大 ai` 大缆扯唔枚}难以相处 difficult to get along with 222dj
大 ai` 大肚腩 大肚皮(指人) potbelly;potbellied person 242dj
啤 bie- 啤酒肚 罗汉肚 potbelly 516dj
发1 fad' 发开口梦 说梦话 talk while asleep 1188dj
脚 gieg' 脚坳 脚掌 sole of the foot 1669dj
膝 lhib- 膝头曲 腘窝 popliteal area;back of the 3034dj
knee joint 3034dj
指 ji- 指手督脚 指手划脚 1.make gestures;2.make indis- 2236 2418dj
creet remarks or criticisms 2419dj
照 jieu' 照样画葫芦 依样画葫芦 draw a gourd according to the 2282 2468dj
model -- copy mechanically 2469dj
#拉 [lai-] 拉眼蛇 暗送秋波 give sb. the glad eye 2456 2649dj
烂1 lan` 烂纸包金 有钱人装穷 Gold is wrapped in scrap paper 2498 2694dj
---a rich man pretends to be 2695dj
烂1 lan` 烂牙 龋齿 1.tooth dacay;2.decayed tooth 2505 2703dj
#临 [lim*] 临嫁锥耳 临时抱佛脚 embrace the Bhuddha's feet 2649 2855dj
in one's hour of need-- seek 2856dj
help at the last moment 2857dj
#轮1 [lun*] 轮1 轮流 do sth. in turn;take turns 2716 2926dj
膝 lhib- 膝头曲 腘窝 popliteal area;back of the 2819 3038dj
脑 nao- 脑充血 脑充血 encephalemia 3203 3462dj
脑 nao- 脑溢血 脑溢血 cerebral hemorrhage 3204 3463dj
芽 nga* 芽菜 绿豆芽 mung bean sprouts 3284 3546dj