陷入困境 xian`ru`kun`jing` sink(or fall)into a predica- 2272 3911
ment 3912
kuo` 阔别多年 kuo`bie/duo-nian/ be separated for years 2273 3913
kuo` 迂阔之论 yu-kuo`zhi-lun` impractical views 2274 3914
kuo` 昂首阔步 ang/shou>kuo`bu` stride with one's chin up 2275 3915